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RuneHQ May Event #1
RuneHQ News

Forum Competition

It's May and the Events Team is proud to launch their first forum based competition.

As part of a drive to get our members to look at different parts of the forums and discover what treasures are hidden within the confines of the forum, we are launching a competition, which will run from the 1st of May till the 21st of May

Each day, an image will be edited into a post made by an Event Team member, somewhere on the forum. The times they are posted will be random in order to allow all time zones to participate equally. Your job will be to find the image and post a link to the image in this topic. The first person who correctly identifies THAT day’s image (all other images will still be posted, so it will have to be the correct image in order to count as correct) will be declared the winner for each particular image. This will continue for two weeks, with the person identifying the most images being declared the winner. Each winner will be posted on the forum, with the overall winner being ‘roasted’ at our upcoming BBQ event. Those in second and third place will also be acknowledged.

A clue will be given to identify each of the image's to avoid confusion over the different days. The images will be posted at different times of the day so keep checking back here to see if the image for each particular day has been found yet. You may also want to familiarize yourself with the list of events team members and events helpers in the pinned list at the top of this board. That way you will have an idea of who to look for when searching through posts. All posts will be placed in public forums and not in private or staff only boards.

As this is forum based there will be no need for a countdown clock, world numbers, or a start time. All that is required is to explore the forums and use your detective skills to find the hidden images. Happy hunting to you all, and may the best detective win!

If you are not registered for the forums, click here to go to the Registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

May Newsletter
RuneHQ News

Newsletter Banner

The May Newsletter is here, enjoy. If you have any questions, corrections, or suggestions for this or an upcoming newsletter feel free to PM the editor DRAVAN.

Interview With Jagex!
RuneHQ News

Continuing with Jagex' statement to become more involved with fansites, recently our Admins had the pleasure of talking with a few members of Jagex. During this interview, we asked them a number of questions revolving around RuneScape.

Many people complain about bugs with new releases. How much QA and testing goes into new releases and updates? Has Runescape reached the limits of what can be played using a Java platform? Do you believe that eliminating the wild benefited or hurt the game?

These questions, among others, have now been asked and answered! For the answers to these questions, along with the rest of the interview, check out the Interview With Jagex topic on the forums.


RuneHQ April Event #3
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ April Event #3

Yep, this is our third event for April and we have a feeling it's going to be absolutely packed! This time it's good old fashioned hide-and-seek, but as usual, the Events Team is putting a little twist on it.

We'll start off by sending an Events Team member into the wild blue yonder to hide. A clue will then be given to help find him or her. Once the Events Team member has been found by 3 people he or she will take those people's names and then return to the starting place where another Events Team member will go hide. This will carry on until all 4 Events Team members have been found.

We will use the Clan Chat system to announce when a member has returned so you don't keep looking.

Now here's the twist: Only the 12 winning people from the first 4 rounds will be eligible to win the last hunt for an Events Team member, so make sure you are one of the 12! All participants can go looking for the Events Team member in the final round, but only one of the 12 named will be eligible to win the game. Finding the members will become progressively harder each round, with the final round being the most difficult of all.

So grab your thinking caps and come ready to show off your awesome seeking skills - and don't forget to say hi to the Jagex Mods!


Details are as follows:

  • Event: Hide and Seek

  • Date: Saturday, April 25th (F2P) / Sunday, April 26th (P2P)

  • Time: 7 pm GMT / 2 pm CDT
    (Time Converter)

  • World: 57 (F2P) / 60 (P2P)

  • Starting Point: Varrock square (F2P) / Falador castle courtyard (P2P)

  • Clanchat:

  • Items Required: (Super) Energy potions and/or Teleport methods.

Congratulations to all the winners of this past weekend's events! We hope you enjoyed it, so please visit our F2P Event topic and P2P Event topic and let us know what you thought and if we should do this again in the future.

We would also like to thank the Jagex Mods: Mod Howe, Mod Timbo, and Mod Fran, for taking the time to come out and play with us. We had a terrific time getting to know all of you and look forward to seeing more of all of you in the future.

