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Updated Pest Control Guide!
RuneHQ News

After a few days of collecting data to add into this guide, it's complete, aside from the portal images that are suppose to be coming soon. The formulas for the experience are still under work since of the decrease of experience. Anyways, check out the Pest Control guide to see how it looks! Thanks to everyone that helped too!

~ Jakesterwars ~

Barbarian Training is online!
RuneHQ News

After a long and excruciating time to make this guide, it is finally up! Thanks to Brenden and everyone else who helped in making the Barbarian Training guide.

~ Jakesterwars ~

Pest Control Update and Game Improvements!
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

17 July 2007 - Pest Control Update

We've made some adjustments to the Pest Control minigame. The biggest change is to include the very heavily requested feature to have three different boats with three different level requirements. Boat 1 requires a combat level of 40+, boat 2 requires a combat level of 70+ and boat 3 requires a combat level of 100+.

Now, this change makes a big impact on the game, so we've had to put a lot of thought into rebalancing other areas accordingly. We needed to make sure each boat provides a game which is correctly balanced for its level requirements. This means that in each boat we needed to determine such things as monster levels, Pest Control points given per game, experience given per Pest Control point, and make a change to the way killing portals works.

If you are interested in what these changes are and our decision process in coming to them, then this is detailed in the bottom section of this news story.

We have added an intermediate points-for-experience deal. Before, you could only trade in points for experience in batches of 1 or 100. You can now also trade 10 points for experience which will give you a 1% experience bonus.

We've slightly increased the stats of the Void Knight armour.

We've made some new things to buy with your Pest Control points, too. We've released 3 new helmets. One is for rangers, one is for mages and one is for meleers. When a helmet is worn with the top, robe and gloves you will receive a set bonus appropriate for the corresponding character class. You don't need to wield the mace to receive the set bonus. The player owned house costume room will store the new helmets.

Another new item to spend points on is the Void Knight seal, an item specifically for helping you in the Pest Control game. The seal has 8 charges and will deal 8-12 damage to all adjacent monsters. This can only be used within Pest Control, and it does not contribute towards the minimum 50 damage needed to earn points.

The squire now has a right-click "quick leave" option so you can now leave the island even when under attack.

Bottom section of this news story.

As outlined earlier, once we split the game into three boats, there were a lot of knock on effects we needed to address, which are explained in this section.

Firstly, we've had to adjust the strength of the monsters according to the boat you are on. A boat containing only level 40-70 players couldn't beat the game before. Now if the game is harder on a high level boat then it needs to give more points or it wouldn't be fair. Now, winning a game on boat 3 will give you 4 Pest Control points, winning on boat 2 will give you 3 Pest Control points and winning on boat 1 will give you 2 Pest Control points.

That's a lot more points per game! We obviously can't give as much experience per point if points are that easy to get, so the amount of experience you get per point is now 35% of what it used to be. You may be wondering what will happen to the Pest Control points you have collected already - we thought of that, and you will still get to cash in your old points at the old rate. (Phew!)

To do the maths for you, that means that on boat 2 you'll be getting just slightly more experience per game than previously and on boat 3 you will getting a lot more experience per game. This isn't as extreme as it sounds because games can take longer to complete now (more on that below). You'll be getting less experience per game on boat 1, but that's okay because low levels will probably be able to win more games than they could before. The experience you will receive per point if you choose Ranged and Magic has been reduced by a further ten percent as we felt receiving experience in those skills without using runes or arrows is rather generous anyway. Herbs, seeds and minerals have also had their point cost tripled to stay in line with the new point rewards. The Void Knight equipment has retained its old point value, effectively making it cheaper.

Pest Control has always given very generous combat experience. In a strange way, the main thing which kept the experience rate from reaching ludicrous levels was that the presence of enough people with low combat levels made the game hard to win quickly and consistently. Not the best balancing mechanism, I'm sure you'll agree! It was rather unreliable and could unfortunately even lead to verbal abuse of low level players who were doing no harm beyond wanting to play a minigame - not really the community building we'd hoped for from this minigame.

So, since that effect is now greatly reduced (low levels have their own boat), and since the high level boats now give more experience per game, we've had to compensate for that in some way too! The rate of experience is now kept in check by the fact that the portals will start the game being shielded and invulnerable. One portal will become unshielded 15 seconds after the game starts, then another every 30 seconds, until after 1 minute and 45 seconds every portal is unshielded. This actually brings about the strategy in game play that we had always intended as you actually have to put up a proper defence up for the Void Knight rather than simply relying on people killing the portals very quickly. Our general aims with rates of experience are to make features worthwhile training on while not being so good that they render other training methods obsolete and it is this balance that we have worked hard to achieve.

