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Behind the Scenes and Postbag from the Hedge
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

1 September 2008 - Behind the Scenes - September

Penguin mask
When you decide to train a skill, you may have one area in mind: a favourite patch of trees, perhaps, or a specific altar to craft your runes. Well, this month's first update, Distractions and Diversions, will threaten to turn that way of thinking on its head. You see, Distractions and Diversions will offer new ways of training your skills, but you'll rarely know when (or where) they'll turn up next...

Take Penguin Hide and Seek, for example. You may be walking around RuneScape, summoning yaks and thieving paladins, when something catches your eye. Is that a flash of beak in that nearby bush? Does that toadstool have flippers? You won't be going loopy - the penguins of the north are spying on us humans, and Larry will want you to spot them first. He'll be willing to pay well for a penguin sighting and will even cash in your Penguin Points for experience in any skill.

It would be hard to get more bizarre than penguins in mushroom costumes, but Distractions and Diversions has an ace up its sleeve. That ace will be Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza, a travelling circus that encourages the audience to get up and join the action. Wow the crowds with a magic trick, acrobatic feat and a well-placed throwing knife and you'll gain experience or even an outfit to clown about in.

The last Distraction and Diversion will come in the form of a Shooting Star. Instead of making a wish, you'll need to rush to the crash site and mine its thick outer layers. Break through them on your own or with others and you'll uncover a curious-looking star sprite, the magical inhabitant of shooting stars. As a reward, it might even help you out with some gold, objects and the ability to temporarily mine quicker.

Not all of our updates arrive and depart as unpredictably as Distractions and Diversions; the following release, the Clan Wars Update, is a far more predictable (but welcome) addition to this Behind the Scenes. It'll bring a swathe of new options for creating a clan war that suits you. What options will be available? Time for a list!

  • Free-for-all battles

  • The optional ability to run back into battle after death

  • Combat style

  • New obstacle choices

  • Single-way areas

  • Time limits

  • Kills required for a victory

  • Keep/Lose items on death (without the ability for other players to pick them up)

  • New arenas

The option we're most stoked about is free-for-all battles, where anyone will be able to run in and start battling immediately. It won't matter if you're in a clan or not; you'll be teleported to a vast PvP area where you can have a large scrap with anyone else you meet in there.

'A large scrap' is exactly what will be offered in Summer's End. In this dramatic conclusion to Spirit of Summer, you'll be confronted by the beast who has been sapping the family's souls. Unfortunately, yours is particularly tasty, so you'll need swift feet, hard skin and help from some spirited friends if you're going to survive. The quest will be particularly taxing for those who are not prepared, but you'd expect that from a skill-based battle with one of RuneScape's hardest-hitting monsters, right? Don't worry: the rewards and the family's heartwarming smiles will definitely be worth it.

There will be few smiles in our last thriller update, Defender of Varrock. Deep in the Wilderness, braindead hordes will form into ranks, in a manner that the evil dead rarely do. Such an occurrence will need to be investigated, of course, and the identities of those behind it will have to be revealed. The question is, can you turn the zombie tide before Varrock becomes a shambling land of the dead? Reading the Legend of Arrav lores and histories may well help you out in this particular quest...

It's not all war, zombies and soul-eating this month: there are laughs to be had in the Postbag from the Hedge, with some pictures that are far more handsome than a zombie's ugly mug in our Players' Gallery and wallpaper release.

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28 August 2008 - Postbag from the Hedge

Postie Pete
In this month's postbag we've got some wise words from the Poll Orks, Mr Mordaut explaining planar theory and the latest edition of Evil Dave's Conspiracy Theories. So, if you want to know some harsh truths about RuneScape, head over to the latest installment of the POSTBAG FROM THE HEDGE OF EVIL.

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September Newsletter!
RuneHQ News

The official RuneHQ September Newsletter is here. Take some time, sit back, and enjoy yourself with the new information and happenings coming your way.

All Fired Up Quest and Guide
RuneHQ News

All Fired Up Quest Guide

Blaze Sharpeye

For those who are looking for an interesting and fun way to train their Firemaking, the reward of this quest offers the access to a new Firemaking mini-game.

