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Dorgesh-Kaan, Cows, Chickens, Rabbits and the Fishing Trawler
RuneHQ News

Quotes taken directly from

20 March 2007 - Dorgesh-Kaan

After much deliberation, the Dorgeshuun Council has decided to open the doors of Dorgesh-Kaan to surface-dwellers. Those adventurers who have completed Death to the Dorgeshuun may now enter the secret city of the cave goblins.

The first visitor to the city was the Makeover Mage, hired by the council to make the city presentable for its grand opening. Despite their concern at the presence of outsiders, even the humble citizens have submitted themselves to the Makeover Mage's skills, and they're all pleased with the results.

Inside the city you will find a marketplace specialising in exotic foods - which, for the cave goblins, means anything from the surface! You can attempt to sell any foods you like to the gourmets in the market, but the cave goblins have fickle tastes and a keen eye for trends, so you will find the prices changing as they become more used to certain foods. Vary your stock and you can reap the financial rewards that await the cunning merchant.

Also in the city, adventurers will find that they can practice their Crafting and Firemaking by helping to maintain the city's unique magical lighting system. Any adventurers prepared to abuse the cave goblins' trust will find rich pickings for skilled thieves. There is also a magical inventor who has found a way of making the city easier for surface-dwellers to reach, so you should look for him if you want to visit often.

Beyond the city is another area of the Lumbridge Swamp Caves populated by familiar monsters, plus a new one: the mysterious molanisk. Only adventurers with enough skill and the right equipment will be able to entice them off the walls to fight. Some of the cave bugs in this area have also grown to enormous proportions, and might provide a better option for experienced Slayers who receive cave bugs as an assignment.

High above the molanisks' heads is the magical power generator that the cave goblins use to power their city. The generator is a remarkable piece of technology, but prone to breaking down, and those with remarkable Agility will be able to help out by locating spare parts. Smashed pylons and old cables form the most difficult Agility course in the game, and crossbow-fired grappling hooks will also be useful to make the most of it.

On top of all this, there are plenty of ordinary cave goblins to talk to, and if you search the city you will find your old friend Zanik wandering around. She is dying to see you again, so grab your lantern and make the journey to Dorgesh-Kaan!


Requirements to enter Dorgesh-Kaan
Death to the Dorgeshuun
Requirements for new content
(Each of the 6 new things can be done separately,
so there should be something for everyone.)
Level 70
Level 87
Level 52
Level 39
Level 36
Level 52/78
Agility Course
Crafting lightorbs
Firemaking lightorb repairs
Slayer molanisk
Thieving pickpocketing
Thieving chests

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Cows, Chickens, Rabbits and the Fishing Trawler

Avast, ye landlubbers! Murphy at Port Khazard has discovered a new spot teeming with fish for his trawler! He can't haul in this bountiful booty by his lonesome, though. With more high-quality fishy things to catch (those with the ability to catch manta rays and turtles, for example, are likely to catch quite a few more on the trawler than they could previously), it's time to strap on your Fishing gear, fix those leaks and start reaping the rewards.

Bring your friends along for a voyage on the high seas, but don't be afraid to get wet! The more friends that set sail, the greater the chance of more fish. Murphy has also fashioned himself a handy bank deposit box to allow you to send your fish straight to your bank (assuming you have the space, of course)!

RuneScape's Group of Advanced Gardeners (G.A.G.) recently commissioned the Makeover Mage to improve the appearance of their favourite animals. Sadly, the Mage was deeply involved in business with the Dorgeshuun, so he/she couldn't attend. Always resourceful, though, G.A.G. got some help from the Oneiromancer to tap into the Makeover Mage's dreams, so they could then manipulate him/her to cast the appropriate spells in his/her sleep. They're a cunning bunch, those farmers.

To cut a needlessly long story short, cows, chickens and rabbits now look fabulously new and shiny, and are sure to be a joy for players to slaughter!

In other news...

