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Ventrilo Karaoke
RuneHQ News

Karaoke time!

Please join us for Ventrilo Karaoke on Saturday, June 28th, 2pm to 4 pm CST and 8pm to 10pm CST. This is your chance to showcase your singing talents to your fellow members. Not only will we have lots of great songs as usual, but this month, we will also be launching the start of our grand event, Ventrilo Idol! The best singer voted from this month's event will win a chance to compete in Ventrilo Idol. We hope to see everyone there!

For a priority spot to participate in karaoke, check out this topic on our forums. You must be a registered user to gain access to our Ventrilo server. If you do not have a RuneHQ Ventrilo Account, then click here. If you are not registered for the forums, click here to go to the Registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

Thanks to Supersims for creating this graphic!

~ Ventrilo Staff ~

RuneHQ Event
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ June Event #2

Dragon battleaxe special
Few words can describe this event, although one phrase does the job rather well: To the death!

That's right, the second RuneHQ event of June will be at the TzHaar Fight Pits. Come and fight for dominance in a massive free-for-all battle!

TzHaar Fight Pits!

  • Event: Fight Pits

  • When: Saturday, June 28th

  • Time: 2pm PST, 3pm CST; 4pm Est; 9pm GMT +0; 10pm GMT +1; 6 am GMT +9

  • Where: World 60 (Members)

  • Meeting Place: TzHaar Fight Pit

  • What to bring: Combat Equipment, Food, Potions, ...

Visit the Official Events Forum on our Community Forum for additional information and comments.

If you are not registered on our Community Forums, just click here to go to the registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

RuneHQ Browser Bar Updated!
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ Browser Bar Updated!

The RuneHQ Browser Bar has been upgraded to version 4.2.1. All links have been updated, and brand new links to RuneScape pages have been added. This version works for all version of Firefox, including Firefox 3!

First released back in April of 2006, this Firefox add-on has continued to provide handy links to all RuneHQ and RuneScape pages for the last two years. Enjoy!

Please note: The older versions are still up too.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

PayByPhone for Netherlands and Belgium
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

19 June 2008 - PayByPhone for Netherlands and Belgium

Gold bar
We are pleased to announce that the PayByPhone payment service is now available to both the Netherlands and Belgium. If you live in one of these countries and would like to subscribe using this method, please access the Account Management section of our website.

If you are not from the Netherlands or Belgium, you may still be able to pay using this simple and accessible payment option. Please check the Account Management section to find out if you are eligible to pay by PayByPhone in your country of residence.

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FunOrb - Arcanists Update
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

18 June 2008 - FunOrb - Arcanists Update

Clockwork book
As RuneScape applies the final touches to the upcoming graphical improvement, the FunOrb team have been busy revamping their most popular game. The free to play and multiplayer game 'Arcanists' has now received a large chunk of new content.

They have created some new maps to master, including one that takes its cues from Mos Le'Harmless. More spells are on offer, including two new spellbooks - Sea and Nature - while familiars have been introduced, which could turn current Arcanist tactics on their head.

With more Achievements to unlock and awards to obtain, there's plenty new to play in Arcanists.

FunOrb is a website created by Jagex, makers of RuneScape, which offers a diverse selection of games for you try out and play for free.

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Development Diary and System Specifications
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

16 June 2008 - Development Diary and System Specifications

Dragon Med Helm Makeover
In the first Development Diary on our graphical improvements, we showed you the results of textures, texture blending, shadows and fog. In this, the second and final Development Diary on the release, we shine a light on the other effects we have been using.

Minimum specifications:

To play RuneScape's new detail level you will need:

  • 1.5 GHz processor or higher

  • 256MB of RAM or more

  • 64MB 3D Graphics card, such as Nvidia(R) GeForce(TM) 3 or

Additionally, your graphics card should have the latest drivers installed, to ensure the new detail level plays with no problems.

If you need more information on your computer's specifications or how to update your graphical drivers, visit our Tech Support Forum in the RuneScape Forums.

When the graphical improvement is released, you will be able to increase or decrease the number of graphical features that are activated. This will be done in your in-game 'Options' menu (the one with the spanner icon). So, any problems playing the new detail mode may be lessened by reducing the number of graphical features that are activated.

We would advise that your computer exceeds the above requirements, so you will be able to play the new detail mode without any issues.