Our thanks go out to Razkumar and everyone else who helped to get this guide up so quickly!

~ Alfawarlord ~

Quotations taken directly from

26 August 2008 - All Fired Up

Increasingly concerned by Morytania mischief makers and invaders from the Wilderness, King Roald has a burning desire to increase homeland security. This has taken the form of a beacon network that will warn Varrock of invasion. The beacons have been built and firetenders have been assigned to look after them; the only problem is that they are yet to be tested – and that's where King Roald could use your pyromania...

After you learn the basics of lighting and maintaining the beacons in a sizzlingly short quest, you are free to use the beacons as you please. Why not challenge yourself and see how many beacons you can keep simultaneously alight? Rewards are in store for those who succeed, not to mention some Firemaking experience for flashy firetenders.


Where to start the All Fired Up quest:

Talk to King Roald in the Varrock Palace throne room.

Requirements to complete the All Fired Up quest:

Level 43 Firemaking

Priest in Peril

Access to:

A new way to train Firemaking

Some flaming-brilliant Firemaking rewards

In other news...

The level 86 Plank Make spell now has the option to skip the warning message when converting logs to planks. At this level, we feel that most players are aware that it costs money; so, after one cast, you can opt to turn the message off.

Various dyes have had their Grand Exchange price ranges adjusted to allow for a built-in 'delivery' cost. This compensates those players who have taken the time to gather dyes in larger quantities.

A new option has been added to allow the collection of Grand Exchange purchases in note form. Don't worry: you can still choose to take the objects directly, but for larger quantities this option should be cert-ifiably handy!

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RuneHQ Live Help
RuneHQ News

Each Saturday

1PM - 3PM CDT (6PM - 8PM GMT)

Stumped? Need help right away!? Try RuneHQ Live Help.

RuneHQ Live Help
Have you ever been working on a quest and you were stumped on the next step? Or maybe you are working on your 99 skill goal and just want to get some other opinions? You want to get some quick answers, but your usual band of friends are not online at the time, so what can you do?

Here are RuneHQ, we want to help you out. We will be providing weekly sessions on IRC and Ventrilo, so that you can ask our staff volunteers those burning questions! Please click on the graphic to the right or here to get more information or discuss this new feature.

Time Converter and how to use it.

If you are not registered on our Forums, just click here to go to the registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

~ RuneHQ Staff ~

Guinness Record and Jagex Store
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

22 August 2008 - RuneScape in Guinness World Records!

Guinness World Record
RuneScape has entered the record books this week. The game has been recognised as the most popular free MMORPG in the world for the second year in a row, with a certificate awarded by Guinness World Records. That's one record that Usain Bolt didn't manage to get!

The presentation took place at the Leipzig Games Convention in Germany, where RuneScape has been showcasing RuneScape HD.

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22 August 2008 - Jagex Store - Official Launch!

Bob shirt
The Jagex Store has expanded to include a range of official RuneScape merchandise. If you visit it today, you'll find that it includes the following items:

  • T-shirts

  • Hoodies

  • Mousemats

  • A wireless optical mouse

  • Mugs

None of these items are available anywhere else - they are exclusives to the Jagex Store. The official RuneScape novel, Betrayal at Falador, is also available from the store.

We have more merchandise planned for the near future, so keep an eye on the RuneScape front page for more announcements. We've even got some items in the pipeline that are based on your feedback!

Anyway, enough from us - get to the Jagex Store and check out the official accessories and apparel for yourself!

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Price Change and Wallie Card Update
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

18 August 2008 - Price Change - Starting Today

For players who create a new subscription, the monthly cost of RuneScape membership has increased 30p in the UK, $0.95 in the US and by similar amounts in other currencies. These are examples of credit card prices - all other payment types have been increased by a similar margin.

For a list of the new prices, please view the Billing Options page.

If you have an existing subscription, set up before the 18th August, then this price change will not affect you. You will continue to pay the lower price for as long as you keep your membership valid. As long as you do not allow your membership to lapse for more than two weeks (after the 18th of August), you will continue to pay at this lower RuneScape price.

