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Kitten Care Guide For Runescape is here
RuneHQ News

The Kitten Care Guide For Runescape is here.

You can check it out


RuneHQ's FIRST F2P Runescape Drop Party ANNOUNCED!
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ will be hosting it's first F2P Runescape Drop Party this month!

This is in celebration of Shaw's (April 10) and Weezy's (April 17) Birthdays and the release of Runescape!

When: April 17, 2004

Time: 3pm Central

(for futher time converstions, please visit Here

Where: Behind the Draynor Village Bank (south direction)

World: 7

If you have any questions, please post them on the Global Announcement on the forum!

P.S. For those of you who are coming to the party, and can show up here on the forum approximately 15 mintues early it would be greatly appreciated. We ask this so that we can attempt to break our our attendance record here of 76 people on Sat Nov 15, 2003 at 12:34 am. It has been mentioned before of making an attempt to do this, but no definite date and time was ever selected.


RuneHQ Staff.

~Weezy & Keystone

Runescape Explorer - World Switcher/tool kit made by E-Razor
RuneHQ News

The All New and wonderful Runescape Explorer - World Switcher/tool kit made by E-Razor has been updated and released.

Get your copy Today!

Click here to go to the downloads Page

Report all problems and bugs by posting to the World Switcher/Toolkit Thread

Upcoming RuneScape Updates
RuneHQ News

31st March 2004 - Upcoming RuneScape updates

Now that we have finished our big game engine update we can finally get back to producing regular updates to the game.
I'm sure you're all wondering whats coming next now the update is finally out, so read on for a summary of some of the things we have planned.

The new game engine allows for us to do a much greater variety of updates. We will be able to produce many exciting new features which we simply couldn't do previously. We have also expanded our development team over the last few months so expect the updates to start coming thick and fast.

Check out's Latest News and Updates section to read all of these exciting upcomming updates in detail.

~Monkeychris & Fudge

Dragonhide Armor Guide is here
RuneHQ News

A special thanks goes to corblo2 for the writing of this new RS2 Dragonhide Armor Guide. Good luck in grabbing you some of that scale armor. You can view the guide by clicking


RS-Classic Items Returned
RuneHQ News

30th March 2004 - RS-Classic Items Returned

As promised we have added a page to the website which lets you move your items from the main game back to RS-Classic.

If you wish to do this then press the 'account management' button on our front web-page, then login, and finally choose 'RuneScape Item Transfers' at the bottom right, to move your items.

Please read the instructions on the page carefully before using this feature!

RuneScape Item Transfers
This page allows you to transfer your items from RuneScape to RuneScape-Classic.

This is a temporary feature whilst people choose where they want their existing items. This page will be removed in a few weeks time. Some items can not be transferred between RS and RS-Classic because they have no equivalent in the other game. These items will be left unmoved. If you transfer runes or arrows from RS to RS-Classic, the number will be halved to compensate for the higher rarity of these items in RS-Classic. If you have an uneven number, you will lose the remainder of the division. For example 3 runes will become 1 rune. This is to prevent a possible duping issue. Only items in your BANK are moved. Items you are holding or wearing will not be moved. Note: You can use this to your advantage to deliberately leave some items/money behind.
If the destination bank is too full to accommodate all of the items you wish to transfer then some items will be left behind. To transfer the remaining items you will have to make more space and try again.

IMPORTANT: Only press this button if you are ABSOLUTELY SURE you want your items on RS-Classic! There is currently no way to move items back to the main game again. The button will attempt to move ALL items in your bank to RS-Classic.


Runescape 2 launched!
RuneHQ News

It's finally here, the RS2 beta has ended. And you can start playing it for real! Jagex has reset everyone's RS2 saves for the last time, so from now on all that you do and everything you gain in the new game will permanently affect your real character.
Here's partly how the launch works. they've changed the original plan slightly:

They have decided to copy your stats to both games. So you will have all your stats and abilities in both RS1 and RS2. You can play each game whenever you wish, using the same username/password. Skills you gain in one game will not affect the other game in any way. So if you're going to put some effort into levelling up they recommend you do so on the game you most want to stick with.

RS1 has been renamed to RS-Classic and moved to it's own separate section. This will be brought back online later today if everything goes to plan. This is being kept as a bit of history so people can see what the game used to look like, and for players who prefer a simpler non-changing game. Take a look at the RS-Classic pages for more details.

Check the global announcement or visit the offical runescape site for more info on this!