To further fine tune gameplay, the behaviour of a number of the npcs has changed. Most of the npcs now do not block players except for the brawlers and the portals, so it's much easier to move around the island now. Spinners will poison nearby players when a nearby portal is killed, portals can no longer be poisoned and shifters teleport around a lot more.

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17 July 2007 - Game Improvements

We've just added a bunch of extra features to the game to make your lives a bit easier and much safer. These range from improving existing interfaces to changing the way magic logs look.

We've introduced a couple of changes that should make the trade system easier and safer to use. Firstly, the trade interface now shows you how many free inventory spaces your trade partner has. Secondly, the interface provides a visual warning when your partner removes an item from their offer. If you're worried about your trade partner suddenly changing their offer, this is certain to make it much more obvious.

Throughout various areas of the game we've added the ability to 'make-x' on some more items. This includes a lot of the areas of Cooking such as pie making, pizza making and potato making. It also includes making arrows, potion making, glassmaking, amulet stringing and a number of other areas. You might have noticed that 'make-x' for smithing is missing - do not fear! It is still being worked on and will be brought to you soon.

A new warning system has been unveiled, which will allow veteran players to mute those pesky warning messages that they see on a daily basis. Areas like the Shantay Pass and the Wilderness will no longer force you too see a long message explaining the dangers of the area, unless you want it to. Newer players, and those that have not been to the area enough times, will still see the messages and be safer for it, but those that are more familiar with the dangers will be able to toggle them on and off as they see fit, speeding up journeys through the desert and other dangerous areas. If you want to check out the new warning interface, head to Lumbridge and find the Doomsayer, who wanders around near the Lumbridge Guide.

We have added Town Criers to Varrock, Falador, Draynor, East Ardougne and Seers' Village. These knowledgeable men know all about the Rules of RuneScape as well as providing some handy information regarding Player Moderators and what they can and can't do. So, if you have a question regarding a Rule and don't want to look on the website, just talk to a Town Crier!

We've also updated the Duel Arena so that you'll get a warning if you try to take a double-handed weapon into a single-handed duel, kebabs can no longer reduce your Hitpoints and will affect a different skill instead, and magic logs now look properly magical and very different from other logs.

New Random Event

Just when you thought school was out...SURPRISE! It's an exam for you! Mr. Mordaut is going to put you on the spot and test your abilities at spotting patterns. Will you prove your worth or be sent to the back of the class?

Aside from the terrifying Mr. Mordaut, the class is full of delinquents and dunces: from the bored goblin and the zombies who want (to be) brains to the giant trying to better himself and the imp serving time in the corner. It's just like being back at school - well, it would be if your teacher was a dragon and you had a mummy for a classmate. To prove that you've learnt something in his class, Mr. Mordaut will grant you a tome of experience when you leave.

We like to keep a bit of variation in Random Events but without just adding new ones, so in order to keep the balance right, we've removed the Broken Axe event. We've also magically repaired any broken axes you have, and any handles missing a head have been whisked away to wherever it is that lonely axe handles go.

Click here to read about all the Random Events you might come across.

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Updated Homeworlds!
RuneHQ News

The RuneHQ RuneScape home worlds have been updated! The new members home world is 77 (our original home world), and the free players home world is still 55.

Go here for more information.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Pwn Community and Updated Guild Guide!
RuneHQ News

Pwn, Global Gaming HQ's gaming clan, has expanded to become a full gaming community! Register on the Pwn community forums to talk about all types of games, meet new friends, and if you're good enough, even apply to join the clan itself! Click here to register.

We are currently looking for people to lead the Pwn clan in new games, so if you are interested, please post on the Pwn forums.

PLEASE NOTE: Pwn is NOT a RuneScape clan! If you want to join a RuneScape clan, join TORC, NOT Pwn!

~ [theITfactor/Im4eversmart] ~

The Fishing Guild Guide has been rewritten and uploaded to the site! Thanks to Brenden and the others who helped make this guide!

