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Updates, updates, and more updates...
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

20 February 2006 - Updates, updates and more updates...

A bumper update week this week, starting with the arrival of a new visitor to the Wilderness. This strange cloud is said to affect nearby enemies in various strange ways - so be even more prepared for the unexpected than you were before. Please do remember that this evil menace is located deep in the multi-way wilderness, so care must be taken. Don't take anything you're not prepared to lose. We can confirm that this Chaos Elemental carries a few of the legendary Dragon two-handed swords, but don't expect an easy fight. The blade has also been seen being carried down to the Kalphite lair, so if you're really really lucky, you might find one down there.

Any players being assigned Killerwatts by their local slayer master should enquire with Professor Oddenstein in Draynor Manor. He's been tinkering with that strange machine again, and this time he's torn a rift through the very fabric of space to a very shocking place indeed. If you are planning on investigating this new plane, make sure you are properly equipped before you go.

Also this week we bring you new treasure trails to spice up the trim-seeking, hat-hunting adventurer's life. These trails will take you to a wide variety of new locations and test your brain once more. Look out for new rewards too, including gnomic firelighters, trimmed ranger and mage gear and heraldic shields.

Those of you logging into the Asgarnian region will also notice quite a change. As part of our commitment to improving the graphical feel of the game, we bring you the next phase of our area improvement scheme. This time we focus on the White Knight Castle, Falador, the Barbarian Village, the Dark Wizards' Tower and Draynor Manor (oooooh, spooky). We hope you like it.

Finally, players will now be able to roast Chompy birds and rabbits where they like with the new mobile spit, and keen chefs can now create a new range of healthy stat-boosting pies, including the Vegetable Pie (+3 farming), the Admiral Pie (+5 fishing), and the Mud Pie, which can be thrown at your enemies to slow them down! Dig out your pie dishes and bake until you're blue in the face! Mmmm, pie.

We also bring you a new random event, so keep an eye open for a new member of the Pete family and his mysteriously extinguishing candles.

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

New Calcs available, other fixes
RuneHQ News

At long last, thanks to Oblivion590, we have some new Flash calculators for RuneHQ.

These calculators will pull back data from Runescape High Scores just like the RSBandB calcs!, and speaking of the RSBandB calcs....

Jagex has updated their highscores links several times in the last few days and we are struggling to keep up with the constant changes. We think we have the RSBandB calcs, the Dynamic Sigs, and Underbanners fixed, at least until they change it again

If you have any issues with the new calculators, the RSBandB ones, the Dynamic sig or the underbanners, please post and let us know so we can look into it and fix it.

We also have made a modification on the forum concerning reported posts. Please see the global announcement on the forum for further information


February Events!
RuneHQ News

Happy belated Valentine's Day everyone! This time of year is the celebration of love and relationships. We are celebrating this month with two events. First, we kick off the day with our Valentine's Day event, which we will be selling items at and also a dance will be held there. While that event is occurring, the Trawler Event will start also.

Find the topic with more information here:

RuneHQ Events Team

Friend system upgrades
RuneHQ News

Quotations taken directly from

15 February 2006 - Friend system upgrades

Today we have upgraded the friendlist system to be 50% faster. This should hopefully mean it runs more reliably.


3 New Maps!
RuneHQ News

The Braindeath Island Map has been uploaded! Thank you Inaithnir for this great map!

We have added the Tree Gnome Village Map made by Brenden. Enjoy!

Magicblade28 has presented us with a new Barbarian Village Map. Thank you!


Cabin Fever! And Desert Bandit Camp Map
RuneHQ News

The Cabin Fever Quest Guide has been uploaded! Thanks Gekonody and everyone else who helped with it!

The Desert Bandit Camp Map has been uploaded! Thank you adamb53 for this new map!

~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Quotations taken directly from

7 February 2006 - Cabin Fever

Avast! Piracy and plunder await! For all of you who dream of a life on the ocean wave there is now a pirate captain recruiting for a dangerous voyage to a hive of scum and villainy south of Morytania.