Fighters, fishers and deforesters alike may be pleased to hear that we've adjusted the game engine so that you don't stop fighting, fishing or felling trees when you rearrange items in your inventory. Similarly, we've made some changes to the prayer interface so that the buttons will light up as soon as you click them instead of waiting for the signal to reach the game servers, just like they used to do before last week's update.

The anchor from the Great Brain Robbery quest has had its stats boosted one more time. Its strength bonus has risen from 87 to 100 and its crush attack has increased from 80 to 92. On far-off Mos Le'Harmless, Smithing Smith has decided to change the fee he charges for repairing all broken anchors, so he'll now demand 230k coins to make your new anchors ship-shape and ready for head-pounding action.

Finally, there's a new button on the login screen that lets you move between game worlds more easily (unfortunately it is not available if you're using the unsigned version of the applet). Enjoy!

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Happy Birthday To Roklykthat!
RuneHQ News

Hey RuneHQ Users!

As you may or may not know, today is in fact Roklykthat's Birthday!
She has been a RuneHQ Owner for quite a while now, and we all love her and the work she does.
I want to wish her a great birthday here on the main site. You can congratulate her here.

We wish you a very happy birthday!

~The RuneHQ Staff

DarkBlitz has provided us with the Falador City Map. Thank you to DarkBlitz and all those who helped!

In Addition Jett Man has made an excellent map of the Creature Creation Dungeon! Alot of hard work was put into this map so check it out!


PwnHQ Launch!
RuneHQ News

As you may or may not know, RuneHQ is a website owned by Global Gaming HQ LLC, a company headed by MrStormy, Roklykthat, Apuredelite, and DRAVAN. Recently, GGHQ has decided to expand into more games outside of RuneScape. After much work, we are pleased to announce the grand opening of PwnHQ, the official elite gaming clan and community of GGHQ. PwnHQ currently specializes in a variety of PC games, including Star Wars Battlefront 2, America's Army, and more.

To join PwnHQ, apply on the new PwnHQ forums. You do not have to play either of the currently supported games to join, instead you can request to help us expand into a new game.

PwnHQ currently has two servers for Star Wars Battlefront 2, the 32 player {Pwn} Combat Colosseum and the 16 player {Pwn} Pwn or be Pwned.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 can be purchased at most stores for only $20, with no monthly fees. America's Army is a free game you can download from their official website.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~ (theITfactor)

Burgh de Rott Ramble, Barrelchest Anchor, Player
RuneHQ News

Quotes taken directly from

13 March 2007 - Burgh de Rott Ramble

Those brave adventurers who have recently helped out the Myreque in the Darkness of Hallowvale quest will find loot-minded mercenaries are waiting at Paterdomus looking for guides down to Burgh de Rott.

The ability of these so-called 'mercenaries' ranges from experienced down to vampyre-fodder, but they can all lend their support to the cause of the Myreque. As an experienced member of the Myreque, you know Mort Myre like the back of your hand, so who better to guide them to Burgh de Rott?

Any of these mercenaries would be well-disposed to reward those that successfully guide them to their destination, no doubt with useful skill-related items. This new journey means that players can now lead villagers to safety from Burgh de Rott and bring back a fresh recruit on the return, meaning every trek can have purpose and reward.

With the recently repaired bank in Burgh de Rott being so handy, it couldn't be easier to prepare for plying those Morytanian swamp routes for some useful experience rewards.

With the growing number of visitors to Mort Myre recently, it's hardly surprising to find that more predatory creatures are carving themselves a niche in this forbidding swamp, so even those of you already familiar with the swamp-dwelling residents from Temple Trekking will be in for more surprises. Strange stories of dark nail beasts, humans turning into ghasts and zombie lumberjacks have all been reported to the authorities at Paterdomus - let's just hope you don't run into them when doing the Burgh de Rott Ramble.

Barrelchest Anchor

Players who've completed The Great Brain Robbery will find that we've made some changes to the Anchor weapon. In particular, we've increased its strength bonus to 87, but its attack speed has been reduced very slightly, as befits such a heavy item.

