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Happy Birthday Roklykthat!
RuneHQ News

Happy Birthday Roklykthat! Have a great birthday you old fart! We hope you have the best birthday ever! Please feel free pm her to say happy birthday!

~From the RuneHQ staff and users~

Wilderness Survival Guide
RuneHQ News

With many thanks to sheep01 and everyone who helped out, the Wilderness Survival Guide has been uploaded! Great job, and thanks again!


Recipe for Disaster Quest Guide
RuneHQ News

At last, the long-anticipated Recipe for Disaster Quest Guide has been uploaded! Let's all thank sw1ndla, Fivestar24, SaxRox, Cricket55416, and everyone else who worked so hard on the largest quest guide in Runescape history!

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Hundredth Quest - Recipe for Disaster!
RuneHQ News

Quotation taken directly from

15 March 2006 - Hundredth Quest - Recipe for Disaster!

The cook in Lumbridge has a surprisingly small number of ingredients to hand in his kitchen, possibly as a result of an endless stream of newcomers with light fingers taking anything that isn't nailed down. Luckily, in the past a kind Cook's Assistant was willing to help him in his culinary duties, but now a problem has appeared that could spell... a Recipe For Disaster!

Almost all members can attempt to solve his tricky predicament, and be rewarded accordingly, but only the very elite of questers will be able to put paid to his problem permanently! The quest itself has several sub-sections, each with their own unique rewards. Check out our new look quest pages for more information.

Players willing to take on the challenge of this, our hundredth quest in game so far and possibly the largest yet, should head immediately to Lumbridge Castle's kitchen, and help out their old employer the Cook immediately...

In other news, some players will be asked to help out Leo, the short sighted Gravedigger. He's buried in some serious trouble and needs his problems laying to rest. Can you help identify which grave is which? This new random event has a new costume to collect and some new emotes for the players to unlock if they can solve the puzzle.


New Improved Game Guide Released!
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

13 March 2006 - New Improved Game Guide Released!

Today we have released a beta version of our new Knowledge Base system, packed with hints+tips about the game and answers to your gameplay and technical questions. With over 150,000 words, hundreds of pages and thousands of images, there's lots of information to improve your RuneScape experience.

The aim of this update is to provide better support for our players, so that if you're stuck or just need some friendly advice, you can quickly get the help you need rather than asking Customer Support or hoping someone is talking about it on the forums. The Knowledge Base includes:

  • Statistics for armour and weapons.

  • Quest rewards fully detailed.

  • XP gains listed for many activities, to help you decide the best levelling strategy.

  • Tips and tricks on how to train.

  • Hints on successfully completing minigames.

  • Location and transportation guides.

  • Basic and advanced sections for every skill.

  • In-depth FAQ documents.

  • Detailed guidelines regarding customer support, rules, forum use, reporting abuse, bans and safety and security documents.

  • Scamming prevention guides.

  • Website, billing and technical support.

  • Special Knowledge Base news.

  • Lists of the most popular articles.

... Plus all the normal "how to start playing" guides.

The RuneScape Knowledge Base also has a search function to help players find the information they want at the touch of a button.

Important Information

This is a BETA launch so that we can get your ideas and suggestions to make the Knowledge Base a better tool. It is, after all, designed to help you, so we want to know if it does!

Whilst it's packed full of info, it's very much a work in progress at the moment. We know some bits of it aren't perfect (yet), and there is still lots more we want to add, and further improvements are planned over the next few weeks. But we thought we'd let you see what we've been working on and have produced so far.

Your feedback is important to us. If you wish to discuss any of the features in the Knowledge Base, we have provided a specific forum for members to discuss the content of the pages and even on the way it is presented. If you find any bugs or mistakes in the Knowledge base, please use the category provided in our bug reporting page and be as clear as possible with your feedback or report, so we can make it a super accurate source of info.

Please remember, some articles contain suggestions and opinions on how to play the game. Your views may differ from the authors' views. Please feel free to discuss this on the forum, but do not submit it as a bug. Opinions are only opinions.

So, if you need illumination about where to find candles, seek enlightenment about the prayer skill, want to hook up with more detailed fishing information or even get technical with technical support, the KB is the place to be!

We hope you find the KB useful, and that it makes your experience in RuneScape a better one.

