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New Maps
RuneHQ News

We are proud to present some updates to the mapping area of the site. The Edgeville Dungeon Map.
These updates were provided by Thedarkblitz, Skeletonmat, Djw24. Thanks to everyone for corrections and updates.

RuneHQ would also like to introduce the new Meiyerditch Dungeon Map.
This map was provided by Brenden. Special thanks goes out to Belgarath, Fireball0236, and Microcuts for corrections and updates.

With all of the new changes to the landscape of Rune, we strive to bring to you the latest information. The Barbarian Village Map has been given a new facelift. This map was provided by Darkblitz. Special thanks goes out to Skeletonmat, Maonzhi for corrections and updates.

The Varrock Map has updated. This map was provided by Darkblitz. Special thanks goes out to Skeletonmat, Maonzhi and Thehi.


IRC RuneScape Help
RuneHQ News

The IRC RuneScape Help is now closed. We hope this event has helped both our members and staff. We had a pretty good turn-out yesterday, and as mentioned earlier, we will be having scheduled times for this project in the future. Please be sure to keep an eye out for announcements and updates!

RuneHQ Staff

Postbag from the Hedge, RuneScape Novel!, IRC Runescape Help
RuneHQ News

Today (July 26th) - IRC RuneScape Help

Hello fellow RuneScapers! We would like to announce the launch of our latest project, an IRC channel devoted entirely to RuneScape help! Today (July 26th) at 8pm Central US time (GMT-6), there will be a channel open in our IRC full of mentors ready and willing to answer and help with any RS related queries. To access this channel, simply go to chat, wait until you get the white screen with green text, type in /join #rshelp , and we will be at your RS beck and call! Come with any questions you may have, whether it be a simple "Where do I catch that fish?" to a more complicated "What is the best way to raise my combat level?" This channel will be open for approximately two hours. If successful, we will be adding more dates and expanding our time coverage in the future.

If you are not registered on our Community Forums, just click here to go to the registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

Quotations taken directly from

25 July 2008 - RuneScape Novel Released!

Security book
The RuneScape novel - Betrayal at Falador - has been officially released and is available for you all to purchase! Go to the Jagex Store to grab your own piece of RuneScape history. If you took the opportunity to pre-order the novel from our brand new Jagex Store, you can expect to curl up on the sofa with it very soon.

We have also drawn the Betrayal at Falador prize winners. Ten lucky people have been notified that they have won a RuneScape novel signed by TS Church, Andrew Gower, Paul Gower, Jagex CEO Geoff Iddison and the cover artist.

This competition was open to anyone who pre-ordered Betrayal at Falador from the Jagex Store.

Discuss this update on the forums.

24 July 2008 - Postbag from the Hedge

This month in Postbag from the Hedge, you'll be able to find out why Evil Bob kidnaps people, what Tarn Razorlor thinks of tea and the Chaos Elemental's opinion of RuneScape HD.

There is even a kebbit risotto recipe, for those wanting to improve their real-life Cooking level.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Two More Weeks of RuneScape at Lower Price!
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

22 July 2008 - Two More Weeks of RuneScape at Lower Price!

Gold ring
When RuneScape HD launched early this month, we released a newspost about the planned price change for new subscribers. We would like to remind you of that price change.

For new subscribers becoming members on or after the 18th August, the monthly cost of RuneScape membership will increase by 30p in the UK, $0.95 in the US and by similar amounts in other currencies. These examples are of increases on credit card prices - all other payment types will increase by a similar margin.

If you have an existing subscription (or you set up a subscription before the 18th August) this price change will not affect you. You will continue to pay the lower price for as long as you keep your membership valid.

If you are an existing member and you allow your membership to lapse for more than two weeks (after the 18th of August), you will be charged the new rate when you re-subscribe.

You may have noticed that the date of the price increase has changed from the 4th to the 18th of August. We have delayed the date to allow new and free players more time to take advantage of our lower membership cost. So, if you're a free player who is considering signing up to the larger, regularly-updated and fullscreen members' game, then click here to find out how to subscribe at this lower rate.

Discuss this update on the forums.

The Results Are In!
RuneHQ News

And the winner is......

