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Banner Competition
RuneHQ News


This competition is to create a GFX set comprising of one banner and one underbanner for the Clans Mods to use with the Top 50 Clans list.

Maximum dimensions for banner: 550 x 250 pixels.

Maximum dimensions for underbanner: 350 x 25 pixels

If required, you may be a few pixels higher than the maximum dimensions, if it absolutely cannot be helped.

The banner will be the first thing people see when they click on the Top 50 Clans ranking thread and therefore we are looking for something to "spice" the thread up a little.

Please PM all entries to Tarahiro.

All entries must be received by 11.30pm GMT-5 on Friday 31st July.
You may submit more than one image set.

Feel free to pm Tarahiro if you have any questions.

Good luck to all who enter!


RuneHQ July Event #1 and #2
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ July Event #1

If our first competition had you scurrying around the forums, then this month's forum competition will have you running much further afield. It's all in the detail as we see just how much you know about Runescape and more importantly, it's landscape.

Each day in July (1st till the 26th Inclusive) a member of the Events team will post a picture of themselves somewhere in a F2P area of Runescape. All you need to do is locate that section of the Runescape landscape and go there. Once there you need to take a screenshot of yourself in that spot and then post in this topic. The first person to post the correct screenshot wins for that day. The person with the most wins after the competition closes will be crowned the ultimate winner. The competition will close on the 26th July.

Please be advised that images can be posted at any time of the day or night as there is no set time for posting. It's all up to the individual team members when they post.

Your screenshot must show you in the exact same place as the posted image, not in the general area. For example: If an image is posted of someone standing between two Cacti in the Al Kharid desert then you must be in the same place in your screenshot. Also, you don't need to be wearing the same clothes, just be in the same spot for your image. You MUST post your image in this topic, we will not accept links to your image

May the best person win, Good luck and happy hunting.

For more information or to post your artwork, please visit the Official Topic

RuneHQ July Event #2

Rev Cyclops
At last, we may get to lead you all to your doom mwuhahahahaha. You're all going to diiiiieee.No seriously, we have to come along with you and help protect you, darn.

We want you to come along in your masses, there's always safety in numbers you know, just ask the wildebeest in the Serengeti. That's going to be you lot. Ok ok, not really, The force will protect you all. Oh sorry, wrong movie.

Anyway, what you don't want to do is bring along anything too valuable in case you happen to pass over to the ghostly side of life. It may be that your grave gets blessed ok, but you still need to get back to it to recover your items. Bring lots of life saving equipment.

Now for the important dates and stuff. This isn't a one off event as we are doing it twice in the same weekend. Feel free to attend both events if you can.

  • Event: Wilderness Adventure

  • Date:

    • F2P: Saturday, 11th July

    • P2P: Sunday, 12th July

  • Time:

    • 2pm CDT June (USA Central)

    • 7pm GMT June (Universal Time)

    • 8pm BST June (UK)

    • 9pm CEST June (Central Europe)

    Time Converter (F2P)

    Time Converter (P2P)

  • World:

    • F2P: 47

    • P2P: 64

  • Starting Point: Edgeville bank

  • Clan Chat: King of alba

Here are some guides with information on the Wilderness and what you should bring along.

Remember that you can also brush up on a few skills while you are there, if you want to take the chance. You may also want to think about bringing some of the following if you are brave enough.

  • Dragon-hide Armor (Best kind you can equip and/or afford)

  • Forinthry Bracelet (Protects against being tele-blocked)

  • Anti-poison (Against the revenants)

  • Knife (For cutting webs)

  • Good Food

If you're going to fight revs or anything else you might want to bring one or more of these;

  • Good weapon

  • Jennica's Ring (Increases drop potential from revenants)

For more information or to post your artwork, please visit the Official Topic

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

Site Maintenance Tomorrow
RuneHQ News

Tomorrow night 7/2/2009 at 12:01 am CST - 6 am CST there will be server maintenance performed to upgrade software on our servers. Please expect intermittent outages while this work is performed.

We are also purchasing a 3rd web server for and hope to soon add to the 2 we already have to help with the server load. We are going from 2 load balanced servers up to 3. We hope this will help speed up load times for as the traffic will now be split in 1/3 instead of 1/2 per server.

We will continue to try our best to provide you with a stable well performing site. Thanks for your continued support and patience during the upgrades.


RuneHQ Twitter
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ Twitter


Twit, Tweet, Twitter... RuneHQ goes Twitter. We couldn't turn a blind eye to our twitters. Our staff members will use twitter on top of the forum and the site to inform you about what is going on in the world of RuneHQ. A new event? New features? Exciting forum games? Prize winning contest? Updated guides? Or just something funny?