We have also increased the price, as we felt it was too cheap for such a powerful weapon. To make things fair, everyone will be able to get the anchor repaired one more time at the old price of 50k, but after that it will cost 700k to replace.

Finally, we have changed the way the anchor behaves when you die with it. If the anchor is one of the items you would normally expect to drop when you die, it will disappear and you will instead drop 230k coins. We made this change because the anchor is an item which people use for player-killing; we felt it was worth rewarding the big risks involved in killing a player-killer who was armed with this weapon.

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Players' Gallery and Quest Help

Another month, another batch of your lovingly-crafted artwork on display in the Players' Gallery. This time there are four dragons and a funeral, and a very stupid rock... (We'll leave you work out which is which.)

QuestHelp gets bolstered once more, with another batch of quests now having hints to aid you through: A Soul's Bane, Between a Rock..., Horror From the Deep, Regicide and Throne of Miscellania.

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World Switchers Temporarily Unavailable
RuneHQ News

8 March 2007 - World Switchers Temporarily Unavailable

Jagex has again updated Rule 7 meaning that changes need to be made to the World Switchers. We have taken the world switchers offline until we can update them to meet the new rules.

Please do not panic, the RuneHQ coding staff are currently in the process of updating both of the world switchers so they comply with these new rules.

However, it will take us time to make the world switchers comply with these new rules as they are very strict.

We thank you for your co-operation in the matter,

The RuneHQ Staff

Postbag from the Hedge
RuneHQ News

Quotes taken directly from

7 March 2007 - Postbag from the Hedge

Postie Pete has swallowed his pride and delivered some of the more dangerous letters this month, swinging by Waterbirth Island, the Barrows and Trollheim to deliver letters that are a smidgeon less than respectful! One particular adventurer is in Postie Pete's bad books for getting him kicked into the Lunar Sea by Dagannoth Supreme.

There is not a resentful bone in Postie Pete's skull, however, as he has not decided to sulk and retreat into his abode (yes, he has one!), but instead has worked on making the letters even snazzier! Feast your eye sockets on the new Postbag page, all courtesy of Postie Pete and his workmates in the R.P.D.T...

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Music Updates and The Great Brain Robbery
RuneHQ News

The quest guide for The Great Brain Robbery has been uploaded! Thank you Budmash and everyone else who helped with it!

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Quotes taken directly from

6 March 2007 - The Feldip Hills are alive with the sound of muuuusic!

We've just finished an enormous update to our music system to make the harps and bells of RuneScape's music all the sweeter.

Firstly, we've changed the underlying technology used to play the music. We've completely rewritten the music player from scratch, so it now uses a bank of instruments built into the game itself rather than using whatever your soundcard happens to have. This has the advantage that the music sounds the same regardless of your computer, rather than varying from machine to machine. This in turn allows us to fine-tune the music exactly, instead of having to try to get something which generally works. Our new music technology should also be more compatible, meaning the music works correctly on more operating systems and soundcards than before!

Secondly, we've gone through every single song in the game, (a huge undertaking: there are nearly 500 songs), and hand-tuned each one to sound optimal with our new instrument set! As a result, many of the songs are sounding better than ever before, and you can finally hear them as we intended them to sound.

You may also notice the shiny new button on the log-in page. This lets you turn off the log-in music to preserve your speakers while you pop off to get a snack or take a break, all without interfering with your music settings in-game.

So, if you've been put off listening to the music for one reason or another, now's the time to turn it on and enjoy the ambient delights!

We're still planning some more tweaks to the system to improve your auditory experience, so keep checking the front page for news.

In other news...

In addition to the big soundbank update today, we've added 'equip sounds' to armour and weapons.

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Great Brain Robbery

Better dig out some protective headgear: the zombie pirates are back, and hungrier than ever for grey matter! Robbing innocent monks of their piece(s) of mind, crashing ships into their harmonious island monastery and generally raining on their pious parade - these scurvy dogs have set up a literal 'chop shop' in the once hallowed halls. Are there no depths to which they will not stoop? If you want to help out the cranially-challenged clergy and claim the reward for shifting the sort of headaches that even a willow bark infusion cannot remove, then speak to Brother Tranquility on Mos le'Harmless for details. New rewards - from craftable felines to the most nautical weapon in the game - await those players with the skill and know-how to foil the Great Brain Robbery!

