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New guides and Expanded RuneHQ Radio
RuneHQ News

New Quest Guide!

The guide for the Legacy of Seergaze quest has been added to the site! Thanks goes out to ssj_metroid and everyone else who helped with it. Be sure to complete this great quest for a blood talisman and nice handful of XP.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

RuneKit Released!

RuneKit is the long-awaited update to our online RuneScape Toolkit intended to provide a better RuneScape experience for RuneScape players. It is entirely online, requires no downloads, and is completely safe. To check out some of the new features and ways RuneKit can be useful to you, click the RuneScape Toolkit link under Tools in the site navigation today!

- Oblivion590 and DownStrike

RuneHQ Radio Upgrade!

RuneHQ Radio
We have had so many people tuning into the RuneHQ Radio, we decided to upgrade so that more people can enjoy the great tunes with us! We have added 3 more servers to stream music! The RuneHQ Radio can also handle more listeners for each stream. Lastly, we have expanded the chat box, so that more people can join in the discussion. If you want to let the DJ's know how much you like their music, you can post in this forum.

~ Maonzhi ~

Tired of losing in the Fist of Guthix Mini-Game?

Today, we are proud to present you our Fist of Guthix Mini-Game guide. It is full of strategies and tips that will even help the most experienced players.

This guide was written by Skeletonmat, I_M_Bad13, Alfawarlord, and Jakesterwars. Thanks to everyone for corrections and updates.

Wondering where you can get some of the awesome Skill Capes? Find out more in our Skill Capes (Capes of Accomplishment) Special Report.

This report was written by Cna070621. Also, thanks to everyone else that pitched in with updates.

~ Alfawarlord ~

RuneKit and Legacy of Seergaze
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

22 April 2008 - Myreque Part IV - Legacy of Seergaze

Veliaf Hurtz
The Vyrewatch continue to draw blood tithes from the citizens of Meiyerditch, while the Saradominist powers of Misthalin seem unable to break Drakan's stranglehold over the dread land of Morytania. The two forces are bound by Guthixian Edicts, preventing any confrontation that would start another war between the gods.

Mercenaries trickle into Morytania through Paterdomus and are guided down to the frontline in Burgh de Rott, but they are not enough. In Meiyerditch, the little blood that remains in the veins of the townsfolk continues to flow. With such organised evil and so few allies, what new efforts can the Myreque make?

A new rumour has been heard among the assembled mercenaries near Paterdomus. One of their number saw something suspicious in the temple and believes you should investigate it.

Farther south, word comes that Safalaan has tasks for an enthusiastic, young and just-promoted private of the Myreque. Your part in the tale is about to get more involved...

What new secrets are to be discovered in Paterdomus? Can the Myreque strike back against the Vyrewatch? What has the mysterious Safalaan got in store for you? Cross the border, once again, into Morytania and these questions may well be answered.


Where to start Legacy of Seergaze:

Talk to the Mercenary Adventurer at the Burgh de Rott Ramble start point, east of Paterdomus.


Darkness of Hallowvale

Level 20 Construction

Level 29 Agility

Level 31 Slayer

Level 35 Mining

Level 40 Firemaking

Level 47 Crafting

Level 49 Magic

Access to:

A new hazard for Temple Trekkers and Burgh de Rott Ramblers to overcome

Updated/improved Slayer creatures

An update to Runecrafting

In other news...

The recently added Treasure Trail items, along with the Trouble Brewing clothing, can now be stored in your player-owned house. We know that these item sets can take up valuable bank space, so you can now store them safely away in your costume room!

We've made some core changes that will benefit the prices of items that appear stuck or stationary. Items traded between players or via the Grand Exchange will now change price more frequently.

Various icefiends have had a graphical rework. These ice-cool little creatures will melt your heart when you see them in their glacial glory!

The entrance to Morytania has been re-vamped graphically, to make it look even more fang-tastic. Stop and have a peek on your way to the Legacy of Seergaze quest.

Discuss this update on the forums.

RuneHQ Radio
RuneHQ News

Turn it up! It's RuneHQ Radio!