REMINDER - The existing Low and High Detail will still be available, as the graphical update is completely optional.

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New Forum Games, and RuneHQ Event
RuneHQ News

Need a Break from RS?

Then join our Community Forums for a whole range of Arcade games and Casino games while you discuss RS tips and strategies and get to know our friendly and helpful community.


Click on the graphic above (or on Community Forums at the left column) to gain access to the forums. If you are not registered, just click here to go to the registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

RuneHQ June Event #1

The Events is over! We hope to see everyone at our second June event.

Summer came too early?

Is it too hot outside?

Come and cool down at...

The RuneHQ Summer BBQ!

  • Event: BBQ

  • When: Sunday, June 15th

  • Time: 3pm CST (9pm GMT +0)

  • Where: World 55 (Free-Play)

  • Meeting Place: Field north of the Lumbridge Mill

  • What to bring: Tinderbox, Axe and any other fun things

Visit the Official Events Forum on our Community forum for additional information and comments.

If you are not registered on our Community Forums, just click here to go to the registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

~ RuneHQ Events Team ~

Rocking Out Quest Guide
RuneHQ News

Rocking Out Quest Guide


Hey everyone! We have a brand new quest guide to help you complete the Rocking Out quest.

This long yet interesting quest will reveal the mystery surrounding Rabid Jack as you work diligently to obtain the five marks of the great Pirate Captains of RuneScape.

For a nice chunk of Thieving, Smithing, Agility, and Crafting XP, a new way to train thieving, and other great rewards, this quest is one you don't want to miss.

Thanks goes out to Fruitcheese, diana_de_wit, Wylyne, and everyone else who helped write the guide.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Quotations taken directly from

11 June 2008 - Rocking Out

Martin Thwait
There are many mysteries of the seas - hidden treasures, ghostly ships, pirate fashion - but few are as intriguing as the tale of Rabid Jack. Revered by a few, feared by many, his name is known by virtually all that sail the seas.

The problem is, no pirate is willing to talk of Rabid Jack. Whether out of terror or a determination to keep his history hidden, the pirates have taken an oath of silence on the subject: particularly annoying for any adventurer who wants to send Rabid Jack to a watery grave.

All is not lost, however, as one pirate has been given charge of the secret. Is it as easy as walking up and talking to him? Arrr, you should know better than that, landlubber! The pirate resides in 'The Rock' - an island prison for brigands and buccaneers - and he seems reluctant to pass on information without some assurances.

Needless to say, the path to your goal is a windy one, with some interesting stops on the way. Your path may even cross with the strong-arm of the Customs Office, some pirate implings and a multi-purpose seagull...


Where to start Rocking Out:

Speak to Bill Teach in Mos Le'Harmless or Port Phasmatys

Requirements to complete Rocking Out:

Level 60 Agility

Level 63 Thieving

Level 66 Crafting

Level 69 Smithing

The Great Brain Robbery

Access to:

A new way to train your Thieving skill

Pirate implings to hunt and catch

New pirate clothing, including reverse and double eye patches!

In other news...

The Menaphite action kilt was appearing as blue in your inventory even though it's red when you put it on. It's now correctly showing up as red in your inventory.

Similarly, the iron and steel gauntlets from the Fist of Guthix minigame were the wrong shades of grey, making the iron ones look like steel and the steel ones look like iron. Their colours have been switched round now.

Finally, you can now store broad-tipped bolts in your bolt pouches.

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Looking for experienced PHP coders!
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ is looking for a few people who have coding talent, specifically in the areas of: PHP (required), SQL, XHTML (required), CSS (required), and AJAX.

If you have experience with the areas listed above (mostly with PHP), then head over to the forums and send Im4eversmart a message outlining your skills.

The best applicants will be made full members of the RuneHQ staff and will have the opportunity to work on site features and functions, as well as on other projects, both public and behind-the-scenes.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Website Maintenance
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

9 June 2008 - Website Maintenance

Smithing Tutor
We are currently performing maintenance on some of our web systems.

During this time, the following areas of the website will be unavailable:

  • Create a free account

  • Change your password

  • Set new recovery questions

  • Cancel pending recovery questions

  • Recover a lost password

  • Recover a locked account

  • Viewing your FunOrb achievements

  • Logging into the website

We apologise for the inconvenience and are aiming to restore service as soon as possible.