Visit this topic to find out who the first-ever RuneHQ Idol is!

~RuneHQ Staff

Server Improvements and Players' Gallery
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

17 July 2008 - Improvements to Non-UK European Servers

Muddy key
We are moving our non-UK European servers to new facilities, bringing better service and reduced slowdown to all players that use them. While this change is ongoing, you may have difficulty accessing worlds located on non-UK European servers, including all German-language worlds.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you cannot access a world because of these changes, please try again later or select one from outside of Europe (or select a world from the United Kingdom).

Discuss this update on the forums.

17 July 2008 - Players' Gallery

The Gallery is back with another selection of fine images received by Postie Pete.

This month he's decided to bring you a wide selection of styles, from pencils to pastels, charcoal to chainmail. There's even an impressive world map for those who get lost on the roads of RuneScape.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Ventrilo Idol
RuneHQ News

Ventrilo Idol is here!

Ventrilo Idol

You will not want to miss a chance to attend the first RuneHQ Idol Event this Saturday, July 19th, at 2p - 4p CDT! We will be showcasing the best singers voted by a small panel of judges from the last karaoke event and the intermediate auditions. We thank everyone for participating and we hope you have had as much fun as we have. Following the link here or at the image above to get more details on our RuneHQ Forums. Who knew RuneHQ members had so much hidden vocal talent! So, please join us to vote in the first ever RUNEHQ IDOL WINNER!


In no particular order, here is a list of the Contestants who will be competing:

  • lufmyknuf

  • terr002

  • purrrr

  • teslatanker

  • moonfire248

  • boomhauer

  • turkeyistasty

  • Rubyducky

  • TomAtkins

  • NuclearMan

~ Ventrilo Staff ~

Item Lending, Bank changes, Lumbridge Update, and HD Full Release
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

14 July 2008 - Bank Update and Item Lending

Bank Update:

Dragon full helm
To help you with some belated Spring cleaning, we have introduced a few changes to your bank. Tabs and search functions are here to help clear the mess!

Up to eight separate tabs can be created to organise your bank. To create a new tab, simply drag and drop an item from the main bank tab (marked with an infinity symbol) to the tab marked with a '+'. Once a new one is created, you can move items into and out of it. For easy identification, each tab has its own icon, which it takes from the item that sits in the first slot of that tab. Of course, the use of tabs is entirely optional; you can choose not to use any and simply leave your items stored in the main bank inventory as normal.

No matter how immaculately organised your bank is, everyone has difficulties finding items from time to time; thankfully, the bank rework has a solution in the form of a search function. Clicking the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the interface, you can type in a word or part of it ('shield' for example) and the bank will list all of those items that include it (for example 'Round shield' or 'Black kiteshield'). This feature will make organising your items into tabs a breeze, since you can drag items into existing or new tabs from the search results view.

We have added a counter in the top-right hand corner of the interface, which allows you to keep track of how much bank space you are currently using. We have also given you the ability to repeatedly withdraw/deposit the number of items you last entered using Deposit-x/Withdraw-x.

Finally, thanks should go to everyone who suggested bank ideas on the Forums - you came up with so many of the ideas that went into this update.

Item Lending:

This week's update also brings you a new way to help your friends. With the Item Lending system, you can lend out a wide range of handy items, including many of RuneScape's best weapons and armour. Once the loan is over, you can retrieve your stuff by speaking to a banker.

How do I lend out an item?

Use the item on a friend who has Accept Aid turned on. You'll be asked how long you're willing to let them keep the item (any number of hours from 1 to 24). Make your choice, and wait while they consider your kind offer.

What can I lend?

Visit the Knowledge Base article here for the full list.

Where does the item go when my friend's finished with it?

Speak to a banker. When you've lent out an item, they'll have a chat option for seeing your Returned Items box. This is where your item will be.

Suppose I borrow armour from my friend, and it goes back to them while I'm wearing it in combat! I might die!

When you borrow an item, you'll be told how long you can keep it. You should make sure you're not depending on the item at the time when the loan is due to expire. Remember, if you agreed that the item would be returned to its owner when one of you logs out, they might log out or claim it back at any time, so be careful.

What happens if I lend someone an item and they drop it, trade it, alch it or die with it?