You heard me. That's right, RuneHQ has live music broadcasts. Not only do we have 1 stream but we have 3 streams! So turn off that Ipod and get over to...

RuneHQ Radio

Click on the graphic above (or on RuneHQ Radio at the left column) to start listening right now. You can also discuss about the RuneHQ Radio on the forums. If you are not registered, just click here to go to the registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

Tune In

There's different music available at different times of the day. If you don't hear something that you want, feel free to post on the forums and let the DJ's know. They'll keep you satisfied with their vast and varied collections of music. Another great feature is that you can chat right on the RuneHQ Radio page while you listen. So tune in!

Thanks to Richie_s for creating this graphic.

~ Maonzhi ~

Billing System and FunOrb
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

18 April 2008 - Billing System Maintenance

Card payments and services are temporarily unavailable while we perform some essential maintenance on our billing systems.
This affects:

  • Taking out a new subscription by card

  • Cancelling a subscription

We are aiming to restore these services as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Discuss this update on the forums.

18 April 2008 - FunOrb: Arcanists and Shattered Plans

Fire battlestaff
We have made several changes to FunOrb, the new gaming website from Jagex, makers of RuneScape. The first of these is to Arcanists, which was recently voted 'favourite FunOrb game' in a RuneScape poll. Many of you will be pleased to hear that multiplayer Arcanists is now available to registered and unregistered free players!

You can now enjoy this online wizard-battling game with your friends or anyone else, taking them on with Arcane or Fire spellbooks. If you wish to unlock and explore other spellbooks, you should subscribe as a FunOrb member.

We also released a stunning new multiplayer game: Shattered Plans - a galaxy-spanning strategy epic that allows up to six players to battle for supremacy and decide the fate of worlds.

The objective is simple: control as much known space as possible and wipe out your opponents. By conquering star systems, you stockpile the resources necessary to construct fleets, which can then be sent out to spread your influence further.

Every game map is randomly-generated, so no two games will be alike as you take on the galaxy!

Visit FunOrb to make the most of these two great updates. We only plan to post FunOrb news when we feel you'll appreciate the updates, and we certainly feel that these changes are worth telling you about. FunOrb players would recommend that you try Arcanists out!

Discuss this update on the forums.

Players' Gallery
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

17 April 2008 - Players' Gallery

Dragons have invaded this month's Players' Gallery and Postie Pete isn't going to argue with them! You may think him cowardly, but he's not keen to test whether skulls or magical sacks are flammable...

If you want to look upon their beautiful draconic visages, then check out the Players' Gallery now. Just don't forget your anti-dragonbreath shield!

Discuss this update on the forums.

Grand Exchange, Treasure Trails, and Karaoke
RuneHQ News

Are you ready for some Karaoke!?

Did you not make it to the finals of that American Idol Audition? Have you always wanted to sing your heart out for more than your cat or dog? Well! Here's your chance to showcase your singing talents here at RuneHQ at our monthly KARAOKE event!

Ventrilo Karaoke Event

Click on the graphic above (or on RuneHQ News and Information at the right column) to gain access to the forums to sign up to sing. If don't already have a RuneHQ Ventrilo Account then click here. If you are not registered for the forums, just click here to go to the Registrations page.

Ventrilo 101

Ventrilo is a handy software program that allows people to chat with each other over the internet through the use of a microphone connected to a computer. If you are unfamiliar with the Ventrilo program, take a look at our Ventrilo Guide to get started. You will get a step-by-step walk through on installing the program and setting it up. Feel free to join us anytime on the GGHQ Ventrilo Server for a friendly chat or instant access to your fellow players for some hints, tips, tricks, or advice for Runescape.

Thanks to Supersims for creating this graphic!

~ Maonzhi ~

Quotations taken directly from

15 April 2008 - Grand Exchange Database

Grand Exchange Tutor
Many of you asked for the ability to view graphs of market values and track item prices as they rise and fall. Well, this week we introduce the Grand Exchange Database Beta, which does exactly that!

Skilled merchants will find the Grand Exchange Database to be an invaluable tool, enabling you to keep an eye on prices as they rise or fall. Get in quick if you wish to buy low and sell high!