We are also offering a 'loyalty' rate, for those of you who have paid at the slightly increased price for a long period. If you pay at the higher rate for 12 months (without a gap of more than 14 days) you will be offered the lower, $5 (£3.20) rate at the end of the year.

For those of you who pay by Surfpin or PaybyCash, there are some points to note due to the way your payments are made:

  • If you make a payment at the lower price, but have an account that is charged at the higher price, then you will receive fewer days of credit.

  • If you make a payment at the higher price, but have an account that is charged at the lower price, then you will receive more days of credit.

Discuss this update on the forums.

18 August 2008 - Wallie Card Update

We recently introduced a method of making direct payments using Wallie Cards for RuneScape. With the recent price increase, existing Wallie Card subscribers will be pleased to find out that they are able to keep paying a lower price. Wallie cards are available in lots of stores in the EU and Switzerland, and can be used for longer, multiple-month subscriptions.

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Official RuneHQ August Event
RuneHQ News

Official RuneHQ August Event
Olympic Games Celebration!

August Event
Citius -Altius - Fortius! No those aren't words to some new spell, they are actually the words that compose the Olympic motto, which in English translates to: Faster - Higher - Stronger!

Well, in this month's event we will be celebrating the Olympic games, and you will have an opportunity to experience each part of the motto in its own way.

Stronger: Nothing toughens you up like a good game of Gnomeball! This first event will not only make you stronger, but also get into the true spirit of the games by showing a team mentality!

Faster: Nothing truly makes you faster like a good ol' session of agility training. After our Gnomeball scores are settled, we'll all head over for some agility training at the Gnome Stronghold course!

Higher: We'll all be a little higher as we climb up a few levels in the Grand Tree and have a seat at the local bars. Grab a beer or two, reminisce about the games (real and RuneScape alike), and most importantly, have good times with friends.

Important Information:

  • Event: Olympic Games Celebration! (Gnomeball, Agility Training, and After-Party).

  • When: Saturday, August 23rd.

  • Time: 2pm CST, 8pm GMT+0

  • Where: World 60 (Members)

  • Meeting Place: The Gnomeball mini game inside the Tree Gnome Village.

  • What to bring: Money for beer and a good attitude.

Visit the Official Events Forum on our Community Forum for additional information and comments.

If you are not registered on our Community Forums, just click here to go to the registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

Future PvP Updates, and Players' Gallery
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

15 August 2008 - Future PvP Updates

Dragon battleaxe special
The most frequent request we have received over the last few months has been to put more PvP back into the game. We want to let you know that this request hasn't gone unheard, and that we've put a lot of research into how we can introduce new PvP mechanisms. The aim is for PvP content that better replaces the old Wilderness, but without reintroducing RWT.

Hopefully, you’re already aware of the imminent Clan Wars release (see the September Behind the Scenes in a couple of weeks for more information), but there are also plans afoot for the most exciting and "old school" PvP update we have ever considered – unique PvP worlds.

As many of our long term players know, in the old RuneScape Classic days you could actually fight players just outside the gates of Lumbridge, before the days of duelling and even before the days of the old Wilderness itself. Players could hunt each other down, chasing them away from favourite resource points and generally "owning" large areas of the map.

So, in 2008, we will be bringing you special 'PvP worlds', where you can fight other players almost anywhere! In addition to all the usual content you might expect to find in RuneScape, they will also include:

  • Optional sign-up – choose between PvP danger or stick to ordinary play by simply switching worlds.

  • High danger with items dropped on death.

  • High rewards for kills. To avoid any RWT issues the reward for a successful PK will be generated by the game, similar to when you kill a monster at the moment. We're creating generous drop tables based on factors like your levels and the impressiveness of the kill.

  • These drop tables will include "PvP world specific" items like XP-modifying gear, lvl 70+ equipment and new, glorious, short-term but hard hitting gear. These will once again make PKing a viable source of income.

  • PvP across 99% of the world, including the old Wilderness.

  • Attack any player within a certain level of your own. Level range depends on the area, similar to the old Wilderness levels.

  • ...And all sorts of other twists on interesting content... Just think of the possibilities when you can PK anywhere!