They won't be allowed to trade it or alch it. If they drop it, you'll still be able to get it back at the end of the loan period by speaking to a banker and asking to see your Returned Items box.

If your friend does die while they've got your stuff, the borrowed item will be protected over anything else they've got, so it'll be one of the three (or four) items they keep on death.

If they do end up losing the item on death, such as because they're skulled, you'll still be able to get it back from a banker in the usual way. They won't be allowed to take the item into Bounty Hunter.

I've borrowed an item for a fixed period, but I want to give it back early. Can I?

Sorry, technical limitations prevent us from returning items early if they've been lent out for a fixed period. You're welcome to discard the item, though. Its owner will get it back at the end of the loan period.

Are there plans to add any more items to Item Lending?

We intend to add more objects to the list of lendable items in the future. Our plan is to read your feedback and highlight those items that you would like to lend to each other.

Discuss this update on the forums.

14 July 2008 - Three Cheers for Lumbridge!

New Tutorial:

Lumbridge Guide
Since we first released the tutorial, a huge amount has been added to the game. New content, extra skills, new-look interfaces: all of these combine to make the old tutorial seem a little outdated. So, we've gone back to the drawing board and completely reworked it: from the creation of your character right through to your first explorations of RuneScape.

No longer will new players be trapped on an island; instead, they will be introduced to something similar to a quest involving a White Knight whose actions will decide the fate of Lumbridge. It seems that there are more than just goblins in the caves beneath Lumbridge, and a budding adventurer is required to assist the White Knight, learning a few things while they're at it.

All players will receive a Quest Point for completing the tutorial, whether they completed the old tutorial or the new tutorial (and any content with a Quest Point requirement will be raised as a result). Also, all players can collect two experience lamps, worth 200xp each, whether they completed the old or new tutorial. These can be found by chatting to Sir Vant, beneath the house to the north-east of Lumbridge Castle.

Lumbridge Moneymaking:

Following a lengthy seminar about industry and trade, the Skill Tutors and other Lumbridge locals have become much more commercially minded. Having noticed the swathes of inexperienced adventurers who pass through Lumbridge, they've decided to employ them to help supply all manner of items.

This means that, in return for completing their tasks, players can receive a modest, but prompt, payment. So, if you are reasonably low-leveled and your money is running low, the people of Lumbridge will help you to recover your finances - in return for a little hard work.

Lumbridge and Draynor Village Achievement Diary:

Explorer Jack, famed wanderer of RuneScape, has taken a much needed rest in Lumbridge. Instead of putting his feet up, however, he's encouraging a new generation of explorers. Visit him in the house north-east of Lumbridge Castle to begin achieving.

There are Beginner, Easy and Medium tasks in the Lumbridge and Draynor Achievement Diary, but no 'Hard' tasks. Lumbridge is, after all, a beginner's town, so the tasks can be completed by all but the newest of players. The rewards are aimed for everyone to appreciate, though!

In other news...

Every week we receive thousands of abuse reports on the subject of Rule 10: Misuse of Customer Support. Often, these are from players reacting to reports made against them, with only 1% showing any evidence of a broken rule. Since we can identify those who break Rule 10 ourselves, we have decided to remove the option to report players for Rule 10: Misuse of Customer Support. The rule itself will not be removed or changed and we will continue to take the appropriate action against those who break it.

Discuss this update on the forums.

14 July 2008 - RuneScape HD Full Release - Now for Free Players!

If you're a free player, we've got some great news for you - RuneScape HD is available to everyone! The Beta period is over, so both free players and members can access the new-look RuneScape. Not only that, but free players and members can get their hands on some new releases - the bank update, Item Lending and a number of Lumbridge changes - that are mentioned at the bottom of this newspost.

Please be aware that the fullscreen mode of RuneScape HD is NOT currently available to free players - it continues to be a members-only benefit. We are looking at the possibility of a fullscreen mode for free players, with adverts displaying in the fullscreen window; for now, however, RuneScape HD's range of graphical improvements are ready to be explored by everyone.

To find out how to play RuneScape in high detail, please visit the release newspost here.

If you are having issues with running RuneScape HD or would like more technical information about the update, visit the RuneScape HD FAQs here. You can also visit the Technical Support Forum for various threads that may help you.