If you prefer crushing creatures to trading on the Exchange, why not use the Database to find out the market value of a weapon you want or the value of a drop you have just received?

The Grand Exchange is currently at a 'Beta' stage. This is so that we can listen to the feedback of everyone who uses it and make any necessary changes.

If you have any feedback, please visit the 'GE Database Feedback' thread in the Website Feedback RuneScape Forum.


Where to start using the Grand Exchange Database

Follow the link here to start using the Database. Alternatively, there is a link from the RuneScape front page, below 'QuestHelp'.


None - both members and free players can use the Grand Exchange Database.

Access to:

A visual guide to Grand Exchange market prices and fluctuations!

Discuss this update on the forums.

15 April 2008 - Treasure Trail Expansion

Clue scroll
Around 50 new clues have been added to the medium and hard Treasure Trails this week with the introduction of some taxing riddles and anagrams. Prepare to have your brain twisted as you decipher some true puzzlers!

We couldn't have spiced up the clues without doing the same to the rewards, so we've brought them up to date this week. You'll get your puzzling mitts on more familiar items such as Construction gear, and new rewards like jewelled canes, animal masks and the top hat.

For a list of additions to the Treasure Trail items, please visit the Knowledge Base here.


Requirements to access the new Treasure Trails clues and rewards:

This content is members-only.

A clue scroll is all you need!

Access to:

New medium and hard difficulty anagrams and riddles.

New items, including the black crossbow, black/adamant/rune canes, animal masks and the top hat.

In other news...

In Customer Support news, we are very pleased to announce an update to our Offence Appeal system. This update allows players to appeal their previously-issued permanent mutes. For more information about this change, visit the 'Appeals Update' thread in the News and Announcement RuneScape Forum, or type the following quick-find code into the 'Jump to thread' text box at the top of the Forum window: 13-14-482-56082709.

There is now a minimum and maximum number of players required to start a game of Bounty Hunter, so the craters don't get overcrowded. As a result, we've increased the number of worlds Bounty Hunter can be played on.

It seems that Summoning pets were behaving slightly strangely. Now, a black labrador will no longer change colour when it's fully grown!

Last week, there seemed to be some ground movement near the bank in west Falador. We've called in the landscape gardeners and it's been leveled out.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Paypal Subscription Reduction
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

11 April 2008 - PayPal Subscription Reductions

We have changed the way that PayPal payments are made. Instead of using PayByCash to process any PayPal transactions, you will now be making payments directly to PayPal.

This means that, in the majority of cases, we can offer a reduced subscription cost when paying for RuneScape using PayPal. This reduction may be as much as 10-20% off our previous PayPal prices.

These changes are available to anyone who has a verified PayPal account. If you wish to set an account up, please visit Paypal's website.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Fist of Guthix
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

9 April 2008 - Fist of Guthix

A number of Guthix druids have discovered an unexplored cave under the lower Wilderness, just north of Varrock. Inside is a new, one-on-one, tactical PvP combat minigame, available to both members and free players!

The cave appears to have been left undisturbed since the time of the god wars, guarded over the years by Fiara, a giant earwig and protector of something called the Fist of Guthix. Great powers emanate from this 'Fist' and the druids have managed to convince Fiara to allow them to gather charges from it. Being light on numbers, they need others to help them, which is where you come in!

In the spirit of Guthix, Fiara has introduced a 'balance' to this minigame. For each adventurer looking to absorb the power of the fist, there is another trying to chop, range or cast spells at them!

You and another adventurer must each take a turn being the hunted or the hunter. The hunted's task is to survive as long as possible, storing charges in a stone of power as the time counts down, while the hunter simply has to defeat the hunted in as quick a time as possible!

The energy of this mysterious area has quite an impact on those who attempt to absorb the power from the Fist of Guthix. Even the mightiest of warriors will find themselves severely weakened as they avoid the hunter, making it incredibly difficult to survive for long. The cave does offer some help in the form of places to hide, but will this be enough?

After both you and your opponent have had a chance to be the hunted, victory is assigned to those who stored the most charges in their stone of power. Fist of Guthix tokens will then be given out, based on how well you did, with which you can purchase a wide variety of rewards, including magical gloves to help you boost your XP, spiked shields and many more.