This does not affect existing users wishing to login to the game.

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Smoking Kills Quest Guide and Reporting Academy Forum
RuneHQ News

Smoking Kills Quest Guide


This new quest brings a new Slayer master for all those avid Slayer skillers! Along with the new master is a new dungeon area with some new and old monsters and a new Slayer Point system. This new system gives you a new way to earn Slayer experience, new items, new training, and many other rewards. So sharpen your scimitars and tighten up your whips for the Smoking Kills Quest.

Thanks to Budmash and everyone for creating an awesome guide!

~ Maonzhi ~

Quotations taken directly from

6 June 2008 - Reporting Academy Forum

We had a great response to our new Forum, the Reporting Academy, which contains useful information about when to send abuse reports. Thank you everyone who posted and asked questions.

The accuracy of the reports coming in has noticeably improved since its release. Due to the level of demand we’ve been experiencing, we have now opened the second section of the Reporting Academy, which is certainly a recommended visit. In the meantime, here are some of the top tips available from the Reporting Academy.


Being called a noob can be annoying. You may have a bad game of Castle Wars, for example, and find that a player follows you around afterwards, calling you a 'noob'. As irritating as this may be to you, please do not report it unless there is something more serious that you'd like us to take a look at! If the player is really bothering you, add them to your Ignore List - that way, you'll have no more trouble from them.

Filtered language **** ***:

It may be that you have wandered RuneScape and seen someone activate the in-game chat filter. The filter removes inappropriate words, so you do not need to send us a report. If a person is annoying you by continuously using the filter, we would advise you to use your Ignore List. To sum up: don't report for starred-out language only, as the filter has done its job. Of course, if there is something other than starred-out language that you are concerned about, please send us a report about that player.

If you enjoyed those top tips, there are plenty more in the new update of the Reporting Academy. We look forward to seeing you soon on the Forums.

The Reporting Academy can be found in the 'Support' section of the official RuneScape Forums.

RuneScape Community Management

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Smoking Kills
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

5 June 2008 - Smoking Kills

Dusty Devil
Someone new has moved to Pollnivneach and, by some twist of fate, they are not called Ali! This strange new neighbour is called Sumona, and she has lost something very valuable in the depths of the Pollnivneach well. Mighty rewards are on offer for anyone willing to return what she has misplaced.

Meanwhile, eery wails and vile stenches seem to be pervading the streets. This may be unlucky for the Pollnivneach tourist trade, but at least there is something in it for adventurous types. In fact, they may be turned to one's advantage when dealing with the mixed bag of unpleasantness beneath Pollnivneach...

With potentially epic, if unspecified, Slayer rewards on offer, this is a venture best-suited to those who risk their lives for curiosity. Let's hope that curiosity is better for them than it is for cats.


Where to start Smoking Kills:

Talk to Sumona in Pollnivneach

Requirements to complete Smoking Kills:

Level 25 Crafting

Level 35 Slayer

Level 85 Combat

The Restless Ghost

Icthlarin's Little Helper

Access to:

Two new dungeons to explore

An expansion to the Slayer skill

A new Slayer Master and some new Slayer gear

In other news...

We have introduced two new worlds for those who prefer to chat, or be chatted to, with Quick Chat. The worlds are 160 and 161. Conventional chat may not be used on these worlds - they are for Quick Chat users only.

NOTE - We would like to remind players that we have absolutely NO intention of removing free chat from the game, either now or in the future. Quick Chat is designed to be an optional alternative to normal chat.

Quick Chat users can now chat to their friends on FunOrb, and vice versa. Simply select a friend from your Friends List and then choose what you want to say from the 'General' and/or 'Inter-game' menus within Quick Chat.

We have made efforts to stop the strange 'dancing' effect that occurs when fighting monsters on the same square as you. You should find that, instead of moving from side to side, you find a more suitable position to attack the monster from.

Dragon square shields have been updated, thanks to observant players who noted that its two halves wouldn't make a square!

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Site Upgrade Status and Behind the Scenes
RuneHQ News

The site upgrades are pretty much completed. and servers are updated to Lighttpd 4.1.19, MySQL client 5.0.51a, and PHP 5.2.6. The patch for the errors we were seeing on servers for Lighttpd was applied to all 3 servers for and

The database servers were upgraded to MySQL 5.0.51a for both MySQL client and MySQL server.