We would also like to thank you for the wealth of comments, compliments and feedback we have received over the past couple of weeks. It is down to you that many small graphical issues have been resolved, with a number of changes being introduced in the update today.

This does not mean that we will ignore any feedback from now on - far from it, in fact. We welcome any constructive comments, to help us to continually improve RuneScape HD and make it as good as it can be.

This Week's Releases:

On top of the full release of RuneScape HD, we have a bumper lot of updates that will benefit both free players and members:

First up is our bank update, which brings you tabs and a search function, among other changes, to help you organise your bank. Up to eight separate tabs can be created to help clear your banking mess.

Item Lending is next, bringing you a new way to help your friends! You can lend out a wide range of handy items, including many of RuneScape's best weapons and armour.

We've gone back to the drawing board and completely reworked the tutorial: from the creation of your character right through to your first explorations of RuneScape.

In return for completing some tasks, you can receive a modest, but prompt, payment from various people in our Lumbridge Moneymaking update. So, if you're feeling poor, the people of Lumbridge will help you to recover your finances - in return for a little hard work.

Finally, this week brings the free game's first Achievement Diary. Travel to Explorer Jack to start your Lumbridge and Draynor Achievement Diary.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Jagex Store, Runescape Novel, Guaranteed Content Poll, and Hiscores
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

9 July 2008 - Jagex Store and RuneScape Novel

Fairy Queen
In the coming months, you can expect a lot from the Jagex Store. Plans are afoot to bring you a range of RuneScape merchandise to buy, including many that you voted for in the 'Shop till you Drop' poll.

One of these items is available for pre-order now: the first ever official RuneScape novel, Betrayal at Falador by T.S. Church. This fantasy epic opens with the discovery of a mysterious woman, found close to death within the walls of Falador Castle. Sir Amik and the White Knights are determined to reveal the identity of her attacker, thought to be a monster seen attacking travellers on the outskirts of Asgarnia. The question is: can the monster really be the blacksmith Doric, newly arrived from Keldagrim?

This Limited Edition hardback is available for pre-order now, and will be released on the 21st of July. Visit the Jagex Store to find out more, and keep an eye out for more news on available RuneScape merchandise.

Discuss this update on the forums.

9 July 2008 - Guaranteed Content Poll and Hiscores

Guaranteed Content Poll:

When the sun's out and the Summer's at its peak, there's nothing better than thinking about Wintumber events! It may seem strange, but we do this every year: coming up with a festive event while it's still bright and hot.

There is a slight change this year. We want YOU to come up with our Wintumber holiday event for 2008! Help us out by voting in this week's poll, accessed from the left-hand side of the RuneScape front page, under the heading 'Latest Poll'.

Fancy fighting a giant turkey? Want an elf costume? Or do you have an urge to be decorated like a Wintumber tree? All of these options are available in this week's poll. The winning option in each of the categories will be turned into a holiday event for you to enjoy this year.

We're all hoping that the voting is as close as it was with Hallowe'en 2007, when the witch's broom and Grim Reaper hood fought it out until the very end!

Many thanks to all of you who submitted ideas for this poll in the Suggestions Forum. Keep an eye out for future Suggestions Forum threads where you can put forward ideas that make it into a Guaranteed Content poll.

The results will be unwrapped on the 22nd July, giving us plenty of time to get it ready for December.


Ever found yourself close, but not close enough, to getting on a Hiscores table? That may change with this week's update, which doubles the number of ranks that can be viewed per skill or minigame. So, instead of viewing the top one million players in each category, you can expect the top two million.

With FunOrb Global Highscores also out today, helping you to view the best scores in the world at any given FunOrb game, there's never been a better time to show off your gaming prowess!

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Behind the Scenes - July
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

7 July 2008 - Behind the Scenes - July

It really is the most impossible of impossible missions: how do you follow the graphical improvement of an entire game? Have a nap for a month or two? Boogie with Party Pete? Go on holiday to Brimhaven? Well, we've taken a different approach, following RuneScape High Detail with some updates that have been anticipated for a very long time...