Fist of Guthix is available to play on ALL free and members worlds. There is a list of recommended worlds on the Themed Worlds Knowledge Base page.

We have also put a cap on the number of players who can play Fist of Guthix on any world at any time, which is set at 250 players. This will maximise your enjoyment of Fist of Guthix and minimise any conflict from other ongoing matches!


Where to start Fist of Guthix:

North of Varrock, in the lower reaches of the Wilderness.


None - Fist of Guthix is available to both free players and members.

Access to:

A new, one-on-one, tactical PvP minigame under the Wilderness

A new area the size of Ape Atoll

Rewards, including clothing with set effects, available to free players
as well as members

A Fist of Guthix Hiscores table for those who have a rank of 500 or higher

In other news...

Hunter pet variations have been added to many places in RuneScape. Monkeys, squirrels, raccoons and geckos can now be found in several different shapes, colours and sizes, so get hunting!

The Party Room chest has been changed to better reflect the value of the items that are in it. It now checks the items against the Grand Exchange market price, so you should find a more accurate drop party value in banks or the Party Room.

Having looked at feedback on the Forums, we have changed the ibis, granite crab and granite lobster so that they give a small amount of Fishing experience when catching fish - a nice little bonus, we think you'll find!

A few graphical issues popped up last week: a pier in Neitiznot disappeared and a small hole opened up on Karamja! Guthix has restored the balance and these have been repaired.

Finally, a change has been made to the Culinaromancer's chest and the gnome ingredients shop at the Grand Tree. Item prices in these shops should be more attractive.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Revamped Special Report
RuneHQ News

Phrin shade Hello everyone! Today we are pleased to bring you an update that was waiting to happen to this guide.

Please welcome the revamped version of the Mort'ton Shade Burning guide. We find that this change will help you with future burning.

Updates thanks to Fireball0236 and others.

~ Jakesterwars ~

Join the Forums
RuneHQ News

Have you visited the Forums?

We would like to feature the great forum community we have here at RuneHQ, just in case you may have been missing out on all the great discussions, interactions with fellow players and staff, and all around fun! So.....

Join the Forums

Click on the graphic above (or on Community Forums at the left column) to gain access to the forums. If you are not registered, just click here to go to the registrations page. If you have problems validating your email, make sure to check your junk/bulk email box or you can send an email to

A Sneak Peak

Here's a brief list of different features the forums have to offer. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can always post a suggestion and let us know what you want to see on the forums or the site.

and much more!

Thanks to Richie_S for creating this graphic!

~ Maonzhi ~

April Fools!!! HAHAHAHAHA! and Behind the Scene
RuneHQ News

April Fools!!! We sure hope you didn't fall for that little trick we just played on ya!

If you did, oh well. I hope you're not one of those grumpy people that can't take a joke! hahahahahahahaha!

We here at RuneHQ are trying to make this a fun filled April. We have lots of fun things planned for you. We hope you all are as excited about the upcoming events that will be posted soon as we are. We cannot wait to get started! We hope to joke our way around and all through this month and make everyone laugh and smile!

Please post your April Fool's pranks on the forum; we want to hear all about the dirty tricks you played on your friends this devilish day! Give someone some good ideas of things to do to their friends. If you need help playing a practical joke on someone please feel free to ask for help. We want today to be fun and exciting for all you little jokesters out there today!

Just remember, life is no fun if you cannot laugh at yourself and others. Don't take life too seriously! Laugh, have fun, play a joke on a friend, make fun of yourself! Above all else, today is a day to laugh!


Quotations taken directly from

1 April 2008 - Behind the Scenes - April

The first of April's updates seems to attract abbreviations: F2P, PvP, OMG - all of these could be used to describe Fist of Guthix, our next combat minigame. We could say that this will be a safe, single-way, Wilderness-based game available to both free players and members, but that would ignore some important details. Attack strategies, defensive tactics, well-timed escapes: Fist of Guthix will employ all of these to create a memorable combat minigame.