In other news...

In the basement of the Tower of Life, players were finding they could steal other people's frogeels from combat. This has now been fixed.

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4 Updated City Guides!
RuneHQ News

Both the Yanille City Guide and the Port Phasmatys City Guide have been totally rewritten with a lot more detailed information and more images. Thanks to Jakesterwars and everybody that helped with both these newly rewritten guides

It's also worth a note that the Goblin Village City Guide has been updated to include new images and more information. Thanks to DarkBlitz for all the additions that got added to this City Guide.

And last but not least, the entire Mos Le'Harmless City Guide has been redone! Thanks to Crypto416 and everybody else that helped to make this guide back up to date!

- Alk12 -

Behind the Scenes - March
RuneHQ News

Quotes taken directly from

1 March 2007 - Behind the Scenes - March

First up in March comes an exciting update to the way that the in-game music works. Soon, you'll all be able to hear the melodic strains of 'All's Fairy in Love and War', 'Romancing the Crone' and all the other songs exactly as the musicians intended, as well as toggling the log-in screen's music. This will also improve compatibility, so the music should work on many more systems once this is released.

The monks of Harmony Island have recently lost their piece of mind, as those dastardly pirates of not-really-alive persuasion attempt to take over their island. Brother Tranquility has managed to get away, though, and will be looking for help. You'll need to be ready for knockout gas and a boat-load of dodgy doctors, but who could refuse to help the monks victimised in the Great Brain Robbery? As always, those pesky pirates are bound to throw a holy spanner into the works, so be prepared to fight off some nasties and wield a new maul-esque weapon with its own special attack! Yarrr! Avast! The quest itself will also feature a brand new island with some really fantastic new pirates and animations... arrrr, that it will be.

Followers of the Morytanian struggle will notice a new route opening up in March. The Temple Trekking service, in which you escort desperate NPCs to the relative safety of Paterdomus, will be expanding to include a return journey. This means that you will be able to escort folk back and forth across the fetid vampire-infested lands, picking up your rewards from the Burgh de Rott bank. New routes also mean new perils and new dangers, especially regarding the 'nail beast', who will no doubt be of interest to our potion-making community.

The cave goblins that you've helped out so much in the past are ready to return the favour this month, as the Council is finally going to open the gates wide. Dorgesh-Kaan is a remarkable city filled with all the technology of the Dorgeshuun... and a new Agility course with sizeable rewards for the highly agile. Of course, Dorgesh-Kaan is a fully-fledged city, so there will be much more to it: from a marketplace to sell your intriguing surface food, to a Dorgeshuun inventor experimenting with Magic for the first time, and much more besides. There's even a new Slayer spot just beyond the city, where a strange beast lives - it's a cross between a mole and a basilisk, and a weird-looking beastie it is, too.

A few of the more domestic animals get their makeovers this month, with a few tweaks to make them more attractive to the farmers that look at them every day. Cows, chickens and rabbits may not be the most impressive of creatures, nor the most majestic, but they lie at the core of any farmer's stomach.

Finally, you'll have the opportunity to look into the dark heart of old Varrock, digging holes into ancient caverns best left undisturbed. What Lies Below the city? What foul plots are afoot? Do you have what it takes to join the Varrock Palace Secret Guard? Don't expect a simple story in this quest, for the conspiracies and plans of wicked men are rarely transparent... though there will be Runecrafting rewards for anyone that can translate them.

As you know, we are committed to redesigning anything that needs improving, and this isn't restricted to the graphics alone. As such, this month we will bring you the newly improved Fishing Trawler. Players familiar with this content may have noted that the fishing nets didn't necessarily catch that many fish. Well, Murphy has been working on a far more efficient way of doing things and he tells us that the rewards will increase dramatically once he's had a chance to fit the new nets... so you'll be certain to see more sea turtles and manta rays gracing your local firepit.