Naturally, we also have other PvP-orientated content, like Stealing Creation (a resource control game where skillers and PKers work together, creating equipment and beating up the opposition) and Mobilising Armies (a real-time strategy game where you use your hard made bows, swords, etc. to equip your own armies in 4-player battles).

Add all this to a healthy schedule of quests (featuring Arrav and the sequel to Spirit of Summer), holiday events and some unique puzzle content... and the rest of '08 has something for almost everyone.

Finally, we'd like to let you in on a little secret – we're currently working on our highest level, longest, most exciting quest ever. Not necessarily for launch in '08 (it's not something we want to rush, after all), it’s already had more development time than the entirety of "Recipe for Disaster"... but you’ll have to wait to find out more. We're adding secret hints and references all the time about this one, so if you need to know more, just look around! Leave no stone unturned....

Discuss this update on the forums.

14 August 2008 - Players' Gallery - Barrows Brothers

There's been a bit of a Barrows Brothers theme recently, with our wallpaper being followed by a Players' Gallery. If you like your warriors purple and ghostly, go here to see some ghoulish pictures.

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Runecrafting Guild and The Great Orb Project
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

12 August 2008 - Runecrafting Guild and Game - For All Player

Wizard Mizgog
Ever since a brave adventurer rediscovered Runecrafting, mages from the Wizards' Tower have been working hard to figure out its intricacies. In fact, so many have been drawn to Runecrafting's secrets that a guild has formed.

Not everything is rosy and happy in the guild. An argument has raged over the magical reaction that creates rune stones: are green or yellow orbs more important in the process? Agree to resolve their conflict and you'll find yourself in our newest minigame, The Great Orb Project!

The purpose of this team-based minigame is very simple: collect more coloured orbs than the opposing team. Watch out, though, as they will be pushing your orbs out of the way to stop you winning. This frenetic minigame offers few rules and a great alternative to conventional Runecrafting - all with a range of rewards, of course. Expect rune essence, Runecrafting XP and new magical equipment if you wipe the floor with your opponents.

The Runecrafting Guild also offers a number of features that are not tied to the minigame. The rune altar map helpfully shows the location of all altars; one mad wizard has learned how to repair abyssal pouches; and the head of the guild is working on a marvellous omni-talisman that combines the powers of all existing talismans into one.
Note that the guild is available to both free players and members - the Runecrafters want all the help they can get!


Where to find the Runecrafting Guild:

The guild can be accessed through a portal, upstairs in the Wizards' Tower.

Requirements to access the Runecrafting Guild and minigame:

Level 50 Runecrafting

Rune Mysteries

The guild is available on F2P, but some individual features are for members only

Access to:

A new guild

A fast-paced, team-vs-team Runecrafting minigame - The Great Orb Project

Various new items for runecrafters, including a new outfit

In other news...

Beyond the Runecrafting Guild, this update brings you a few small things that should make your lives easier...

Kazgar, Mistag and Dartog have been given right-click options so you can quickly ask them to guide you through the Lumbridge Swamp Caves. Elkoy, the guide from the Tree Gnome Village maze, has been given a similar option.

When you previously right-clicked on a chat message from another player, you were always offered the option to 'Add friend' and 'Add ignore'. If that player was already on your Friends list, those options weren't very useful, so we've replaced them with a new 'Message' option. This is identical to what would happen if you clicked on your friend in your Friends List. (This is not available on Quick Chat-only worlds.)

Tai Bwo Wannai village welcomes its newest arrival, Imiago. If you've completed Jungle Potion, he'll be willing to protect your calquat trees from disease in exchange for eight poison ivy berries.

The gardeners who protect bush patches have always demanded payment to look after poison ivy bushes. It's been pointed out on the Forums that poison ivy bushes never get diseased anyway, so the gardeners no longer offer to look after them.

We've also fixed the following bugs:

  • Treasure Trail sliding puzzle boxes were getting stuck, making them impossible to complete.

  • The roof of the Grand Exchange was failing to disappear correctly when you stood underneath it. Similar bugs were affecting the front of Varrock Palace and bits of the Warriors Guild.

  • The Amulet of Catspeak was incorrectly positioned on female characters.

  • The Amulet of Fury was not rendering correctly with the Bandos chestplate on male characters.