There is a massive range of rewards to win for playing Fist of Guthix, so we'll give you a wee teaser. The rune berserker shield, like most of Fist of Guthix's rewards, degrades with use, but it also offers you some hefty defence bonuses and a Strength boost; the battle robe set will sometimes pay for mind, chaos, death or blood runes that you use when casting a combat spell; and the Runecrafting gloves will double the experience you gain from crafting runes of the glove's type!

Talking of rewards, where could you possibly find a top hat, animal mask, adamant cane and black crossbow? It could only be the Treasure Trails, and this month will bring our next installment. Among the new weapons, clothes and hats will be some brain-twisting new clues to untangle, ranging across the medium and hard difficulties.

It is at this point in the month that the skies will darken, a fog will descend and a bloodcurdling scream will echo out. What could bring on this strange and eerie change? Ah, it must be the fourth in our Myreque quest series: Legacy of Seergaze! With no help forthcoming from Misthalin and vampyres continuing to collect their scarlet tithes, the Myreque have been calling on mercenaries to aid their cause. Meanwhile, deep in Paterdomus, Drezel has found something strange that could shed light on Morytania's gloomy past...

Not so gloomy are the graphical improvements to the Morytania entrance area and the icefiends of RuneScape. Expect Paterdomus temple and its grounds to become more grand and foreboding, and the icefiends a sight more icy and fiendish.

A nod must be given to the website updates. The Grand Exchange Database will be released this month, having had its image issues resolved, displaying graphs and statistics of Grand Exchange market prices. There's also a Summoning guaranteed content poll, the latest Players' Gallery and the Postbag from the Hedge.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Summoning 2 and Gnomecopters
RuneHQ News


The official RuneHQ April Newsletter is here. Take some time, sit back, and enjoy yourself with the new information and happenings coming your way.

Quotations taken directly from

31 March 2008 - Summoning 2

Summoning Rebalancing:

You can break Summoning 2 into two halves. The first is a rebalancing of the skill using your feedback. We have chosen to do this because we wanted Summoning to be one of the most well-loved and appreciated skills, so your help was needed to get it back on track.

What did we find out from the Forums? You told us that familiars did not stick around for long enough before they disappeared, and that renewing them was often a pain. With this update, each familiar stays out for a set period of time, regardless of the summoner's skill level, so there is no need to renew your familiar. The period that each familiar stays summoned has, in general, been increased - the spirit dagannoth, for example, stays out for a whopping 57 minutes!

Secondly, you told us that summoning familiars just wasn't rewarding enough. With the rebalancing, we have given each familiar a stand-out ability that makes them well worth summoning - a feature that budding Pikkupstixes have been eager for. You will now find that Summoning a creature is far more preferable to either selling the pouch or high-alching it.

Many of you felt that combat familiars should give combat XP. We definitely agree, so each combat familiar now gives XP when they cause damage. The amount is equal to how much you would have received, had you done the damage yourself. The experience will be in one of the combat skills, which depends on your choice of familiar - the spirit jelly, for example, gives XP in the Strength stat.

Taking your combat familiar into battle will reveal our next improvement: each creature is significantly tougher. They can soak up damage like never before and many will hit harder, making them more than useful for challenges like the God Wars. We can only encourage you to try them out and see just how improved their combat abilities are.

Acquiring charms has been made easier this week, with charm drops added to nearly 20 of our Slayer creatures. For those who prefer sleight of hand over the crossing of swords, we have also added charms to the Dorgesh-Kaan chests, so thieves can access them, too.

Recharging Summoning points has been made easier, with miniature obelisks scattered across the world to keep you topped up; you can now summon familiars almost anywhere and take them with you without worrying too much about having to dismiss them; buttons have been added to help you 'dump' items from your familiar to your inventory and your familiar to your bank; headgear and headdresses can hold more scrolls per item; many existing helmets can be enchanted to hold scrolls; and some of the familiars' inventories have been expanded to a jaw-dropping 30 slots, so your pak yak can now hold more than you can. Phew!

For more details of what has changed with the Summoning rebalancing, visit the Knowledge Base page.