  • F2P Event Round Winners:

  • Round 1: elka111x, silencer829, icanholdrune

  • Round 2: icanholdrune, phillyphane, siliencer829

  • Round 3: Lv 3 Today, Santa Freeze, Crusher 6 03

  • Round 4: greendayok5, Untaimed God, Xxwarrior05 & artix (tied for 3rd place)

  • Event Winners: greendayok5, icanholdrune elka111x

  • P2P Event Round Winners:

  • Round 1: Unit46, Parry_Otter5, and Philster 9

  • Round 2: 0rc warboss, Bhlee6, and Fatsoman999

  • Round 3: JimmyMittens, Icanholdrune, and Soccer4run

  • Round 4: Xray1002, Junni16, Cool_Blu20, 0cr warboss, Gwenevir, Linkabc_12398, and Otot22 (They all tied)

  • Event Winners: Philster9, Magicnight, Junni16, and Xray1022 (Two of them tied)

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

The Tale of the Muspah Quest Guide
RuneHQ News

The Tale of the Muspah Quest Guide

The Tale of the Muspah

We are proud to present you our questguide on RuneScape's latest novice quest The Tale of the Muspah. Thanks goes out to diamondi3ack and everyone else who helped in writing it.

~ Alfawarlord ~

Come and play along!
RuneHQ News

Wanna make a name for yourself? Looking for some fun? Come help the members beat the staff in a fun little game - Join the forum and post on this topic. The member that wins the game, if you can, earns $50.00 merchandise in the RuneHQ Store! We are always looking for ways to have fun and build a stronger community.

~MrStormy and the RuneHQ staff~

RuneHQ April Event #2
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ April Event #2:


April showers will bring May flowers which means that spring is here! so it is time to start thinking about our Farming skills. Farmer Blinkin is in a bit of an predicament. His farm has turned into a fluffy-tailed nightmare, with endless numbers of rabbits munching away at his most prized crops. He needs you to help him clear out the bunnies and collect the crops for him! This mini-game is safe unless you have been poisoned. Be sure to bring a spade, but if you forget yours, you can buy one from Mrs. Wilkin for 5gp. She will also provide you with your flags. You will receive 10 free flags from her when you start the game and she will sell you 10 additional flags for 500 or for points If you have never played Vinesweeper or need some reminders about how to play, then visit our
Vinesweeper mini-game guide for more information.

Note: You can NOT bring pets or familiars into this area!

  • Event: Vinesweeper Mini Game

  • Date: Saturday, April 18th

  • Time: 7 pm GMT/ 2 pm CDT(Time Converter)

  • World: 60 (P2P)

  • Starting Point: Farmer Bilkin's farm. Just talk to any Leprechaun at a farming patch and select the "teleport" option. Once inside, talk to Mrs. Wilkin or read the sign posts for direction.

  • Clanchat: Lord_Sobek

  • Items Required: Spade, extra gp if you need to purchase more flags.

  • Items Recommended: Boots of lightness, Spotted/Spottier cape, (Super) energy potions, and Penance gloves.

Welcome Spring House Party!

But wait - that is not all! We will also be having a Welcome Spring House Party! The party will be held at Lord Sobek's House (he has 99 construction and a deadly dungeon). This will take place after the event is finished so make sure you come along for a great time. House party will begin at 7:45 pm GMT/ 2:45 CDT. The house is located in Yanille. The party will not start until the time above, so please do not try to enter Lord Sobek's house until that time.

For more information and discussion, see the official Forum topic.

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

RuneHQ April Event #1
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ April Event #1

Easter Bunny
Easter is a time for new growth and seeing all the new born animals in the fields, like the cute little bunnies and lambs. Easter is also about something else, rolling eggs, and even better if they're chocolate ones. Unfortunately, we can't supply you with chocolate eggs as much as we would really like to, but it's just not possible as the postman would eat it first and you'd just get an empty wrapper.

So, for our first event of the month, we decided that we didn't want you rolling eggs, but running with them instead. There's a twist, however, as you will need help. Here's what we are going to do, well, what you are going to do actually. We want you to meet us at the time and date specified below, but we also want you to bring 3 friends as this is going to be a team event. Here's how it will work.

Step 1: You will be given 4 items by the Events Team that you will be required to take to a specific location where you will pass one of the items to your 1st friend.

Step 2: You and they will then be sent to a second location to meet your 2nd friend where you will also give them an item.

Step 3: Same as step 2, but this time when you get to the location, you will give your 3rd friend one of the items which all 4 of you will then need to take to another location.

Step 4: Once you all reach the next location, you will need to pass the items to the Events Team person that will be waiting for you. Your team leaders name will then be taken and they will be given an egg. The full team must then take the egg to a final destination. However, the clue to that destination will be mixed up so you will need to use your brain power to work it out. The first three teams to finish with all members present will be declared the winners. So, start getting your team together and register their names in this topic so that if you win, we can tell everyone who was in your winning team.