  • If you wore a blue snelm, your chathead was appearing yellow.

  • The 3D models for skillcapes were using too many polygons, resulting in bizarre graphical glitches. They have now been remodelled to resolve this problem; their appearance is largely unchanged, but you may notice some slight changes.

  • Mud pies were positioned incorrectly when you wielded them.

  • Flared trousers were rendering incorrectly with most boots.

  • The 'fine shirt' base kit had a glitch affecting the neck area on male characters.

  • The mind tiara was missing part of its model.

  • Baba Yaga's hair was clipping through her hat.

  • The progress hats from the Mage Training Arena were not rendering correctly with players' hair.

  • Radimus Erkle, master of the Legends' Guild, had a rendering problem with his cape.

  • The obsidian cape was rendering incorrectly with certain tops.

  • Bogrog was checking for the wrong Summoning level when players tried to exchange praying mantis pouches for shards.

  • Trimmed chaps and Wilderness capes were rendering incorrectly on female characters.

  • The mime mask and zombie mask items were displaying incorrectly during dialogue.

  • Players could walk through a rope barrier in the Varrock Museum.

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Wallie Subscriptions and New RS Worlds
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

8 August 2008 - Wallie Subscriptions

This week, we have released a new method of making Wallie payments. You can now make payments directly to Wallie instead of using PayByCash. This means that we can offer a faster and easier payment process when paying for RuneScape using Wallie.

You can still make Wallie payments using the PayByCash payment option; however, you may find that your subscription works out cheaper if you pay directly to Wallie, especially on longer subscriptions. In the future, we hope to offer an even lower price with Wallie Card.

Wallie direct payments are available in Mexico and most of Europe.

Wallie cards can be purchased from local stores or from the Wallie website. They can then be redeemed on by selecting 'Upgrade Your Account' on the RuneScape front page (under the 'Account' drop-down menu) and following the prompts for using the Wallie Card payment method.

Discuss this update on the forums.

8 August 2008 - 22 New RuneScape Worlds

Recently, we launched 22 new worlds to cater for player growth in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands and New Zealand. The 22 new worlds also host many of our popular activities, such as Barbarian Assault, Castle Wars, Clan Wars, Fist of Guthix, LootShare, Pest Control, F2P trade, TzHaar Fight Pits and Vinesweeper.

More worlds will be added as we expand into more countries. Please visit the Themed World page for information on themes of these new worlds.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Meeting History Quest Guide and RuneHQ Ventrilo
RuneHQ News

Meeting History Quest Guide

Rune Creation

This quest will teleport you right into the living history of RuneScape. For any member that loves reading the history and lores RuneScape, this quest is for you! Help Jorral investigate his new discovery, which may lead you to more treasure hunting fun.

Thanks to diamondi3ack and everyone else who helped to get this guide up so quickly!

~ Maonzhi ~

VentriloDue to recent server problems, we have lost some user data for our Ventrilo server. Anyone who had access to our Ventrilo servers but did not have a RuneHQ Forum account will need to make another request to access our Ventrilo Servers. To request access to the RuneHQ Ventrilo server, please go here to register on the RuneHQ forums. From there, you will be able to request access to Ventrilo. If you have any questions, please browse through our RuneHQ Ventrilo Guide for information and how to login. In order to use Ventrilo, you will need to down the the program at

RuneHQ Ventrilo Staff

Meeting History, and Resizable Game Window
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

5 August 2008 - Meeting History

Ancient book
Having helped Jorral in Making History, it's time to pay him another visit in Meeting History. He's been busy digging around old and dusty manuscripts and has come across a set of interesting notes about the Enchanted Key; so, with the 'hot and cold' key in hand, get ready to discover another of its bizarre abilities! You can guarantee that it'll give you a greater insight into the past of RuneScape.

Many questions will be answered as part of this sequel to Making History.


Where to start Meeting History:

Speak to Jorral in the Outpost, north-west of West Ardougne.

Requirements to complete Meeting History:

Making History

Druidic Ritual

Access to:

A new area to explore

The chance to understand more of RuneScape's early history

In other news...