Extra Summoning creatures:

The second half of Summoning 2 is what we originally planned when Summoning was first released: an injection of high-level, dauntingly huge beasts. So, this week, the big guns arrive, largely in the form of the titans. These humanoid creatures don't only have a killer punch; significantly increase your chance of success when Mining and Firemaking, boil adventurers in their own armour or even recharge amulets of glory! You can expect them to range all the way up to level 99, too.

A few inches shorter, but no less daunting, are the big cats from the Hunter skill. As an example of just how many things each familiar can offer you, the graahk, kyatt and larupia are capable of teleporting you to Hunter areas, boosting your chances of trapping a creature, and lending a powerful paw when you need them in battle.

We can guarantee that the other familiars do more than make up the numbers. Fans of Pest Control will know the void pests, with their ability to teleport you to the landers, while other recognisable familiars include the talon beast, spirit mosquito, pyrelord and the fearsome giant chinchompa. These familiars are spread over the Summoning skill levels, inviting you to train it that little bit higher. So, go grab your charms and get stuck in!

Discuss this update on the forums.

31 March 2008 - Gnomecopters

Gnome Pilot
In a quiet field east of Draynor Manor, two enterprising gnomes have founded Gnomecopter Tours, featuring the latest development in gnomic flight technology. They're open for business now, offering free-players (and curious members) the chance to take a look at distant lands, including the beautiful elf village of Lletya, the frantic battlefield of Pest Control and the Trollweiss and Rellekka Hunter area.


Where to start using gnomecopters:

The gnomecopters depart from the field north of Lumbridge windmill.


None - this update is available to members and F2P!

Access to:

An aerial tour of some of the best members-only content.

In other news...

Abyssal bracelets have been changed to 'Forinthry bracelets'. These still protect you, as before, but will now allow you to escape when teleblocked by the Wilderness revenant ghosts. The bracelet's charges essentially counter a Teleblock spell that has been cast on you.

Discuss this update on the forums.

State of Play, Histories, Wallpaper, and Postbag!
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

27 March 2008 - The State of Play

In February's edition of State of Play we promised to report regularly on anticipated updates, giving you a better idea of how they are progressing. This week, we feel it's the right time to catch up with Summoning, PvP minigames and some other releases we have planned.

Summoning Improvements:

Progress Bar

Progress has been made on Summoning 2 and we plan to have this released by the end of the month. It is currently past the balancing and entering the final QA stages.

Many of you have asked what the rebalancing entails. Well, we do not want to ruin the surprise completely, but we can say that we have changed our philosophy towards balancing familiars. Instead of having lots of benefits that ADD UP to create a useful familiar, we have decided to make sure that each familiar will have one stand-out ability that makes it awesome.

Take the beaver, for example: currently, it boosts your Woodcutting, counts as a knife, produces logs when Woodcutting and offers the Multichop special move. On their own, these abilities add up, but don't 'stand out', as such. Well, with our change in policy, the beaver will soon make you logs and planks no matter what you are doing at the time, in a similar vein to Ava's Accumulator from the Animal Magnetism quest.

We can also reveal that the combat familiars will give you XP when used in battle. Each combat familiar will have a specific skill that they raise your XP in during combat - the spirit jelly gives Strength XP, for example. This will be equal to the XP you would receive if you had caused the damage yourself.

Friends List Changes:

Progress Bar

When we released the changes to the Friends List on the 25th of February, we never intended them to impact on your enjoyment of RuneScape. In fact, the changes were made so that you could chat easily with your FunOrb friends and vice versa.

Unfortunately, as many of you have pointed out, the text used in the interface was difficult to read for some, leading us to make changes to its colour scheme. This was only a short-term solution, however, and the FunOrb and RuneScape Game Engine teams are collaborating to make something that will be appreciated by 'Scapers and 'Orbsters alike.

Item Lending:

Progress Bar

The item lending feature has progressed past the proposal stage. Unfortunately, the Game Engine developers in charge of the project have had to delay it while they work on issues with serverload that came to light during the Audio Week release. These problems meant that worlds went out of action for a period of time and the developers have been tackling this issue so it does not happen again.

We're aiming to have this resolved in the next couple of weeks, so that item lending can be made a priority again. For the moment, we can tell you that the item lending feature will be session-based, allowing you to transfer objects to another player for the period that you are both logged in.