Want to find out and stay up to date? Check out our Official RuneHQ Twitter.

~ Alfawarlord ~

RuneHQ June Event #3
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ June Event #3

Cockroach Soldier
Have you ever wanted to squash some bugs? Ever wanted to see what squished roach looks like? Well, now you can. The RuneHQ Events Team will be heading out in to The Stronghold of Player Safety to do just that and we want you to come along and help. Once there, feel free to train your various combat skills on the bugs there, or you can just hang out and chat with some RuneHQ Events Team and Staff members. Just don't let the bugs bite while you stand around. So, let's rack up the rune items, shall we? and let's give those roaches a good pasting to show them who's boss.

This is a free-to-play and a Pay-to-Play event. Also, please be aware that this is not a safe area, so only bring the items that you are willing to risk losing. You will also be required to do the mini-quest to gain access but it's easy enough with the RuneHQ Stronghold of Player Safety mini-quest guide.

  • Event: Bug Extermination Time!

  • Date: Sunday, June 21st

  • Time:

    • 2pm CDT June 21st (USA Central)

    • 7pm GMT June 21st (Universal Time)

    • 8pm BST June 21st (UK)

    • 9pm CEST June 21st (Central Europe)

    • 5am AEST June 22st (Australia)

    (Time Converter) , (Countdown Clock)

  • World (F2P):55

  • World (P2P):60

  • Starting Point: The Stronghold of Player Safety, located just north of the Barbarian Village and south of Edgeville.

  • Items needed: Armor, Weapon, Potions, and Food.

  • Clanchat (F2P): Hilwin1

  • Clanchat (P2P): King of Alba

If you are not sure how to get here, please check the Stronghold of Player Safety guide. For more information and discussion, please see the Official Topic

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

Site Improvements: Part 2
RuneHQ News

Site Improvements: Part 2

Our second batch of site improvements has finally arrived, just in time for summer vacation. The RuneHQ Site Coding team has been really hard at work, and after many long hours, late nights, and cups of coffee we are pleased to present the following new features.

RuneHQ Video Database

We now have a centralized location for you to find all your favorite RuneScape videos. Not only will you be able to view famous music, gameplay, comedy, and event videos, but you will also be able to upload your own!

That's not all though. Video maker extraordinaire TehNoobShow has joined the RuneHQ Staff as the manager of our new database, and he will be in charge of selecting and adding videos for your enjoyment!

We hope you'll enjoy the extensive range of RuneScape videos available to you, and enjoy the ability to submit your own to us for entry into the database for all our users to see!

Item Comparison

Have you ever wondered about the exact bonuses available for a weapon? Are you debating whether to get full Bandos versus full Dragon? Our new feature, Item Comparison, will allow you to select multiple items, up to eight, and compare each stat to find the weapon that is right for you - at a glance indications of the best weapon through highlighting will ensure you always get the best weapon for the job.

Javascript Navigation Menu

We have added the option to use a Javascript top Navigation menu on the main site.

This option replaces the left menu and some of the right menus, so the navigation will only be at the top.

The top menu option has been disabled for those who use IE 6 or IE 7 as there are some compatibility issues, but it works with IE 8, Firefox, Opera, and other modern web browsers.

If you have problems with any other browsers, please tell us on the forums, letting us know the browser and the version that you have problems with so we can look at it.

We recommend you clear your internet browser cache to make sure you are not loading old versions of pages!

For all of you that prefer the old style menus, you can switch back to it by choosing any skin prefixed "Left Menu" under the Site Skins drop down.

We are in the process of skinning the top navigation menu, so look for small tweaks in the next few days.

News Feeds

We have reworked how the news feeds on the site index are displayed. Look for the latest RuneScape news, RuneHQ news, RuneHQ Events, and JaGex and RuneHQ Twitter feeds all in one convenient location on the site index. Be sure to visit the topics these link to on our forums, and leave a comment or vote whether you like the particular update or not.

The Future

Our coding team is always coming out with new features, like these few, and we hope you'll enjoy these features as much as we enjoyed creating them. As always, any problems can be filed in the Tracker and any suggestions in the Suggestions Board.

Stay tuned for Part 3 of our Site Improvements in the next few weeks - we are all very excited about it, and we're sure you will be too. If all goes well, it just might revolutionize RuneScape fan sites.

~ The Site Development Managers and Site Coding Team ~

RuneHQ June Event #1 and #2
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ June Event #1

It's time to put your best finger forward for this month's forum-based competition. We are always hearing about art in the forums, so the Events Team has decided to put you all to the test. This is not a normal art competition, though, as you will only be able to use the characters on your keyboard for entry into this competition.