Visit the Knowledge Base today!

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Ape Atoll Map
RuneHQ News

The Ape Atoll Map has been uploaded! Thank you Creepy and all who helped!


RuneHQ March Event!
RuneHQ News

Top o' the morning! The event for this March is the RuneHQ Pot of Gold Riddle Hunt! In this event, which is in a F2P world, RuneHQ members will use their considerable noggins to solve riddles given to them by Events Team staff! Solve the riddles, get to the described locations, and the first three may just get a Pot of Gold...Before the hunt, however, the Event Team will host a little parade around Varrock.

Here are the basic details for the March event:

RuneHQ Events Team

Mos Le'Harmless and Mole Dungeon Maps!
RuneHQ News

The Mos Le'Harmless Map and the Mole Dungeon Map have been uploaded! Thank you The Peleton, sccerluk9, towelhead, Fivestar24, and all the others who helped with these wonderful maps!

--samwilliamh-- and ~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Canoeing, Zygomites and a Mole!
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

7 March 2006 - Canoeing, Zygomites and a Mole!

The Giant Mole

If there's something that Wyson the gardener in Falador Park simply can't abide, it's damage to his beloved flower patches. After a slight accident involving a bottle of Malignius-Mortifer's-Super-Ultra-Flora-Growth-Potion and a rather unlucky mole, it suffices to say the mole hills in Falador Park are big enough to make the strongest gardener weep.

Travelling down into these dark mole tunnels, it's up to you to track down this critter and try and put an end to Wyson's misery. Bring a few friends though, because it's not an easy creature to tackle and it may well give you the slip a few times.

When you've defeated the mole, don't forget to collect the proof that you've dealt with the beast. Wyson will be happy to give you something for them - He finds a lot of old bird nests while he's gardening. These nests are similar to the ones found through woodcutting, but may offer a selection of vegetable seeds instead of the eggs. Naturally the lucky ones will still contain tree seeds.


This week also brings an update to woodcutting, and with it a marvellous opportunity to save on shoe leather. Look for a transportation icon on your minimap at key points along the River Lum, and near to it you'll spot a canoe tree. This remarkable new species will allow you to carve your own canoe to get you from A to B in style.

You'll need at least level 12 in woodcutting to make a basic canoe. As your woodcutting level increases, you'll be able to make better canoes which can travel further. Expert woodcutters can even create a canoe so reliable that you can safely navigate underground portions of the River Lum for a one-way trip straight into the Wilderness itself! Canoe locations include Lumbridge, the Champions' Guild, the Barbarian Village and Edgeville.


Deep within the twisted wonders of Zanaris, a deadly and cunning ambush predator waits for its prey. The Slayer Masters obviously think their students have gone a bit soft, so they have added Mutated Zygomites (Slayer level 57 required) to their menacing menagerie.

Keep your eyes peeled, they might prove hard to find... and make sure you are properly equipped before you go hunting them! Adventurers clever enough to squash this most ferocious of fungi might be lucky enough to find strawberry seeds and buckets of supercompost left behind.

In other news...

The little leprechauns who look after farming tools have grudgingly agreed to store magic secateurs in their mysterious toolshed. The secateurs themselves have been improved to work for pruning diseased trees.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Ranging Guild Mini-Game Guide and Behind the Scenes
RuneHQ News

The Ranging Guild Mini-game guide has been uploaded! Everyone thank Dark Aeros and Spellman X for writing this wonderful guide. Also not forgetting to thank to other helpers also!


Quotations taken directly from

6 March 2006 - Behind the Scenes - March

March brings new perils to RuneScape with two updates to the Myreque storyline. The vampires of Morytania are once again hungry, and their lifeless eyes are transfixed on the village of Burgh De Rott. The locals are pale and restless and have little left to give, but what can be done against this vile oppressor? With many of the residents packing up and leaving, it won't take long until all the life has been sucked out of Morytania. Perhaps the Myreque have an answer and maybe, just maybe, you could help to bring some hope to those desperately in need.

The second of the Myreque updates is a journey-making minigame. With life becoming unbearable for the majority of the residents, many want to leave and seek out a better life on the other side of the Salve. Adventurers willing to accompany frightened villagers through the perilous Mort Myre swamps will be rewarded, but the challenge is great! Will you take the quick but dangerous path, or do you fancy the longer (but potentially less risky) scenic route? The choice is yours. Various rewards await those brave enough to try.