Take your bank, for example. Many players have called for a better way of managing it, to help sort and organise the mess of herbs, long forgotten quest objects and holiday items. So, this month we will be adding a few features, the most prominent of which will be a new tabbing structure. This will allow you to order your bank according to categories that you define: you could gather your runes together on one tab, for example, and food on another. There will also be a search button and extra options for banking and removal that will aid you when moving quantities of items about.

'Moving items about' leads us neatly to our second anticipated feature: Item Lending. This superb service will allow free players and members to use their own wealth for the benefit of their companions by lending them handy items, powerful weapons, valuable armour and a few fancy hats too. Only one item will be lendable at any time, for a number of hours up to and including 24 hours, or until either of you log out. More information on release!

It's at this point in the month that we look back with rose-tinted glasses and get a little nostalgic. Do you remember your first days in RuneScape: leisurely wandering round Tutorial Island, making bread, catching fish and firing arrows at rats from behind a fence? Good times! A wind of change has been blowing about Tutorial Island, however, and it's brought a whiff of danger with it...

The next update will move the Tutorial from Tutorial Island to a quarantined Lumbridge, where a three-headed dragon will be terrorising people and generally being a nuisance. Luckily for the citizens, a passing White Knight, Sir Vant, will be on hand to hold back the beast. Far from being able to handle the situation on his own, he'll be after a willing adventurer to keep him supplied and do a spot of fighting.

The new Tutorial will be more quest-like and exciting, giving players a reason to create a new character and give it a go. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, any player will be able to collect the new Tutorial's reward - two experience lamps - whether they have completed it or not.

The Tutorial is not the only planned improvement to Lumbridge. There will be the Lumbridge Achievement Diary, packed with Beginner, Easy and Medium tasks. High-level players will have no trouble completing these assignments, but there are certainly some interesting rewards to be had. Be prepared to craft, mine, explore and tan your way to success!

You thought Lumbridge was only for learning the ropes, respawning and chefs with cake issues? Well, you'll find that there's more to the running of Lumbridge than meets the eye, as a number of NPCs will be looking to employ hard-working and diligent low/mid-level players with their day-to-day tasks. Deliveries need to be made, goblins killed and resources gathered, all in the name of a decent wage.

Our final update this month will be a first for RuneScape: a Wilderness quest. You'd be forgiven for thinking that means relentless combat, stark landscapes and the odd revenant sending you back to Lumbridge (to complete some Achievement Diary tasks, perhaps?); rather unusually, it centres on a small girl, who will have other ideas.

Beginning in the Wilderness but then moving to a parallel realm, Spirit of Summer will require you to meet the young girl's family and prepare them for their first holiday in decades. There's the small issue of a neighbour who's reluctant to let the family leave, but you've dealt with larger problems before, right? A charming adventure awaits, with a few surprises thrown in.

Less of a surprise will be the website updates. The traditional Players' Gallery and Postbag from the Hedge will be on hand, with a wallpaper that shows some RuneScape favourites in a different light.

So, you thought July was only about the graphical updates? It would seem that RuneScape has other ideas...

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Runescape HD Beta Round-up
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

4 July 2008 - RuneScape HD Beta Round-Up

Compatibility with your computers:

Holy wrench
So that RuneScape HD can be played by as many players as possible, we have released some FAQs. These are available to help those who are having trouble loading RuneScape HD. Today we have updated them with some of the more commonly asked questions:

- I am getting a black screen which says my graphics card is not good enough, but I know it is good enough and I have updated to the latest drivers. What can I do?

- My computer seems to be encountering hardware conflicts; what should I do?

- Help, I am receiving the following error message “Error_loader_savefile - Unable to save to cache.

You can visit the FAQs to find out the answers to these questions.

You can also visit the Technical Support Forums to receive help from players who have experienced similar issues.

Graphical Improvements:

RuneScape HD is at a Beta stage, so your feedback is important to us. In many cases the feedback will lead to changes; for example, you pointed out that male characters' midriffs look larger than they should when seen through clothing. We plan to do something about this very soon.

We are looking to make a series of changes based on your feedback, so you may expect other differences over the coming weeks. Keep leaving feedback in the Forums!

Discuss this update on the forums.