Details are as follows:

  • Event: Easter Egg Race

  • Date: Saturday, April 11th (F2P) / Sunday, April 12th (P2P)

  • Time: 7 pm GMT / 2 pm CDT(Time Converter)

  • World: 57 (F2P) / 60 (P2P)

  • Starting Point: Monastery near Edgeville (F2P) / Farming patch NW of Seers' bank (P2P)

  • Clanchat: King of alba

  • Strongly Suggested Items:Energy potions, Explorer ring, Spirit terrorbird pouch with scrolls, and Teleport runes. Remember that all members required at each location must be present so if you teleport you will need to wait for your friend if they can't teleport to obtain the next location.

Note: It would be advisable, though not absolutely necessary, that all your team members wear the same clothing or the same capes to help with identification purposes. Once you have your team together, post it in the thread on the forums. Also, please make sure that you follow all instructions of the events team members and staff at the events to make sure you don't fail part of the race.

For more information and discussion, see the official F2P Event topic and P2P Event topic

We want to thank everyone for their participation in this weekends events. The following were the winners on their respective days:

  • f2p Event Saturday: Lion King 442, Silencer 829, pppriddle27, and Axd6

  • p2p Event Sunday: Job is God, Kentis99, Pkerofnoob, and Jballer22

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

Glorious Memories Quest Guide
RuneHQ News

Glorious Memories Quest Guide

In memory of the release of the latest quest, we are pleased to present you our Glorious Memories quest guide. Thanks goes out to senug5 and everyone else who helped in writing it.

~ Alfawarlord ~

Chik'nHQ Launch!
RuneHQ News

Chik'nHQ Launch!

Chik'nHQHello everyone, we have some important announcements today. Due to the rough economic times we were forced to seek help from a corporate sponsor to assist with site and server costs. Thankfully we were able to secure a sponsorship, however a few changes were necessary as a result.

First we have changed our name to Chik'nHQ in tribute to our new sponsor. Additionally, we have shifted our focus away from many aspects of RuneScapes in favor of those we feel are more suited to our interests - namely, chickens. Chik'nHQ

We here at Chik'nHQ feel that chickens have been unfairly treated in RuneScape for far too long, exploited for the last decade as training fodder for new RuneScape players and mercilessly burnt to a crisp by upstart cooks. Chickens who have stood up for themselves have been discriminated against, labeled with hurtful titles like "Evil Chicken," and brutally slaughtered.

We felt that this has gone on for long enough, so we have decided to dedicate ourselves to protecting the rights of chickens everywhere.

So please, join us in the fight to stop the anti-chicken sentiments pervading RuneScape. Only YOU can make a difference.

~ Chik'nHQ Staff ~

April Newsletter
RuneHQ News

Newsletter Banner

The April Newsletter is here, enjoy. If you have any questions, corrections, or suggestions for this or an upcoming newsletter feel free to PM the editor DRAVAN.

Now Hiring Site Coders!
RuneHQ News

Now hiring Site Coders

Are you pro at coding? Do you know XHTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP like the back of your hand? Do you want to help create new features for RuneHQ? If so, fill out an application today to become a part of our brand new Site Coding Team!

As this is one of the most demanding jobs on the RuneHQ Staff, only apply if you feel you are both very talented and willing to put a lot of time into the job.

We look forward to reading your application.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

RuneHQ March Event #2
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ March Event #2

It's time for our F2P event of this month. It's almost the end of March, so why not celebrate the last days of March Madness? Now is your chance to go mad against fellow RuneHQ'ers at the Duel Arena!

Either for fun or some serious fighting, all are welcomed. And if you feel really confident in yourself, save some extra cash to stake against others. Just remember, the maximum stake is 3k per a fight. If you realize you have forgotten an item, don't worry because there are bank chests to access. The most important information is that this is a SAFE mini-game, so no worries about losing items. If you have not been to the Duel Arena or you need a refresher, then visit the Duel Arena Guide. Good luck!

  • Event: Duel Arena

  • Date: Saturday, March 28th

  • Time:7 pm GMT / 2 pm CST (Time Converter)

  • World: 57 (F2P)

  • Starting Point: Duel Arena, at the hospital.

  • Requirements: Your best combat equipment (Melee, Mage, Ranged). Potions and food are optional.

For more information and discussion, see the official Forum topic.

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

The Chosen Commander Quest Guide
RuneHQ News

The Chosen Commander Quest Guide

The Chosen Commander

We are proud to present you our The Chosen Commander quest guide. Thanks goes out to Clamball and everyone else who helped in completing it.

~ Alfawarlord ~

New Link Format
RuneHQ News

Hi everyone, we recently updated how links are formed on the site, so be sure to update any favorites and bookmarks you may have to reflect the changes.

If you encounter a page that does not have any content or an index that contains an empty table where links to guides should be, clear your browser's cache. This is caused by your browser displaying old, cached, outdated pages. If you require help to clear your cache, feel free to ask on our forums, and remember, Google is your friend.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

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