New PvP Minigame:

Progress Bar

Our next PvP minigame is entering the last stages of QA. Many of you have asked on the Forums about some aspects of this minigame - in particular, how it differs from the Duel Arena.

Well, firstly, we can promise that the game is nothing like the Duel Arena or even Bounty Hunter. This game calls for strategy, requiring far more than just combat. It demands mastery of both offensive and defensive tactics while offering fantastic rewards that you can receive nowhere else.

We plan for this minigame to be available to both members and F2P, which means that everyone can expect some enhanced equipment with great set effects. We will continue improving both free-to-play and members' PvP content in the future. Expect more news in upcoming State of Plays!

Clan Wars Changes:

Progress Bar

We've had a good look at the suggestions players have been sending in for Clan Wars. In particular, we'd like to add a 'run-in' option, where players will be permitted to re-join the battle after they've died. The first team to achieve a pre-agreed number of kills may be declared victorious. Along with this, we're looking to provide a choice of arenas, each with different scenery and obstacles. We've got plenty more Clan Wars features planned - including some 'dangerous' ones - so keep your eyes peeled for information.

Random events:

Progress Bar

We had planned some work on the random events of RuneScape quite some time ago. We were looking to see if we could remove most of them, because a decent number were not particularly good at stopping modern-day bots. Since the threat of bots and macros has been largely removed, we feel that this is a perfect opportunity to address the problem again. For the moment, we are concentrating on our PvP minigames to compensate for the Wilderness changes, but the random event proposal has been approved and is in the pipeline.

Grand Exchange:

Progress Bar

Issues with item images have meant that the Grand Exchange Database has been delayed until mid-April. We apologise for this continued delay; we intend to release the database when we are certain that it delivers on its aim - to give you a strong visual idea of market price trends over a long period of time.

Our Grand Exchange price changes are still ongoing. The godswords and flatpack furniture are examples of items that have had their value changed thanks to your feedback.

Discuss this update on the forums.

27 March 2008 - Summoning Wallpaper #4

Blue charm
We seem to have reserved the most humongous, terrifying and downright impressive creatures for Summoning 2. Visit the Downloads section if you don't believe us. It's the clash of the titans!

These high-level familiars will be yours at the end of March, when Summoning 2 arrives. Can you control them? The titans are pretty skeptical that you can...

Discuss this update on the forums.

27 March 2008 - Postbag from the Hedge

Postie Pete
After last month's hectic Player Takeover, Postie Pete returns to the usual Postbag format with a bumper bag of replies from your favourite RuneScape celebrities.

The bankers are back, answering queries about what they do in their spare time, a demon replies to one of his fans and something moves in the deep, dark places of this world...

Click here to read the latest selection.

Discuss this update on the forums.

27 March 2008 - Lores and Histories - Tumeken's Dream

History book
This month, Reldo has received a parcel of books from the High Priest of Icthlarin, who loaded them onto his camels and sent them packing all the way to Varrock. You should have seen the mess they made on the palace carpet! Queen Ellamaria wasn't best pleased, but then, when is she ever?

Anyway, Reldo set about translating these books and has published an extract - entitled Tumeken's Dream - for your reading pleasure.

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New updates, Ads, and News
RuneHQ News

As a lot of you have probably noticed we have made some changes recently to RuneHQ. We are working on some layout changes and other neat things for the site. We hired someone to start working on a site redesign for us. We want to change the look of RuneHQ since it has been a while since we did our last site redesign.

We also added a new AD company and a new string of ads. Some of these ads need to be filtered out and we are aware that some of the ads are causing people issues. We are working on getting these cleaned up. Trust us when we say we hate annoying ads just the same as you. If you have a problem with an ad, please alert us of the details for that ad and we will filter it out.

We do not want people having virus scanners going crazy or causing browsers to crash, that is just not right. Some of the ads from the new vendor were questionable and caused some major issues for folks, for that we are truly sorry! We have done our best to filter out the offending ads, but we need your help to make sure we got all of the ones we need to, so please let us know right away if you see ads that need squashed.