~ Jakesterwars ~

Players' Gallery, POH room increase and more, and A bird in the hand...
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

9 July 2007 - Players' Gallery

RuneScape's number one (self-appointed) art critic, Postie Pete, has thrown together a delightful collection of your finest works this month for the latest Players' Gallery. Postie Pete tells us this is some of the best work he's seen to date, with a marvellous use of light and shadow, and brush-work to die for! We're not sure Pete knows all that much about art, but he does seem to have an eye, or rather eye socket, for a great picture.

Check out this month's Players' Gallery, and who knows, perhaps you'll find some inspiration to create a masterpiece of your own.

9 July 2007 - POH room increase and more

Today we are increasing the number of rooms that high-level builders can build in their houses. The room cap still starts off at 20, but at level 50 Construction it starts rising, to a maximum of 30 rooms at level 99 Construction. With this new cap in place, you can start making your house into your castle!

The equipped interface also gets a useful update, with the addition of a new button. This button will bring up a display showing what you're carrying and which items you get to keep if you die, as well as noting what is affecting this. Hopefully you'll be able to use this to make sure you don't lose all your favourite items to some dastardly dragon.

In other news...

A problem has been fixed whereby players who were inserting or swapping items between their inventory and bank would see the item they're dragging disappear behind the bank interface; this issue has now been rectified.

The rock golem's boulder attack from one of the random events was previously being negated by Protect from Melee. This has been modified so now the boulders can only be stopped via Protect from Missiles instead. It's best to just run away though or the rock golem might just splat you!

The mithril dragons' breath attack is now more consistent with other dragons; previously, Protect from Magic was slightly reducing the damage taken by players.

We've also made a change to players entering and exiting player-owned houses.

Players who enter player-owned houses may lose or gain Hitpoints whilst inside (e.g. by eating food or fighting monsters in the dungeon). Following today's update, if you leave a house with less Hitpoints than you had when you went in, it'll restore your Hitpoints back to the number you started with.


Player A enters a house on 20/50 Hitpoints. He eats and restores 20 Hitpoints, then leaves. He will leave with 40 Hitpoints.

Player B enters on 50/50 Hitpoints. He fights some monsters in the dungeon and takes 30 damage. He leaves the house and has his Hitpoints restored to 50/50.

Player C enters his house on 25/50 Hitpoints, he then leaves immediately. He will leave with 25 Hitpoints.

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9 July 2007 - A bird in the hand...

The birds of RuneScape have been perched, sick as a parrot and grebe with envy over these graphical updates that have been higher in the pecking order. Well, now it's their tern; after all, "toucan play at that game".

That's right, those with eyes of a hawk will notice an upgrade to the plumage of our fowl friends. From the ducks and gulls to the more vicious terrorbirds and jubblies, there is plenty to gobble up.

So, swallow your pride and flock into game swiftly if you want a goosey gander at our eggs-ellent new bird update - there is certainly plenty to go cuckoo over.

Finally, mugger (level 6) has sneaked himself onto the graphical guestlist and also received a rework.

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We have a new City Guide on our database!
RuneHQ News

The Canifis City Guide has been rewritten and uploaded to the database! Thanks to Jett_Man and everyone else who helped for this wonderful guide!

~ Jakesterwars ~

We have 2 new guides on our site!
RuneHQ News

The Achievement Diary: Karamja and Impetuous Impulses has been added to the site! Thanks to Belgariad04 for the first and Sir_Bob126 for the second!

~ Jakesterwars ~

We have a new Guild guide in our database!
RuneHQ News

The Legends' Guild Guide has been rewritten and added into the database. Thanks to Andro_Girl and others for this guide.

~ Jakesterwars ~

Postbad from the Hedge
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

26 June 2007 - Postbag from the Hedge

This month's Postbag from the Hedge brings you tales from the history of RuneScape... as well as the Mysterious Old Man's notes on some random events he never got round to making.

Whether you're interested in Duradel's love of claws as weapons, a demonic butler's remarkable manners or just what Azzanadra thinks of the other Mahjarrat, there's something in there for you.

You'll also find that Chieftain Brundt has supplied you with a painting of one of the Fremennik expeditions to Waterbirth Island, which you can download to use as a wallpaper.

Behind the Scenes
RuneHQ News

Quotes taken directly from

2 July 2007 - Behind the Scenes - July

We kick this month off with a very barbaric update. After the creation of the Barbarian Assault minigame, the Baxtorian Barbarians have been investigating several of the local features in the hopes of finding a new challenge for their hairy brethren... and they have not been disappointed. Lying deep beneath the surface they have found the resting place of an old, nearly forgotten, yet strangely familiar foe... the mithril dragon.