New looks, Runescape HD, and Price changes
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

1 July 2008 - Technical Problems

Due to the high volume of traffic and the size of today's update, RuneScape has experienced some technical difficulties. This has led to several worlds going offline and issues with the Grand Exchange. We are aware of these problems and they should be fixed shortly. We apologise for any inconvenience we may have caused you.

If you are struggling to download the client, please choose a world from the USA, as they have more bandwidth available. You can always switch to your favourite world once the client has downloaded.

1 July 2008 - New Website and Much More...

As if launching RuneScape HD wasn't big enough on its own, we have released several other updates at the same time! These include a reworked website, several city improvements and a new world map.

The New Website:

For most people, the first improvement they encounter will be the new RuneScape website. You will notice that the links on the left side of the front page have gone, replaced with tabs across the top of the page that drop-down to reveal their contents. These have been grouped together according to subject, making your chosen section easy to find. The path through to play the game remains the same as before.

In-Game Improvements:

Aside from RuneScape HD, we have made several graphical updates that also affect the old detail modes. A deep breath is needed here: three of the largest cities in RuneScape - Al Kharid, Lumbridge and Ardougne - have been reworked to give them a new, improved look; Castle Wars has been given a fresh lick of paint; your teleport animations and your emotes should now be more impressive; and the fires of RuneScape have an improved, crackling flame.

World Map Integration:

To make RuneScape easier to navigate, we have introduced an in-game world map. At the simple press of the globe icon in the top-right of your screen, next to the minimap, you are able to view your position in the world and see where you want to go, without opening any separate windows.

In Other News:

The Behind the Scenes for July will be released at the start of next week. We have some other great things planned for this month, but we do not wish to distract you from the graphical updates just yet.

A vital change has been made to purple sweets. An issue with their scripting meant that they could keep a player alive forever, which is certainly not what we intended! The purple sweets are now back to normal.

Discuss this update on the forums.

1 July 2008 - Price changes for new subscribers

For new subscribers becoming members on or after the 4th August, the monthly cost for a RuneScape subscription will increase 30p in the UK, $0.95 in the US and by similar amounts in other currencies. These are examples of the credit card prices - all other payment types will be increasing by a similar margin. If you are an existing member, or you subscribe before the 4th August, this price change will not affect you, as long as you keep your membership valid.

If you are an existing member and you allow your membership to lapse for more than two weeks (after the 4th of August), you will be charged the new rate when you re-subscribe.

RuneScape subscription costs have not changed since RuneScape memberships started in 2002, over 6 years ago! Inflation and exchange rates mean we are having to adjust our prices slightly.

Discuss this update on the forums.

1 July 2008 - RuneScape HD - Members-Only Beta Launch

RuneScape has been reworked and now looks better than ever! If you are a member, you will be able to access this update by following the directions below. If you are a free player, you can expect to be playing RuneScape HD as soon as the Beta period is over. Free players who select RuneScape HD will receive a preview of the new graphics, meaning they can see how it runs on their machines, but will be unable to play in it.

NOTE - this is a live Beta. This means that if you lose or win an item, die or gain experience, it is for real - the effects will remain on your account even after the Beta period is over. Please do not throw away items thinking that you will get them back after the Beta period.

Playing RuneScape HD:

You will notice that the website has been given a fresh lick of paint, but your path to the game remains as simple as before. Click 'Play RuneScape' on the new RuneScape front page to get to the Detail Select page. Then click the right-hand button, 'RuneScape High Detail', to select the new version. Finally, choose your world, and then start playing.

To play RuneScape HD, your computer will need the following system specifications:

  • 1.5 GHz processor or higher

  • 256MB of RAM or more

  • 64MB 3D Graphics card, such as Nvidia(R) GeForce(TM) 3 or above

  • Sun Java 1.4 or higher

Once the game has loaded, you can use the in-game Graphics Options menu, within your Options tab (the one with the spanner), to further increase or decrease your level of detail. You can also change them on the log in screen. So, if you are experiencing slowdown, try reducing the number of graphical features.

The new fullscreen mode can also be toggled on or off in the in-game Options tab or the log in screen.

When you have set your preferred graphics options, your settings will be remembered as the default every time you log in on that machine. You may change these graphics options at any point.