We value your contributions to the site and we are trying to improve things and bring you new features. We do however have to comply with the rules of Jagex and not introduce things that would cause them to frown upon RuneHQ. We were looking into a video hosting service as well as several other new features but we have to make sure that the new features are within the rules. We want to be friendlier to clans and have some hosted clans on our servers. We are providing Ventrilo channels for clans as well as other features. We are working with RuneHead on an IRC network for clans to use.

We want RuneHQ to be your site for everything related to RuneScape and also hope we can turn the site into a community you can use for things outside of RuneScape also. We are working on other sites for you; GameTalkHQ and MediaGraphixHQ are always looking for other places to spread out to help out our community.

If you have ideas or things you would like to see from Global Gaming HQ and RuneHQ please let us know. If you have coding or web site development skills and want to help out with the site redesign, please let us know! We do value your input and constructive criticism. We want to do things to help you make your life a little better. We want to be your friends and neighbors.


Test paper Welcome everyone! We have two updates helpful in training for both F2P and P2P. Also, check them out just to increase your Runescape Knowledge!

Welcome the Stronghold of Player Safety guide and the Stronghold of Player Safety Dungeon Map.

The guide was written by Skeletonmat and thanks to everyone who helped with corrections and updates. The map was made by Jett_Man.

Onwards to the next two updates!

The next guide we have will help you power mine with coal and teach you some tricks to make some quick cash with it, too. Please take a look at the updated Coal Trucks Guide for more information on how to use them.

Give a thanks to Cloudsfinalh and everyone who helped with this guide!

Our final update is the re-written version of the Castle Wars guide. Take a peek if you're a Castle Wars freak!

Thank Jett_Man and everyone else who helped for this guide!

~ Jakesterwars ~

Easter and Server Maintenance
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

18 March 2008 - Easter 2008 - For All Players!

Easter egg
It seems that the problem-prone Easter Bunny is once again experiencing difficulties. He's spent so much time redecorating his warren that he hasn't noticed critters burrowing in and devouring his entire chocolate stockpile.

Now, devoid of cocoa stocks, the chocolate egg production has ground to a halt and the forecast for Easter celebrations looks bleak. No need to worry, though - the Easter Bunny is an inventive sort, and has come up with an eggs-emplary new idea: use a chocatrice! These fearsome creatures, incubated from a chocolate-coated cockatrice egg, can turn their targets into chocolate with one lethal, chocifying gaze.

It falls to you, then, to create this curious creature. You'll need to track down some of the lost chocolate to make a chocatrice egg and then carefully incubate it. The critters who ate the chocolate supply are sealed in the Easter Bunny's tunnels and will prove a suitable target for your chocatrice.

So, this Easter, you will come to the aid of chocolate lovers everywhere, incubating your own chocatrice, guiding it around the Easter Bunny's tunnels and turning the greedy rats into something altogether more delicious...


Where to start the Easter Event 2008:

Investigate the rabbit hole, between Falador's southern gate and the Rimmington mine.


None - this update is available to members and F2P!

Access to:

A new emote and Easter item!

In other news...

The music system now has a counter which keeps 'track' of how many songs you've unlocked. You'll have the Air Guitar emote in no time!

Players will now always receive a TzHaar fire cape and 8,000 TokKul after defeating TzTok-Jad. You can keep any extra fire capes you win as spares in case you lose them, or speak to TzHaar-Mej-Jal, master of the Fight Cave, who will purchase spare fire capes from you for 8,000 TokKul a piece.

We're constantly looking at item prices on the Grand Exchange and how they match up with similar items and those that are unfinished versions of other items. Prices for some of these sorts of items have been adjusted following this pattern. For example, an unstrung necklace will more closely follow the price of the strung version.

You might have found in the recently refurbished Edgeville Dungeon that fighting chaos druids was a slow process. The death animation has been reduced so you don't have to spend as much time waiting before picking up your loot!

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18 March 2008 - Server Maintenance

A small number of worlds will be offline shortly for some essential maintenance to improve the quality of service. They will be restored as soon as possible.

This only affects a small proportion of all of our available worlds, so you should still be able to find a world to match your needs.

Discuss this update on the forums.

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