Our Graphics team has been busily fixing bugs again, including the following:

  • The Grim Reaper hood from 2007's Hallowe'en event was causing your head to disconnect from your neck

  • The Amulet of Fury was looking different depending on whether you were male or female

  • Armoured skirts were stretching if you used the bone crossbow

  • The Wilderness Agility Course stepping stones weren't very well aligned with their lava pit.

  • The roof in the Burgh de Rott shop wasn't disappearing, even if your Graphics Options said it should.

We've also adjusted Commander Zilyana's behaviour in the God Wars Dungeon, so she's less inclined to wander aimlessly in the middle of the room while people shoot her from the edges.

Discuss this update on the forums.

5 August 2008 - Resizable Game Window

Resizable Game Window

We have introduced a new and optional way of viewing RuneScape HD: a resizable game window. This feature is available to both free players and members.

The new feature will adjust your RuneScape HD game window to fit the size of your browser. So, if you expand or maximise your browser, your game window will expand too, filling all of the available space. If you reduce the size of your browser, your game window will reduce with it.

This feature is completely optional. You may activate or deactivate it via the Graphics Options, either on the login screen or in-game (accessed via the spanner icon).

The resizable game window is only available for RuneScape HD. It is not available for the RuneScape version of the game.

How does this differ from fullscreen?

The main difference is that fullscreen will completely fill your screen. It will do so if your browser is minimised, maximised or anywhere inbetween. The resizable feature allows you to view the RuneScape game at whatever size you want - just reduce or increase the size of your browser and the game window will follow.

When playing RuneScape HD using the resizable game window, your interfaces will be arranged in the manner as fullscreen mode. This means that your tabs will be arranged across the bottom of the game screen.

Unlike fullscreen, the resizable game window is available to both free players and members.

Note: If you have a slow computer and you make the resizable window very large, you may find the game slows down a bit. If this happens, just make the window a bit smaller or, if you prefer, turn it off using the Graphics Options menu.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Maps, Behind the Scenes - August, Wallpaper, and Christmas Poll Results
RuneHQ News

New and Updated Maps

Following in Mercator's footsteps, one of history's great cartographers, we are pleased to present you with a variety of both new and updated maps.

  • Lumbridge Map: Submitted by DarkBlitz. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • Al Kharid City Map: Submitted by Skeletonmat. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mplnk946">Chaos Tunnels Map: Submitted by Sccrluk9, Matrebatre, and Skeletonmat. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mplnk717">Edgeville Map: Submitted by DarkBlitz. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mplnk947">Dorgesh-kaan City Map: Submitted by Iraqiboy90 and Alfawarlord. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href=""$mplnk948">Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon Map: Submitted by iraqiboy90. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mqlnk319">Deep Wilderness Mine Map: Submitted by Skeletonmat. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mplnk832">Wilderness Skeleton Mine Map: Submitted by Skeletonmat. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mplnk270">South-East Varrock Mine: Submitted by Skeletonmat. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mplnk271">South-West Varrock Mine: Submitted by Skeletonmat. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mplnk265">Rimmington Mine Map: Submitted by Skeletonmat. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

  • href="$mplnk949">Desert Slayer Dungeon: Submitted by Jason D. Thanks to all the others for corrections.

~ Alfawarlord ~

Quotations taken directly from

1 August 2008 - Behind the Scenes - August

Upcoming updates (planned for August)

It's pretty hard to imagine the first days of RuneScape. For a start, there were no monsters, no Zamorak and no god wars, which would imply that RuneScape was a breeze. Surely you could just wake up, have a cup of tea with Guthix and settle down for some farming. Easy peasy, right?

Erm, no. The first quest of this month, Meeting History, will reveal the struggles that the first settlers faced on RuneScape. This sequel to Making History will encourage you to get more hands-on in your research of the past, giving you insights into the world's quiet beginnings and its harsh realities. It will even divulge the beginnings of magic and strange objects called 'runes'.

Man's knowledge of magic and runes has come on leaps and bounds from the time of Meeting History. Just take a peek at the next release: the Runecrafting Guild!