Bill Teach needs someone to help him sail his ship back home, and not just anyone can make the grade. Take part in a pitched sea battle, explore a town on an island in the south seas and learn how to look and behave like a proper pirate.

Visit Port Phasmatys and come down with a case of Cabin Fever today!


RuneScape News And Agility Pyramid Map
RuneHQ News

The Agility Pyramid Map has been uploaded! Thank you Fivestar24 for this great map!


Quotations taken directly from

6 February 2006 - Behind the Scenes - February

Arrrr, dust off that cutlass and hoist up the Jolly Roger for we be sailing again! The month kicks off with another piratical adventure, this time with the player joining the crew of the Adventurous, helping to sink the enemy before they sink you! Can Captain Bill Teach reach the Island of Mos Le'Harmless before he's sent down to Davy Jones' Locker? Several new items of the latest pirate fashion will be available through this update. Arrrr.

The Wilderness welcomes a new visitor this month. At first, local bandits and wolves thought it was some kind of rain cloud, but the path of devastation scattered in its wake told them otherwise. Even the KBD made sure not to annoy this beast, since he knew it was bigger than him. Fans of dragon weapons should make sure they visit but be careful! Multiway wilderness areas are not the safest places in the game, so take some friends to watch your back. More information to follow on release.

Monsters will be queuing up later this month to collect the latest set of Treasure Trail clues. Make sure you dig out the old grey matter and get cryptic with over 40 new clues, leading to more than 30 new items spread out all over RuneScape.

More food types will be added to the game, with new high level pies for master chefs to tackle. These new pies, as well as offering a healthy bite or two, will also boost specific stats for each pastry treat. One of them can even be thrown at escaping wilderness targets! Mmmm, pie.

Also coming out this month is the latest batch of area improvements, this time focused around Falador, Draynor Manor, the Barbarian Village and Ice Mountain, so be aware that some of the locals might receive a facelift or two. Adventurers interested in portals to other dimensions and slaying foul beasts will want to talk to Professor Oddenstein once the update is launched. More area improvements to follow later in the year.

Another random event will also come out this month, so look out for Pious Pete and his problematic church lighting, for he may well call on your help in the future.

In the second quest of the month, Martin the Master Gardener has a problem. All of his crops seem to be failing and catching disease far more than normal and he is convinced there is something odd going on. Can you weed out the source of the problems, or will you just leaf him to his rotting veggies? Can anybody help sort out these Growing Pains? The update will also be accompanied by another smaller set of area improvements, but we'll keep those secret until they're released.

Other smaller additions this month include mobile spit roasts so you can cook your Chompies where you like, and another set of readers' letters!

4 new worlds now online!

We have yet again beaten our simultaneous player record, with 185,000 people playing at once last weekend! Woot! Therefore we're adding some more worlds to keep up.

Given we've just launched new subscription options for Canada it seems fitting that the next 3 worlds we put online should be in Toronto... So they are!

We've also got world 105 fixed, (which is another UK server). Giving a grand total of four new worlds to play on. Enjoy the extra space!


Desert Treasure Makeover
RuneHQ News

The Desert Treasure quest guide has had a makeover! Everyone thank Iamanarab and Brenden and all the others for writing this new guide!


PayByPhone Subscriptions Available for Canada and Entrana Map
RuneHQ News

The Entrana Map is now ready! Thanks halk 5 and all those who helped!

Quotations taken directly from

2 February 2006 - PayByPhone Subscriptions Available for Canada

We are pleased to announce the launch of PayByPhone subscriptions in Canada.

Canadian players will now be able to subscribe through the PayByPhone service provided by SurfPIN for CAD$10.99. Each use of the service will buy one month of membership credit.

To use this payment method, Canadian players should click on the "Start a new subscription link" on the front page and follow the on screen instructions.


Draynor Village, Draynor Manor, Shilo Village And Castle Wars Map
RuneHQ News

The Draynor Village Map and Draynor Manor Map have been uploaded! Thanks goes to Ultragm2003 and all those who helped with it!

The Castle Wars Map has been uploaded! Thank you adamb53!