~METALLICA and Kngkyle~

We have made the Runescape 2 Map the default World map for the site. The Runescape Classic map has been added to the More Maps Page. You Can Get to it by going here.


Extra, Extra RS2 Is Coming, RS2 is Coming
RuneHQ News

You Don't want to miss this awesome edition of the RuneHQ News! We have all your data you need to make an informed decision about Runescape 2.

This months theme is Rs1 vs Rs2, were looking at info to help people make their decision as to whether to cross over or not.

It's a heated debate and both sides have valid points, but our money (and Jagex's) is on Runescape 2 being a success. Some people hate it and refuse to give it a chance. Lets just hope they don't regret that choice. Don't make the decision based on the good or the bad you hear, we suggest you try it for yourself and give it a week or two before you make a final decision! This edition has the inside scoop that may help make your decision easier.

Click on the Newspaper Link above or go here

RS2 Dungeon Monsters Guide Added!
RuneHQ News

Well, I uploaded the RS2 Dungeon Monsters Guide!

This tells you how many of each type of monster are in a dungeon and their level. Thanks to boyboy126 for writing this guide!

You can view it here.


Dueling Added to RS2!
RuneHQ News

Today JAGeX added Dueling to RS2! The dueling will occur in the Dueling Arena located northwest of Al Kharid.

There are lots of new options for you to try out, most should be self-evident.

- No Forfeit means that you can't chicken out and have to fight to the death; you can normally forfeit (and automatically lose) a duel by leaving through a trap door in an arena.

- No Movement turns off any movement; by default you can move anywhere within your arena while duelling.

- Obstacles gives you a choice between the types of arena you would like - either a plain arena or an arena with obstacles in it that may help Rangers and Mages.

- The other options are: No Weapons, No Armour, No Ranged, No Melee, No Magic, No Potions, No Food, No Prayer.

Please visit the RuneScape website for more info and details on this!


New RS2 Font/Color Guide now here
RuneHQ News

Hello fellow Rune HQ users we now have a new RS2 Font and Color guide available for all. A special thanks to thehellkeeper for the guide.

You can view it here.


New moderators!
RuneHQ News

The RuneHQ has selected some new moderators today!!

The following users have accepted the positions offered to them:

Runescape Category: Keystone and stormer

Wilderness/Dueling/Clan Boards: Gomes and kc_atticus

Gaming Category: Kngkyle and Mage101

General Category: Ronnie J and roboticfish


RS2 for F2P'ers Has Finally Arrived and Bug Update
RuneHQ News

Alot of people have been waiting for this day, RuneScape2 beta has come to free players! Yes thats right, early this morning JAGeX released RuneScape2 to all players!

You are granted a copy of your RuneScape1 bank to use in the Beta testing, but everything you do on RuneScape2 will be forgotten at the end of testing.

There was also a bug update today! Here is the list:

17th March 2004 - RS2 Bugfix Update

Today we have fixed the following bugs

Fixed: There was an area in the deep wilderness which didn't count as the wilderness

Fixed: Unlocked tunes on the music player were relocking themselves

Fixed: You could walk out into mid air from the tree gnome stronghold

Fixed: Some fishing spots got stuck where you couldn't fish them on Karamja

Fixed: You got poisoned opening the sinister key chest whether you drank a poison antidote beforehand or not

Fixed: Monk's of Zamorak wouldn't stop you getting the wine of Zamorak

Fixed: It was possible to get stuck on the trawler

Fixed: It was possible to repeatedly do the shield of Arrav quest.

Fixed: It was possible to repeatedly finish the waterfall quest

For more information, visit the RuneScape website!

~Polska21 and Comet~

RS2 Prayer Guild Guide available
RuneHQ News

Hello fellow RuneHq users

A new RS2 Prayer Guild Guide is now available. And a Dueling Guide is now here also

We are eager to take your submissions, and put them into our site.

Guild Guides.

Thank you Darkwiz for these great guides

Have a good day,


4 New Guild Guides Loaded!
RuneHQ News

Thanks to Darkwiz and psychopath for providing the new guild guides for the Legends Guild, and the RS2 Hero's Guild.

Guild Guides.

Thank you Darkwiz for this great guide

Legends Guild
And thanks psychopath for the great Legends guild guide.

Thanks to Darkwiz for submitting the RS2 Crafting Guild Guide and the RS2 Mining Guild Guide!

A big THANKS goes out to these two for all of their hard work.

Have a good day,

Dravan & Fudge

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