This dragon, who is going to weigh in at an impressive level 300, will hold several interesting items in its treasure horde, not least the fabled dragon full helm.

The location of this dungeon is a closely guarded secret, though, so you’ll need to prove yourself worthy to gain access. Construct burial ships, wield new one-handed spears, start fires the old-fashioned way, modify potions and go bare-handed harpoon fishing... then, with a bit of luck, they'll invite you in.

July also sees another update to the game's audio effects by improving the timing and synchronisation of various sound effects associated with several of the skills and characters. We are also working on improving instrument sounds and a feature which will allow the player to access information about where a song can be unlocked. Keep your ears open for more musical developments later in the month.

Some people might say that the graphical improvements planned this month are a bit quackers, especially when its ducks, birds and terrorbirds that receive the make-over tweetment. Be sure to pop down and coo at their shiny new plumage later this month.

We are making more changes to the Random Events in the game with the removal of specific events and the addition of a new one, this time featuring a dragon headmaster and some monstrous classmates. Let’s hope you do well, or it’ll be the dunces' hat for you.

After the scandal in Sinclair Mansion, little activity has been seen in the area from the rest of the Sinclair brood. Recently, however, some of the family have been seen in the dark corners of RuneScape plotting some kind of revenge... But on whom? Brave adventurers, misguided siblings? Perhaps their greedy minds are drawn back to the fact that Camelot was Sinclair property before their overly-generous father gave it away to those high and mighty knights. No doubt your previous experiences dealing with family affairs will come in handy as you try to solve the problems behind a King's Ransom. Expect high court hijinx and a rather interesting reward for those who accept the challenge.

As mentioned last month, we are continuing to release small changes designed to improve your overall experience of RuneScape. In July we will be launching several more changes including:

* Increasing the maximum number of rooms you can have in your house to 30.

* Altering how damage is taken in a player-owned house.

* Clarifying what items you keep on death BEFORE you die.

* Clarifying what a one-handed duel actually is.

* Restricting the opening and closing of doors to stop door spammers.

* Changing how kebabs damage health.

* Changing the appearance of magic logs.

On the website side of things, this month you'll be getting all the usual goodies, as well as a story about the Barrows for the Lores and Histories section.


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Barbarian Training and Skill Sounds
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

3 July 2007 - Barbarian Training

This week brings the arrival of many additions to your skills that are all barbaric in origin. Some of these new activities are easy for most players, others will test your survivability to the limits...

Otto Godblessed has been researching his history and training people in the ways of his ancestors, and now he's ready to teach you. From his hut on the banks of the lake at the top of Baxtorian Falls, you'll go Fishing with your bare hands, mix fish eggs into your potions, wield one-handed spears and, finally, go deep into the ancient cavern beneath the lake.

The new abilities you can learn from Otto have new things to do right up to level 95 Firemaking, 85 Crafting, 96 Fishing, 76 Strength, 85 Herblore and 90 Smithing. If you're keen to haul sharks from the sea bare-handed or to send ancient barbarian heroes to their rest in style, you'd best check out Otto's training. And then there's the cavern...

Once you gain access to the Ancient Cavern, you'll find some of the most dangerous beasts in all the lands of RuneScape, beasts that the barbarians have been fighting for centuries. Of course, danger comes with rewards, and there are rumours of a rather impressive-looking red helm sometimes dropped by the new mithril dragons.


Requirements to begin Barbarian Training

Level 21 Firemaking


Level 48 Fishing and level 15 Strength and Agility


Level 55 Fishing and level 35 Strength

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3 July 2007 - Skill sounds

As part of the Barbarian Training update we have reworked a number of skill sounds so they are timed more accurately. This means that when you swing your pick to mine, or cast your rod into a Fishing spot, you will hear the sound of the rock being hit exactly when it should happen, these changes may also very slightly reduce lag when you are involved in these skills. The skills with updated sounds are Firemaking, Fletching, Mining, Fishing and Woodcutting.

As a side effect of this, you'll notice that the Mining animation has changed. Getting the Mining sounds to match up was a bit of a tough job, so we put some work into the animation to iron out those problems. The result is a really nice bit of work from the Graphics team that should make Mining a bit more enjoyable.

In other news...