The rules are simple: You can only use characters on your keyboard. You cannot copy anyone's work. You cannot copy a design from any other website. You may only post one entry, so take you time.

If you fail to follow any of these rules, your entry will be disqualified without notice. You can edit your entry though up until the closing date.

Here is a small sample King_Of_Alba made earlier just for a point of reference.



H__ H..II..H___H







Good luck to you all and may the best artist win.

For more information or to post your artwork, please visit the Official Topic

RuneHQ June Event #2

Agility Arena Map
Do you like to flip, climb, turn, jump, and twist? Do you like a bit of danger? Well, now you can have it all. The RuneHQ Event's Team is going to put your agility to the test at the Brimhaven Agility Arena! See if you can survive this tough course while burning all that energy left over from sitting in that boring, old classroom you left behind today.

This event will be fun for all of our P2P members! Do you think you have the agility, and the ability, to beat the Brimhaven Agility Arena? Well, come along and prove it. Please be advised that you can die here, so wear the minimum amount possible and don't bring along any expensive items. You cannot bring pets or familiars into the arena, either.

  • Event: Agility and skills day

  • Date: Sunday, June 14th

  • Time:

    • 2pm CDT June 14th (USA Central)

    • 7pm GMT June 14th (Universal Time)

    • 8pm BST June 14th (UK)

    • 9pm CEST June 14th (Central Europe)

    • 5am AEST June 15th (Australia)

    (Time Converter) , (Countdown Clock)

  • World: 60 (P2P)

  • Starting Point:
    Brimhaven Agility Arena / Pirate Hut (Cap'n Izzy No-Beard)

  • Skills required: 40
    Agility to enter

  • Items needed: 200GP to enter the arena. You can bring Karamja gloves 3 for extra bonuses and if you have completed the Rocking Out quest, you can get into the arena for free.

  • Items recommended: Agility potions and food

  • Clan Chat: Hilwin1

For those who do not have the required agility level then you can still get other skills up in the vicinity by farming, fighting, thieving, among other skills.

For more information and discussion, please see the Official Topic

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

Hunt for Red Raktuber Quest Guide
RuneHQ News

Hunt for Red Raktuber Quest Guide

Hunt for Red Raktuber

At last, we are proud to present you our questguide on RuneScape's latest quest Hunt for Red Raktuber. Thanks goes out to diamondi3ack, Kitty0333100, and Job is God. We would also like the thank everyone else who helped in writing it.

~ Alfawarlord ~

Get Your Own Clan Forum
RuneHQ News

Get Your Own Clan Forum

Are you in a clan? Do you want your own private forum on RuneHQ so you can communicate with your members? Well you can have one! RuneHQ is going to give each and every clan that wants one, their own private forum that only you and your members will be able to see! This will allow clans who don't have their own website to simply use RuneHQ as their clans website! All you need is an account on our forums and you are good to go!

We will give any clan who wants one their own forum under the Clan Community board. Clan Leaders will be able to moderate their clans forum and only members of your clan will be able to see inside, so you can discuss your private clan matters without worrying about other clans knowing! What's more, not even our staff will be able to see inside your forum so you can be confident of complete privacy.

How to get your own forum:

In order to get a forum for your clan you need a minimum of 10 members in your clan and each of them need to have a registered account on our forums. Clan Leaders should send a Personal Message to one of the following staff members, in order to get a forum:

Lord Sobek





Template to follow:

Please use the following template when requesting a forum.

  • Clan Initials:

  • Clan Name:

  • Number of Members:

  • Clan Leader(s): (Profile Link(s))

  • Description of Clan:

  • Clan Members: (Profile Links)

If you have any questions about this new feature, please feel free to contact a member of the Clans Category Staff or
Lord Sobek and we will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

If you are not registered for the forums, click here to go to the Registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

~ Lord Sobek ~

Missing My Mummy Quest Guide
RuneHQ News

Missing My Mummy Quest Guide

Missing My Mummy

At last, we are proud to present you our questguide on RuneScape's latest quest Missing My Mummy. Thanks goes out to diamondi3ack and everyone else who helped in writing it.

~ Alfawarlord ~

RuneHQ May Event #3
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ May Event #3

It is not quite summer yet, but we decided we just could not wait any longer. We want to be fed now. With that said, we welcome you to what should be a very relaxing day at our RuneHQ pre-summer BBQ.

It is not just all about the eating and drinking. You may also burn up a few calories while improving your skills, such as fishing, firemaking, etc. or bring some items along to high alch. If you do not want to skill up, then join our crazy conga line and dance round the north of the island.

If that is all too much like hard work then you can just hang out, chill and meet the RuneHQ Event Team members, Staff members and the tons of friends that you will be bringing along with you. Tons of friends is optional though. Who knows, we may even have some of our friends from Jagex there!