Not only have we been beavering away behind the scenes to bring you more letters, pictures and QuestHelps, but we have also been tweaking the way the polls work. Player feedback is very important to us and although we do spend time reading the forums, you can't all post at the same time...but in a poll, you can! Members: please make sure you fill in the polls. It's your chance to let us know what you want!

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RuneHQ Browser Bar v4.0
RuneHQ News

The RuneHQ Browser Bar has been upgraded to version 4.0. This version was coded by hand for Mozilla Firefox. In this update, links have been updated, and the RuneScape link has been expanded into a menu with numerous links to within the RuneScape website along with links to the specific RuneScape worlds accessed via the Web World Switcher on RuneHQ. The Internet Explorer version will also be available soon.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

The Tower of Life
RuneHQ News

The Tower of Life Quest Guide has been completed! Thank you Meowmix686 and everyone else who helped with it!

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Quotes taken directly from

19 February 2007 - The Tower of Life

Over near the Necromancer's Tower, south of Ardougne, a new tower of ambitious design is under construction.

You see, over the ages, alchemists around Ardougne have worked on many bizarre experiments, encouraged by the kings of the region. Now their experimenting has brought them to their ultimate goal... only to be stopped short by a builders' strike. The builders claim the project was not what they first expected and so it seems the tower's future is up to you!

With a mix of illogical magic and logical construction, you can expect to be working those builders' hands to the bone just to understand the tower - let alone get it into working order.

This is a one-of-a-kind quest involving: the culmination of magic and logic, the most fashionable construction outfit you ever did see, learning the all-important rituals of the builder and having somewhere to store sarnies from the sandwich lady...

Then, as if that wasn't enough, you'll earn the opportunity to create strange creatures to battle. Using alchemy and the Tower's marvellous properties, there are a wealth of strange opportunities! Oh, and when we say 'strange', we honestly mean strange - ever wondered what happens if you cross a jubbly with a lobster? Probably not, but like we said, alchemists have worked on some very bizarre experiments! The items dropped from these monsters should prove useful for all those resource-gathering-addicts!

So what are you waiting for? Grab that hammer and saw, and practice your best builder slang because, as the title suggests, this is no standard building, but the legendary Tower of Life!

In other news...

Pets may no longer be taken into Pest Control or Castle Wars.

On non-members' worlds, the Magic spellbook interfaces now ignore members' items, such as blood runes or battlestaves, when deciding which spell icons should be lit up. This should make it easier to see which spells you can cast if you're on a non-members' world.

A level 25 Defence requirement has been added to the new Fremennik shield.

When you fletch a yew shortbow, you used to get ~66 experience for carving the bow and ~68 experience for stringing it. However, for all other shortbows, the carving and stringing give the same amount of experience. We have adjusted the yew shortbow to give ~67 experience for carving and the same amount for stringing it. The total experience you get for making the completed bow has not changed.

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New bank space saving guide!
RuneHQ News

The sites long awaited guide to Bank space saving has arrived! It contains alot of useful hints and tips to keep your bank clean and organized. Thanks to all those who helped!


The Lair of Tarn Razorlor, Catherby Guides, and Crandor map!
RuneHQ News

Thanks to Zevenberge and everybody that helped, we now have The Lair of Tarn Razorlor Guide up on the site!

A new and updated Catherby City Guide has been added to the site! Thanks to Hammeh and everybody else that helped with this wonderful much needed rewrite.

Brenden has given our Crandor map a much needed makeover. Thank you to Brenden and everyone else who helped!

- Alk12 - and ~(Sheep01)~

German Language Beta Launch, Minigame Updates, and New Guides!
RuneHQ News

The Sorceress' Garden Mini-Game Guide has been added to the site! Everyone thank ilikedragonweps and everyone else who helped with it!