We've fixed a bug that was stopping the dragonfire shield from performing its special attack while you were autocasting spells. As a bonus, these shields can now be charged by the breath attack of skeletal wyverns.

The wyverns themselves have had a very old bug fixed that was allowing the Protect from Melee prayer to block damage from their ice breath. The ice breath isn't melee, so that prayer was never meant to have any effect on it. The wyverns' attacks are now as follows:

* Bite / Tail-lash - These are simple melee attacks. Their damage may be blocked completely by the Protect from Melee prayer.

* Ice Breath - This is an incredibly powerful middle-range attack. Its damage may be substantially reduced if you are wielding an elemental shield, elemental mind shield or dragonfire shield (because the dragonfire shield is now recharged by the breath), but NOT the anti-dragonbreath shield. If you didn't have an appropriate shield, the Protect from Magic prayer will also reduce the damage, although it is not as effective. The ice breath also has a chance of freezing you so that you cannot walk for a while.

* Iceball - This is a long-range attack. Its damage is prevented by the Protect from Missiles prayer.

Although Charlie the Tramp is described as a red-haired tramp in the Shield of Arrav quest, he's actually had grey hair ever since the Varrock update! The barber has now been brought in to work his magic, and Charlie is ginger once more.

Finally, we've fixed the bug that a few of you spotted that was causing the Blast Furnace pump to turn up in random events!

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We have 4 new maps in our database!
RuneHQ News

The Olaf's Quest Dungeon Map, Ogre City Chamber Map, Waterbirth Dungeon Map, and Champion's Guild Map have been uploaded to the site. Thanks to Jett_Man for the first, Brenden for the second, Watsermetjou/Lament for the third, and DarkBlitz/Sccrluk9 for the fourth.

~ Jakesterwars ~

We have 2 new newly rewritten guides and 2 maps!
RuneHQ News

The Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up mini-game and Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble mini-game guides have been rewritten and uploaded to the site. Thanks to Jakesterwars for the first and Andro_Girl for the second.

The Dwarven Passage map and ScapeRune Island Map have been remapped and uploaded to the site. Thanks to Smicks for the first and DarkBlitz for the second.

~ Jakesterwars ~

Guaranteed Content - Halloween results and Game Engine Update
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

26 June 2007 - Guaranteed Content - Halloween results

It went right up to the wire, but the winners have been chosen. As voted for by you, they are:

  • Halloween event winner: The Grim Reaper owns a spooky House of Horror, in which he has placed you. Can you pass the traps and scares?

  • Halloween reward winner: A Grim Reaper hood

  • Halloween emote winner: A zombie hand coming out of the ground

Many thanks to all of you who voted - you have chosen some ghoulishly great options! We promise that the event will be just as exciting as the race for the winner has been.

There may have been two Guaranteed Content polls recently, but they will not be released this frequently in the future. It just happened to be that two subjects suitable for Guaranteed Content polls came up in quick succession.

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Game Engine Update

This week we've made another internal upgrade to the RuneScape game engine, which makes it possible for us to do more complex/varied updates in the future.

This time around the interface system has had another overhaul, with a large chunk of the system completely replaced with a more powerful version. We've then had to adjust and retest all the old interfaces to make sure they still work under the new system (a big job!).

The sorts of changes that have been made aren't generally things that you'll notice immediately, but there's a surprisingly large amount of work involved in any engine upgrade. Admittedly, it's not the most exciting update in the short term, but it's definitely worth it in the long run!

All this frantic behind the scenes activity finally means we can now get started on some (much requested) updates to some of our main interfaces - updates which weren't previously possible, but now are! In the meantime, though, we've taken the opportunity to fix a few more bugs...

In other news...

The uncharged version of the new dragonfire shield has now been given a +7 strength bonus to match the charged version.

We've fixed the bug with POH costume rooms that was letting players store wizard boots in oak treasure chests even though they couldn't be taken out again. The boots are meant to be stored only in teak or mahogany treasure chests.

Over time, if your stats have been reduced or raised, most of them restore slowly back towards their default levels. However, if you opened an interface such as one of the skill guides or a shop, your stats used to stop restoring until you closed it again. We've now fixed it so that your stats will restore normally even if you have an interface open.

Finally, the pet rock from Fremennik Trials now has to be wielded in both hands, as if it were a two-handed sword. Some of its animations weren't looking very good if you wielded the rock and a shield at the same time.

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