The forum however has not been upgraded to IPB 2.3.5 as of yet. I have put the forum back on line for now however, since I still need to do a few things to prepare to upgrade the forum. When I am ready to do the forum upgrade I will let everyone know. The forum upgrade should not take more than an hour to complete when it happens.

We have not had a chance yet to verify everything works correctly after the upgrades, but we are working on that as I write this update. If you find any errors or issues please do not hesitate to let us know so we can investigate and fix them.


Quotations taken directly from

2 June 2008 - Behind the Scenes - June

Instead of beginning with a starter or main course, we will skip straight to desert this June! If that pun doesn't kill you, the beasties just might in Smoking Kills, our brand new desert quest. At the start, it won't seem too dangerous: a red-headed citizen of Pollnivneach has lost her sister down a well and wants you to retrieve her. Explore the depths, however, and you'll find yourself in situations more uncomfortable than sand between your toes.

Aside from a touch of trap-dodging and cat whispering, Smoking Kills demands the best of seasoned slayers, who will need to use their resources in innovative new ways to survive. Those who manage it will find their Slayer skill improved, with extra gear, a new Slayer Master and some pretty special rewards that will raise their Slayer game.

So, we've had the sun and the sand - now fer the sea, me hearties! Rabid Jack has been pretty quiet recently, seemingly taking a holiday from his nefarious ways. That would be the perfect opportunity to gather information on the old sea dog, but the pirates of the great seas won't say a word. Instead they will point you towards The Rock - the only prison in RuneScape where it's harder to get in than out...

This, the second of our quests this month, will have you punishing your liver with Braindeath's 'rum', finding imaginative uses for a seagull and getting up-close and personal with 50% Luke's wooden leg! It's all in a day's work for an intrepid would-be pirate who's used to Rocking Out once in a while.

At the end of the month, there will be a break of a couple of weeks with no game updates. These two weeks are hugely important to us, as they allow us to prepare for the major graphical improvement in early July. It's one of the most complex releases we've ever attempted, so we need the extra time to get it ready and make sure the launch goes smoothly.

You can read more about this update in our Image of the Future and Image of the Not-So-Distant-Future newsposts, along with our Development Diary - A New Look RuneScape. The second Development Diary on the subject will be released later this month.

Discuss this update on the forums.

June Newsletter
RuneHQ News


The official RuneHQ June Newsletter is here. Take some time, sit back, and enjoy yourself with the new information and happenings coming your way.

Site Outages Soon! and Postbag from the Hedge
RuneHQ News

Site Outages are now scheduled for Monday June, 02, 2008 from midnight/12 am CST until 6 AM CST (0000 - 0600). CST is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus 6.

We are aware there are issues with that are causing frequent outages. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused to our loyal visitors. We are investigating the issue and will resolve it as soon as reasonably possible. We believe we may have to apply a patch to the web servers to address the error we are getting and causing the web servers to crash.
This will require an outage of and! We hope the outage will be less than 4 hours, but it could take up to 8 hours for all the work we are having done.

We will be upgrading the 3 web servers and the 2 database servers for and

All the databases will have to be taken down, backed up prior to the master/slave Database servers Mysql server/client server code upgrades and then the databases will then have to be reloaded. The 3 web servers will be patched and upgraded to the latest versions of lighttpd, php, and Mysql client.

Once these upgrades are done we will also have to fix some issues caused by the upgrades, since we are going from Mysql version 4 to version 5 and php version 4 to php version 5.

I will also be upgrading the forums to IPB version 2.3.5 during this maintenance window.

I am waiting on a quote of what this will cost to have our server vendor perform the maintenance and then I have to schedule it, so not 100% sure yet exactly when this will happen but it will be done ASAP!


Quotations taken directly from

29 May 2008 - Postbag from the Hedge

This month, Postie Pete has been travelling far and wide to speak to your favourite NPCs.

If you've been wondering where Charlie the Tramp's donations go to, why Kaqemeex won't teleport pollution or the motivations behind an angry tree spirit, then head to the Postbag from the Hedge now.

Finally, Pete brings you some groan-inducing jokes from the desk of the Wise Old Man.

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