In the guild, wizards will be bent over books, trying desperately to unlock the secrets of Runecrafting. How is a rune made? Why are yellow and green orbs released when the reaction occurs? For Runecrafting scholars, these questions pale in comparison with the following: which is more significant - green orbs or yellow orbs? For years arguments have raged on, and two wizards will be creating something that'll end the debate once and for all: the Great Orb Project!

The Great Orb Project will be a fun minigame for two opposing teams who have been given one simple task: collect more orbs than the other team. Only problem is, your opponents will do all they can to stop you winning - including pushing your orbs away before you can get to them! This fast-paced and manic minigame will offer you a great alternative for training your Runecrafting, with minimal fuss, tutorials or complex rules.

Not content with updating one skill this month, we've decided to reignite Firemaking too. In Varrock, King Roald has become increasingly wary of the evil eyes casting greedy looks at his city, so he'll be taking precautions: fourteen warning beacons, running from the River Salve to the western end of the Wilderness. The problem is, no one will be available to test them out, so - surprise, surprise - you'll become the most suitable candidate.

So begins All Fired Up, a sizzling new quest that acts as a simple and very short tutorial for beacon lighting. What can you do with large cauldrons full of sticks, you may ask? Well, your task, if you should choose to accept it, will be to light as many as possible at one time, offering you an entertaining and alternative method for training your Firemaking - oh, and the rewards will make you the toast of firemakers everywhere...

Behind the Scenes of the Behind the Scenes:

In the coming months, we'll be making some changes to the Behind the Scenes, offering you a more attractive look and a better idea of upcoming content. So, if you'd like a tour of what we've got in store, please read on...

The first change is screenshots. Instead of just telling you about our updates, we'll be bringing you images of them in glorious technicolour - and in RuneScape HD, of course.

We've also got plans to hint about future content, outside of the month's releases. The 'glimpse of the future' section will include handpicked updates that excite us, and that you'll be excited about too. So, what better way of getting you used to this new feature than producing one for this Behind the Scenes?

Glimpse of the Future (Updates in development and planned for later than August)

One update that just missed this month's Behind the Scenes was the Clan Wars update. This is a priority for us, and we'll be releasing it as soon as we feel it is ready, featuring bucketloads of new arenas and game options, plus two 'free-for-all' PVP battlegrounds where you can fight in any way you please. Check out the preview of the Clan Wars setup screen below...

Clan wars options

The minigame additions don't just end with Clan Wars: PvP fans will be pleased to know that there are three PvP minigames planned, all coming in the last few months of the year! If you're more interested in single-player content, however, you can expect a range of updates to keep you busy. One we can mention now: the concluding part of the Spirit of Summer series will be released at the end of the Summer, and it'll be throwing some pretty daunting obstacles in your way.

There's room in the Behind the Scenes for your ideas too, so please feel free to suggest features, articles and additions on the Forums. If your ideas are good enough, you may see them in the larger and improved Behind the Scenes, coming soon!

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31 July 2008 - Wallpaper - Barrows Brothers

The Barrows Brothers, six of the most feared undead creatures on RuneScape, were not always the incarnations of evil that they are now. Once, they were the mightiest of Saradomin's warriors, their fall orchestrated by a mysterious stranger who visited them in the night, bestowing on them powerful gifts that began to corrupt their pure souls.

Even as the darkness within them grew, they fought on into the heart of Morytania. Our latest wallpaper shows them on the eve of their final battle with the darkness of the east - a battle that took their souls...

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31 July 2008 - Christmas Poll Results

It’s time for the Poll Orks to take a well-earned rest. They’ve been working overtime to make sure that your votes are counted in time. Thank you to everyone that voted in the Guaranteed Content – Christmas 2008 poll. The options were a combination of our own wintery ideas and some excellent suggestions from you, with every event idea having plenty of supporters. These are the winning options that will be making it into December's event:

Christmas Event - Winner:

Jack Frost has an evil plan. Can you get to him before he covers the whole of RuneScape with ice? – You will need a cool head to foil Jack Frost’s sub-zero plans for Gielinor this Christmas.

Christmas Format - Winner:

A quest is the most popular format for the holiday event this Christmas, so, expect to do some adventuring!