Additionally, The Shadow Sword Mini-Quest Guide has been uploaded. Thanks Rec321 and everyone else who worked on it.

Last but not least, the Agility Skill Guide has been updated to include the new Penguin Agility Course.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~ and - Alk12 -

Quotes taken directly from

14 February 2007 - German Language Beta Launch - Some Information

Hello and guten Tag!

As you might have noticed, we've just added a German language option to the sidebar on the front page of our website. This goes to a section of this website where all the text in the game and on the website has been translated into German.

At the moment our German section is online for testing only, which means not all areas are available to everyone yet. Anyone can view the open areas, but the areas which need a login (including the game itself) are currently running in "closed beta" mode, which means you will only be able to visit them if we have specifically invited you to take part.

As you know, we only ever contact people through their message inbox in the secure customer support section of the website, so if you haven't had a message from us, then you haven't been asked to try them out. You're not missing out on anything, though: there are no special new objects or anything new at all on the German worlds, only that the Wise Old Man, Bob and everything else is "auf Deutsch"!

IMPORTANT WARNING: Remember that we only ever contact players via their RuneScape message inbox on this website. We will NEVER invite you via your email or via in-game messages, so DO NOT FALL FOR ANY SCAMS. Also we do NOT have secret sites on which you can sign up for the German beta. Any site claiming to be such is a fake designed to steal your password.

Just as a reminder, your messages from us can only be read by clicking on the "Read your messages from Jagex" button on the front page of our website, in the "Account management" section on the left of the page.

We are not currently looking for any more people to join the beta test, so please do not contact our staff to offer your services and, again, beware of people offering to 'get you in'.

The people who have been invited were chosen randomly from a list of our German players. They are not being paid or given any special treatment by us, they are simply given the opportunity to try out the new German servers and help us iron out the bugs before they are opened to the rest of the public. A huge amount of effort has gone into translating the roughly 1.5 million words on the website and the game, but some of our NPCs (especially King Roald) have been less than cooperative while learning this new language, so one or two words might have slipped through the net.

Players on these closed beta worlds (139 F2P and 140 members) will still be able to talk to their friends and play the game as normal.

Once the "closed beta" stage has finished and we have educated all of our NPCs about the proper way to pronounce "Wiederherstellungstrank", we will be opening the servers for everyone to use, just like all of our existing servers.

Thank you... and danke!

(Wiederherstellungstrank means restore pot... honest)

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Minigame Updates

The Barbarian Assault minigame has received a small update today. Those who have been successfully defeating the vile Penance creatures will be pleased to hear that Commander Connad is now offering even greater rewards than before for anyone who feels brave enough to risk their points in his high-level gamble.

The barbarians are also offering a new way to cash in points to advance your level in the four roles. At the end of a wave, the message scroll now features a button that will let you exchange points for a higher level in the role you have just played. This lets you advance your level without leaving your team-mates to visit Commander Connad.

In addition to these changes, the Sorceress's apprentice is now refusing to let people take pets into the Sorceress's Garden.

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RuneHQ News

Quotes taken directly from

13 February 2007 - Players' Gallery Makeover

We've made some minor changes to this month's gallery. The popular pixel art image is now viewable in a complete form, with a link to the image at its original size, along with some other minor improvements. Also, three lovely new images now fill the gaps created by making that change.

Having bounced from town to town, showing-off the magnificent artwork that he has accumulated, Postie Pete has noticed that his pictures are getting a bit worn. Teeth marks have been appearing around the edges (you try to show the Kalphite Queen a painting using only your mouth) and the magical laminate has been wearing off. In an attempt to keep his gallery pristine, Postie Pete has visited his old drinking pal, Salarin the Twisted, who has conjured up a magnificent new viewing receptacle for his beloved artwork. Check out the new Players' Gallery page for a guided tour and a fine new selection of creative wonders!

Postie Pete has also asked permission to mention a second change to the Players' Gallery. A new email address, , has been set-up for your admissions. He has been worried that artwork may have been getting mixed up with his letters, and he can't be having that!

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