If you have further questions, or are having trouble playing RuneScape HD, please visit the FAQS, found here.

Playing in the old detail modes:

To access the old High or Low Detail modes, click the left-hand 'RuneScape' button on the Detail Select page. This option manages to be both the old detail modes, rolled into one! You will be able to use the in-game Graphics Options menu to choose the exact level of detail you wish to play in. If you turn everything to minimum you get the old Low Detail mode, and if you turn everything to maximum you get the old High Detail mode.

Discuss this update on the forums.

RuneScape HD - Members-Only Beta Launch
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly

RuneScape has been reworked and now looks better than ever! If you are a member, you will be able to access this update by following the directions below. If you are a free player, you can expect to be playing RuneScape HD as soon as the Beta period is over. Free players who select RuneScape HD will receive a preview of the new graphics, meaning they can see how it runs on their machines, but will be unable to play in it.

NOTE - this is a live Beta. This means that if you lose or win an item, die or gain experience, it is for real - the effects will remain on your account even after the Beta period is over. Please do not throw away items thinking that you will get them back after the Beta period.

Playing RuneScape HD:

You will notice that the website has been given a fresh lick of paint, but your path to the game remains as simple as before. Click 'Play RuneScape' on the new RuneScape front page to get to the Detail Select page. Then click the right-hand button, 'RuneScape High Detail', to select the new version. Finally, choose your world, and then start playing.

To play RuneScape HD, your computer will need the following system specifications:

  • 1.5 GHz processor or higher

  • 256MB of RAM or more

  • 64MB 3D Graphics card, such as Nvidia(R) GeForce(TM) 3 or above

  • Sun Java 1.4 or higher

Once the game has loaded, you can use the in-game Graphics Options menu, within your Options tab (the one with the spanner), to further increase or decrease your level of detail. You can also change them on the log in screen. So, if you are experiencing slowdown, try reducing the number of graphical features.

The new fullscreen mode can also be toggled on or off in the in-game Options tab or the log in screen.

When you have set your preferred graphics options, your settings will be remembered as the default every time you log in on that machine. You may change these graphics options at any point.

If you have further questions, or are having trouble playing RuneScape HD, please visit the FAQS, found here

Playing in the old detail modes:

To access the old High or Low Detail modes, click the left-hand 'RuneScape' button on the Detail Select page. This option manages to be both the old detail modes, rolled into one! You will be able to use the in-game Graphics Options menu to choose the exact level of detail you wish to play in. If you turn everything to minimum you get the old Low Detail mode, and if you turn everything to maximum you get the old High Detail mode.

July Newsletter fresh off the press and Tri-Media Bowl
RuneHQ News


The official RuneHQ July Newsletter is here. Take some time, sit back, and enjoy yourself with the new information and happenings coming your way.

Tri-Media Bowl - Re-born!

Our very own Tri-Media Bowl has made a comeback, after a few months of not running we have decided to bring back the competition! For those of you who are unsure what this awesome competition is, this is a brief description of it:

  • Show off your media talent in one of the 3 categories:- Buddies, Sgnatures and Avatars, and 'Other' (which can be anything else media related!)

  • You can win prizes on our forum, and have a place in our hall of fame.

  • If you win, your entry will be featured in the RuneHQ newsletter for the millions of people who read it each month!

If you want to show off you media talent, or just have a laugh, visit this topic on our forums. If you do not have an account on the forums, this is a great time to make one. After all, it is free!

We hope to see you entering the Tri-Media Bowl! Good luck!

~ The Media Staff

TehNoobWorld Launch!
RuneHQ News

TehNoobWorld TehNoobWorldTehNoobWorld Launch!

That's right, TehNoobShow, RuneScape's number one video maker, has launched a brand new website, TehNoobWorld, for RuneScape videos.

For almost two years TehNoobShow has delighted the RuneScape public with his funny videos, and now he is opening up a place where you can see his entire collection, in addition to the videos of other famous RuneScape video makers.

RuneHQ is proud to be an official affiliate of TehNoobWorld, and looks forward to our new partnership. Although still in development, many videos can already be seen on TehNoobWorld, so check it out!


~ [Im4eversmart] ~

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