With the coming of spring, several new shoots of life can be seen in even the strangest of places. Fairies in Zanaris will have to watch out, for this month the Zygomite season starts. These clever beasts bury themselves beneath the surface, leaving only their mushroom-shaped scalps showing at the top, twitching in excitement. Unsuspecting fairies are soon lured in by this appetising sight and then WHAM... it's all over. Have a chat with your local slayer master for more information when it becomes available.

Fairies aren't the only things worried about what lurks underneath this month. Wyson, the Falador Park gardener, has heard strange rumblings and is worried that the special 'power-gro' formula he bought from the elemental magi has had unexpected side-effects on one of the locals. This monster isn't quite as tough as our more recent team-based multiway combat updates, but keen farmers might be interested in its drops.

As part of our continuing commitment to speed up travel in our ever-growing world, we bring you canoes. Using your woodcutting skill, you will be able to fashion various qualities of floating apparatus to sail (or just float badly) down the River Lum. This will make travel from Edgeville to Lumbridge considerably easier and far more picturesque.

Another random event will also be popping up and asking players to help a rather confused gravedigger. He can't quite seem to match up the right box to the right headstone. Can you help? New clothes and emotes will wait for those that can.

More readers' letters will also be answered this month. This time we will be talking to such dignitaries as the Makeover Mage, asking him (or her?) where her (or his?) magical powers come from and also King Vargas about his adventures in the Icelands. Keep those letters coming in - Postie Pete has been given a new lease of life, and will be delving far deeper than anyone has ever delved before! Eeeek!

Also this month, as those who have been counting will be aware, we will be releasing our hundredth quest - a sequel to our first ever quest, Cook's Assistant. We don't want to say too much about it, but it is one of the largest quests released so far in RuneScape's history, if not the largest, with a large percentage of our content development team having worked on it especially.

This quest has been written in such a way that almost every single member will be able to enjoy the beginning of the quest and its early benefits... but only the best of the best when it comes to quests will be able to fully enjoy all its rewards. And what rewards they are, with access to new areas, new weapons, new armours, a variety of new foods to cook and eat, new methods of getting around RuneScape, new cat types, a new agility course, and (of course) lots of experience in a variety of skills! Each part of the quest may be completed separately from the rest and each has its own rewards, allowing everybody to 'cash in' in one way or another.

As a final note, we will also be adding more mahogany and teak trees to the Kharazi Jungle and other remote areas of RuneScape. Good luck!

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Heroes Guild Guide Updated
RuneHQ News

Our Heroes Guild Guide has been re-written, as the old one was outdated. Many thanks to Brenden for this wonderful guide!


New City Guide and Treasure Trail Guide Updates
RuneHQ News

The Treasure Trails Guide has been updated! Thanks goes out to the many people who contributed new information!

The Mos Le'Harmless City Guide has been uploaded! Many thanks to The Peleton and all who helped!

~Eliminat0r93~, ~ [Im4eversmart] ~, and --samwilliamh--

RuneHQ Newspaper and Rat Pits
RuneHQ News

At long last, I am incredibly proud to announce the revival of the RuneHQ Newspaper!

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it as much as my awesome staff and I have enjoyed assembling it! We have included a feedback form so that you can tell us if you did share our happiness!

You can find a more detailed explaination of what we have included on the front page. Look out for the RuneScape quiz!

Click here to see the Newspaper! You can also use the link at the upper left of the navigation to access the paper at any time!

Once again, I hope you have a great time reading the March edition of the RuneHQ Newspaper, and I hope to see you next month!


The Rat Pits guide is now up! Thanks go to TheUnrepentant and all those who helped!


A Fairy Tale Part I - Growing Pains
RuneHQ News

A Fairy Tale Part I - Growing Pains Quest Guide has been uploaded! Thank you Ghoulies, Mark_RC_Doc, and everyone else who helped with it!