Event details are as follows:

  • Event: Pre-Summer BBQ

  • Date: Sunday, May 24th

  • Time:

    • 2pm CDT May 24th (USA Central)

    • 7pm GMT May 24th (Universal Time)

    • 8pm BST May 24th (UK)

    • 9pm CEST May 24th (Central Europe)

    • 5am AEST May 25th (Australia)

    (Time Converter) , (Countdown Clock)

  • World: 61 (F2P)

  • Starting Point: Banana Plantation, Musa Point

  • Items recommended: Anything fun or skill related.

For more information and discussion, please see the Official Topic

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

Radio Competition 2
RuneHQ News

Radio Competion 2

Name That Theme!

We are jumping right into things again to bring you our second radio competition. Name That Theme!

How do you attend? - Click HERE to go to RuneHQ's Radio page. You just show up here on the right day and join in.

How do you play? - We will play a theme tune through radio 1. The first person to name the theme tune through the shoutbox wins. Points will be totaled up at the end of the competition. Some of the theme tunes will be easily recognized where as others will need a little more thought.

Date? - Saturday, May 23rd

Time? - 2 pm CDT | 7 pm GMT | 8pm BST. (Click HERE to convert the time into your timezone)

Do not worry about being there right on time. You can join in the game at whatever point you want. Although, it is advised you attend the beginning so that we can lay down some rules and answer some questions.

Last weeks competition was a blast and everybody enjoyed them self's so come along this week and join in the fun!

For more information and discussion, please see the Official Topic.

~ Kate (RuneHQ DJ) ~

RuneHQ and SwiftIRC
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ and SwiftIRC

RuneHQ is proud to announce our latest change - We're moving to SwiftIRC!

That's right, now you can enter the #RuneHQ channel on SwiftIRC to interact with the RuneHQ community. Whether you're playing RuneScape or just want to stop in for a chat, feel free to enter #RuneHQ on for our official IRC chat.

With this new partnership with SwiftIRC, RuneHQ is going to greatly increase its presence in the Clans community, and we are dedicated to bring your clans the best service possible.

The RuneHQ Clans Category staff is going out and about in the wider Clans Community, to find out exactly what it is that makes clans tick. We are continually trying to find ways to improve, and the best way to do that is to find out what you guys want. We will even drop by your clans channel on IRC to have a chat with you about what we can do for you! Please see this topic for more information!

We're excited to pursue this change and we hope you are too!

~Bunny_Man and Lord_Sobek~

RuneHQ May Event #2
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ May Event #2

Fight PitsSo, you like to battle, you want the thrill of the fight? Think you can be the last one standing? Well it's time to show us just what you're made of. It's time for our first Runescape event of the month. So make sure that you get your best armor ready because this event is none other than the TzHaar Fight Pits! Dare you take the challenge!!

This is a very scary place and if you are not prepared, you will die. However, there's no need to panic, as the TzHaar Fight Pits is a safe mini-game. This means that you will NOT lose your items if you die. If you ever wanted to test yourself to see if you have what it takes, then this is the time! The winner is determined by the last warrior standing.

If you do not know how to play this mini-game, you may want to check out our TzHaar Fight Pit mini-game guide.

Event details are as follows: Please note that this is going to be a Double event, It will be held twice on the same day to allow members from around the world to participate.

  • Event: TzHaar Fight Pits

  • Date: Saturday, May 16th

  • Time:

    • Event 1: 2pm CDT / 7pm GMT / 8pm BST / 9pm CEST May 16th / 5am AEST May 17th
      (Time Converter)

    • Event 2: 9pm CDT May 16th / 2am GMT / 3am BST / 4am CEST / 12pm AEST May 17th
      (Time Converter)

  • World: 60 (P2P)

  • Starting Point: TzHaar Fight Pits in the TzHaar City, located under Musa Point on Karamja.

  • Items recommended: Melee/Magic/Ranged armor, food, potions, summoning familiars, and anything else you may need to triumph in the Fight Pits. When you die, you will NOT lose your items, so there is no need to worry!

  • Clan Chat: 2pm CDT - Hilwin1

    9pm CDT - Hilwin1

For more information and discussion, please see the Official Topic

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

RuneHQ Facebook Fanpage is now available
RuneHQ News


RuneHQnow has a Facebook fanpage and we will be announcing events, posting pics, and related information on this page as well as here on RuneHQ. This will help to allow other RuneScape players to attend our events and get to know us, maybe even join us on our forums. To visit or to become a fan, go to RuneHQ Fan Page.

Note, to join the staff page, you must be invited. Feel free to visit us!

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