The Shilo Village Map provided by Creepy675298 has been uploaded! Thank you!

~Fireball0236 And °Shinraz°

Games Room Updates, Harpie Bugs, Potato recipes, and a new map
RuneHQ News

The Desert Treasure Pyramid Map is now available for all! Thanks coolgeekz for the map!

-= DRAVAN =-

Quotations taken directly from

30 January 2006 - New Look Hiscores

We have updated our hiscores pages to look better than ever before. Also, you can now compare your highscores with someone else, side by side.

To compare one character with another, simply click on one name in the hiscores tables to see their personal hiscores, then enter a second character name in the 'compare to' box and click 'Change'.

Check out the new hiscores pages by clicking the 'View the hiscores' link on the front page.

Postbag from the Hedge

Hello readers. Once again I have been delivering your letters to characters around RuneScape. I must admit to being a little scared when I found that my duty to the RPDT would take me to the Barbarian Village, Delrith's stone circle, and even the lair of the Kalphite Queen! But I finally managed to extract responses from even these fearsome personages, and have compiled them below...Click!

Runesquares, Harpie Bugs and new potato recipes!

The Prince of Burthorpe is well known for his love of games and puzzles, and he's just learnt some new tricks! Runesquares and Runeversi are now available in the Burthorpe Games Room in addition to the usual games of Runelink and Draughts.

Runesquares involves players "drawing" lines in an attempt to create squares, scoring a point and gaining an extra turn for each square they complete. Runeversi is the Prince's version of Reversi, and uses the standard rules.

The stairs down to the Burthorpe Games Rooms can be found in the entrance hall of the Prince's Castle in Burthorpe, north-west of Falador. There is no entrance fee and there is a bar in which to relax between matches.

The natives of Karamja have been complaining recently of a new type of bug giving them a bit of trouble, so the slayer masters have decided to add this monster to their lists. Think you could help them out? If so, head to the northern coast of the island to find this new slayer monster (slayer level 33 required).

Beware: these bugs aren't easily hit, so you'll need to buy a special lantern from the slayer shops to distract them and make that killer blow!

Players can now use their culinary talents to make more baked potatoes. With toppings varying from a simple chilli-con-carne potato to a mushroom and onion fry-up, there's something for cooks of all levels. High-level cooks may find the tuna and sweetcorn potato to be very filling indeed...

Unfortunately, the ghasts in Mort Myre have got wind of this, and may now rot your potatoes - and your rare gout tubers - if you enter their swamp, so be extra careful.

To make baked potatoes with toppings:

  1. Bake the potato on a range.

  2. Add some butter.

  3. Combine topping ingredients by chopping them into a bowl.

Ingredients for toppings:

  • Chilli-con-carne: meat and spicy sauce (made from garlic and gnome spice).

  • Egg and tomato: scrambled egg, tomato.

  • Mushroom and onion: fried Bittercap mushroom, fried onion.

  • Tuna and sweetcorn: tuna, cooked sweetcorn.

In other news, the Strange Box anti-macro event has been modified to ensure that it no longer penalises our colour-blind players. You'll now see a variety of shapes with numbers written on them; identify the required shape or number to open the box.

°Shinraz° and ~ [Im4eversmart] ~

Ring of Charos (u) guide and P2P Pures guide!
RuneHQ News

The Ring of Charos (u) guide is up! Everyone thank Creepy675298 and all the others for helping to create it!

The guide to P2P Pures has been loaded! Thanks to Hero for this wonderful guide!

--samwilliamh-- and ~Shinraz

The Runescape Currency Guide
RuneHQ News

The Runescape Currency Guide is now ready! Everybody thank Aakanaar and all those who helped with it!


Kingdom of Miscellania - Managing your Kingdom guide
RuneHQ News

The Kingdom of Miscellania - Managing your Kingdom guide is up! Everyone thank neo9038 and all the others for helping to create it!


Mage Training Arena Map
RuneHQ News

The Mage Training Arena Map has been uploaded! Thank you Shinraz, hawk_element and towelhead!


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