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Quotations taken directly from

27 February 2006 - A Fairy Tale Part I - Growing Pains

Martin the master gardener is confused. What can have caused all his crops to fail? Pop down to Draynor Village and try to help him get to the root of the problem. Is there something more serious going on, or are these just growing pains? Players clever enough to solve the problem will be rewarded with a generous dose of xp, and even a new farming tool to help you get the most out of your crops.

In other news, we highly recommend you visit and take a look at our new and improved Zanaris! Stand and stare at the marvel that is a cow-powered windmill or converse with poetic sheep! Watch out for random fairy effects though, things have become awfully strange down there...

Elsewhere, we've got another batch of letters brought to you by RuneScape's beloved Postie Pete. This time he's been down into the dark caves below Lumbridge to find out what the Dorgeshuun tribe has to say about frogs and cannibalism...


Site News, London (DS) maintenance and a reminder
RuneHQ News

For those who did not already know, RuneHQ suffered an attack Monday Feb 20, 2006 by a hacker. One of our staff member's accounts was compromised by this hacker. The Staff member allowed their pc to be unsafe and was infected with a keylogger. This staff member has been removed from staff. The hacker attempted to take over the forum and trash all posts on the forum.

Luckily, one of our members that was previously a staff member contacted me via MSN and alerted me to this and I was able to handle this quickly, but not before damage had been done. The hacker banned all the staff and then moved a lot of posts to our Archives. No permanent damage was done, but it has been a nuisance to restore the forum back to its pre-hacker state.

We perform backups daily of the site, and we can always recover from these type of things. There is no way someone can take over the site totally, so any hacker is only going to cause us brief pain and no permanent damage. This is the first time something like this has caused any significant problems. I am sure it won't be the last.

We did also have an issue a couple weeks ago where a hacker was able to use a security hole in Invisions Forum and by use of JavaScript obtain cookie information for the forum from your PC if you viewed his post or read his pm. This included your login and password. As such, we urge ALL members of the forum to change their passwords on the forum immediately if you have not done it in the last 2 weeks, just in case.

This has caused us to rethink security and how we handle Staff of the site. We are implementing changes to help our staff keep their PC's secure. We also have been busy this week with cleanup and a lot of other projects have been put on the back burner.

We are still looking at Price Editor, Help Team and Moderator applications and working on staffing theses positions, so if you applied, please do not think you have been forgotten. We have been busy.

We want to thank all of you for using RuneHQ for your Runescape needs and we want to assure you we take these problems serious and will always attempt to make changes to prevent these types of events. I wish I could say RuneHQ has never been hacked or say it will never happen again, but in this day and age I can't. I will say however, we will do our best to prevent what we can and recover as quick as possible when things like this happen.


Quotations taken directly from

24 February 2006 - Rule 12 Reminder

We would like to remind our players that it is against the rules to buy or sell RuneScape items for reallife money.

We have this rule for three reasons: Firstly because we don't want RuneScape to be just a game in which you can buy your way to success, if we let players start doing this it devalues the game for other players. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in the game.

Secondly we cannot see the half of the transaction which occurs outside the game, and if players swap items for external benefits we can't see, to us it looks like an unbalanced suspicious trade.

Thirdly, often when players attempt to break this rule and sell items for real cash the items are actually stolen, so you could even end up getting in trouble for receiving stolen property. If you purchased an account you might find it suddenly returned to the original rightful owner and yourself out of pocket.

We have recently launched a new tracking system which means we can detect this sort of 'real life' trading very easily. We maintain a list of accounts which are known to sell items in breach of this rule, and watch who trades with them. This means if you buy an item off someone we are watching we will know about it.

We would also like to remind players that there are NO official RuneScape gold websites. Even if the site you are thinking about buying/selling RuneScape gold with looks professional, it doesn't mean it's a service we are running, and you will still get banned for using it.

In the last week we banned 992 accounts for real-world trading related offenses, as we have very reliable methods for spotting this sort of thing now.

We've even had queries from players complaining they didn't receive an item they paid real-life money for - which given it's against the rules anyway seems a strange thing to tell us! So PLEASE make sure you read all our rules, which can be found here.

London (DS) maintenance

One of our UK ISPs [London (DS)] is upgrading their network. We have taken the worlds at this location offline as a precaution but they will be back shortly. No other worlds are affected by this upgrade so please use another in the meantime.

--samwilliamh-- and °Shinraz°

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