Christmas Rewards - Winner:

It’s been a close race for the top three reward options. The winner is a Santa suit so, if you successfully complete the Christmas quest, you will be rewarded with a cosy costume to warm you up.

Christmas Emote - Winner:

It’s been an even closer race between the top two emote options! What’s clear is that the vast majority of you want to see your character become more than a little bit frosty. The winning option is 'turning into snow and melting'!

The Poll Orks don’t have a very long break, as we have a brand new poll for you to vote in. There’s an opportunity for you to imagine how different life could be in this week's Living in RuneScape poll.

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August Newsletter
RuneHQ News

The official RuneHQ August Newsletter is here. Take some time, sit back, and enjoy yourself with the new information and happenings coming your way.

Spirit Summer Quest Guide, New Map, and Item Lending Update!
RuneHQ News

Spirit of Summer Quest Guide

Beast and elders

We are proud to present you our guide on the newly released Spirit of Summer quest.

This guide was written by Job is God, and Alfawarlord. Thanks to everyone for corrections and updates.

In addition to this we would like you to thank DarkBlitz for a new Lumbridge map. Special thanks goes out to Alfawarlord, Halk, Realruth and Thehi for corrections.

~ Alfawarlord ~

Quotations taken directly from

29 July 2008 - Spirit of Summer

Stuck on a different plane, parallel to the Wilderness, itself a long walk from any RuneScape city or town, one family has gone a long time without even seeing a human being. That doesn't mean they don't need your help, however, as the time has come to leave the homestead and move to pastures new.

This magical story calls for you to befriend a loving family, find some essentials for their journey and reunite the daughter with some misplaced possessions. You'll be able to explore a previously unexplored realm and even take a glimpse into the imagination of a little girl.

Needless to say, some hurdles will need overcoming if you and the family are to reach the destination and claim your reward. Some family members are less than communicative with outsiders and their only neighbour is understandably unhappy about them leaving. It shouldn't be a problem for an adventurer with your experience...right?


Where to start Spirit of Summer:

Seek out the young girl outside of the ruins, east of Bounty Hunter and north of Varrock.

Requirements to complete Spirit of Summer

Level 40 Construction

Level 26 Farming

Level 35 Prayer

Level 19 Summoning

The Restless Ghost

Ability to survive in the Wilderness

Access to:

A new realm for you to explore

New areas for Combat and Woodcutting

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29 July 2008 - Item Lending Update

Over the last couple of weeks, many players have been using the Item Lending system to lend out items for profit. That's not really what we designed the system to achieve; it was intended to be a simple way for players to once again share objects with their friends. Since some players seem so keen to rent out their valuable items, though, we've adjusted the system to let them do it safely.

Instead of 'using' your items on the borrowing player, you should send them a trade request. This will open the trade screen, where you can right-click on an item and choose to 'Lend' it.

Once you've offered the item for loan, it will be visible to both players in the trade offer screen, within the 'Loan' box. A button will appear underneath the item, allowing you to choose the duration of the loan. Your trade-partner can then offer to pay you or lend you another item in return. Of course, you can still offer to lend an item without receiving anything in return.

Item Lending does not affect your trade limits if you are lending or receiving an item for nothing in return. Your trade limits will be affected, however, if something is offered in return for the lent item.

Do remember: If you borrow an item 'until logout', its owner might log out or take it back at ANY time, so you should be cautious about paying for this kind of service.

In other news...

We've been busy again, fixing a number of graphical or minor bugs that you may have spotted. Read on for a few of the more noticeable changes included in this update.

There have been a few additions and modifications to the bank this week; most notably, we have added the 'Withdraw All-But-1' option, so you can leave placeholder items with ease. The bank's scrollbar speed has also been increased, so you can get to your items faster.

On a slightly different note, you can now retrieve your lent items from the wandering bankers that are typically found outside minigames like Fist of Guthix or Bounty Hunter.

Players can now take the Summoning skillcape into Bounty Hunter. It seems this latest skillcape wasn't permitted, so Bounty Hunter has been adjusted to bring it in line.

When playing in HD fullscreen mode, you now have the option to hide the chatbox. The tabs below it will still flash when you've been sent a message by a friend or someone requests to trade with you etc, so you shouldn't miss anything!

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