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Login Problems???
RuneHQ News

We have set up a BRAND NEW FORUM for the site, NO ACCOUNTS WERE COPIED OVER!!!!

If you regisgtered on the OLD forum, you will have to re-register on the new forum. We did not transfer accounts over as we wanted to make a fresh start and get rid of accounts that were inactive.

If you are having problems logging in, it is probably due to the fact your account is not on the new forum, please Re-Register!

Please see this post for more information!

New Forum Registration and Login Problems

New RuneHQ Guide Uploaded
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ now has an Internet Safety Guide by Rafe! Click
here to view the guide.
Thanks for the great information.

~ Irish_Buddha ~

New Forum/New RuneHQ Range Guide Added
RuneHQ News

The new RuneHQ Forum is now LIVE! You can get to it by clicking on Forum in the navigation. If it still takes you to the old forum, please delete your cookies or hold shift and press refresh, then try clicking again.

Everyone is required to register again. If you were a moderator, please register with your old username so we will know it's you, and if you wish to change your username, let an admin know.


Thanks to Im4eversmart and Thehellkeeper, we have one heck of a ranging guide.
Thanks to you two and everyone else who provided information! Click
here to view the guide.

~ Irish_Buddha ~

New Rare Items Special Report!
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ has a brand new Rare Items guide, a Special Report more specifically, thanks to xxtigurxx!

xxtigurxx did an amazing job with it and put alot of effort into it. Thanks a ton for your dedication!

Click Here To View The Special Report.


New Quested Added by Jagex and 2 new RuneHQ Guides Uploaded
RuneHQ News

We now have a Nature Spirit Quest Guide. This great guide can be found here.

Thanks to Rekeri for this awesome guide!

-Pirate Bob-


Quote from Jagex:

The priest Drezel has a special request for any adventurous sorts to search for the Druid 'Filliman Tarlock' and brave the terrors that infest the swamp of Mort Myre.

Those ready for the awaiting challenge should prepare themselves for the Nature Spirit quest!

The RuneHQ Quest Guide is coming!



Have you ever wondered how to make and edit a screen capture? If so, a Special Report just loaded has your answers. Thanks Ged for the great information. Click here to view the report.

Thanks to worshiprick, we now have a Buying and Selling Guide in Special Reports. Click here to view the report.


New Moderators, and a new guide.
RuneHQ News

The new forum moderators have been chosen!

Click here to see if you were one of the lucky ones!


A guide about what some of those runescape terms mean has been added into the Special Reports section of the site. Click here to take a look.

Thanks to Ged for making this guide.

~Weezy~ , -xxtigurxx-

Site Bandwidth concerns
RuneHQ News

Several people have asked me.. What can I do to help with the Bandwith issue besides not using the site?

If you want to help, please remove your Avatar and signature graphics from your profile. This will help as each graphic adds to the bandwidth demands.

You can re-add your avatar and signature graphic again at a later date.

Thanks, Irish_Buddha


Well folks, it is only July 9th and we have already used over 200 gig of bandwidth. At this rate we will not make it til the end of the month. Bandwidth is very expensive and not something we can afford to buy more of at the present time. The current server has 700 Gig/month available.

We are working on getting an additional server that will help alleviate this problem as well as the poor performance we are experiencing.

We need everyone to try to limit thier time on the site to only what is necessary for the next couple of weeks. We will try to get this situation resolved as quickly as possible, but if by chance we don't get a new server, and people don't help by cutting back, we will be forced to temporarily shut down the last few days of the month when we run out of bandwidth.

Thanks for understanding and helping out.


New Maps, Items DB Search added, New forum modifications and admins/mods news
RuneHQ News

Some new maps have been added under the More Maps section. These maps are the Wilderness Lava Maze Dungeon Map, King Black Dragon Lair Map, and the Ogre City Chamber Map.

Thanks to Gnat88 for making these maps.


I have added a Search to the Items Database. I have also rewritten and cleaned up the code for the Items database, the Person Database and the Monster database.

Please let us know if you have any problems with any of these three databases.

We also added a couple more modifications to the forum. Jr Admin, which will allow us to grant limited admin powers to mods we feel are able to help out and keep the new user accounts activated. They will also have some other minor admin responsibilities. Pirate_Bob49 and Cav103 are new Junior Admins.
We have also promoted irish_buddha to the ranks of admin, since we needed more help and also have a couple people on vacation.

We are working on the mod applications and hope to have decisions made in the near future and will be ready to administer the quiz to them. We thank all of you that have applied, this makes our job harder to pick the best candidates, but also gives us better choices.

We also added Group Colors mod. This allows us to assign colors to usergroups. So you will see lots of new colors. The only drawback to this mod is that all themes use the same color. We have set the colors to be best on the most popular theme which is myth2. On some of the other themes, these colors don't look so well, but with as many themes as we have this is how it has to be. We tailor things for the majority and not each and every person.

~ MrStormy ~

We also have a Fighting tips Guide loaded to help you along your battles. thanx to Markusthaman for this guide.
The guide can be found here.


New Skill Guide, New City Guide
RuneHQ News

I just uploaded the Magic Guide for your viewing pleasure.

The guide can be found here.

Thanks goes to mini dragon123 and yours truly for writing the guide.


Also, supercoolyo and Hagge have provided us with wonderful Canifis City Guides, and we just couldnt choose between them, so they have been merged together!

To see this wonderful guide, click here.

¤Pirate Bob¤

New Skill Guide & New Special Report Added
RuneHQ News

Are you wondering what are the stat enhancements you get from different armor or weapons? Well wonder no more. Thanks to ima pure boi, boyboy126, XRC, and firespyrit, we now have the Equipment and Weapon Stat Enchancements Guide in Special Reports. Click here to view it.



Well, you've all been begging for it for a long time now, and its finally here.

Im4eversmart has given us a great Crafting Guide, which can be found here. Enjoy!

•Pirate Bob49•

Runescapecentral is not Back, its a new site!
RuneHQ News

As some of you may know Sandscape is starting his own site. He is reviving the Runescapecentral name. He is using RSC's old content. I am not sure if he got permission from Ted or not, nor do we really care. RSC is not back, it is a new site under new management. The only person that can bring back is Ted, and since they are not using the .com, it is obvious it is not Ted's site. Sandscape is just using the name to try to jumpstart his site using name recognition. I don't blame him, its a good idea.

I want to clear up some things Sandscape is saying on his site.

First off, We did not steal anything from RSC or any other help site (with minor exceptions, which I won't go into) Ted Herman the original owner of RSC and I did not agree on the running of RSC and I ask him to move it off this server. He was not able to continue funding the site and therefore let it be shutdown by me. I even offered Ted an admin spot on RHQ if he so desired and I also talked to him about using the site content from RSC. While we may not have agreed on the running of the RSC site I respected Ted, he was a very mature and level headed individual.

Sandscape keeps threatening us because he says we stole RSC's stuff when he has not got a leg to stand on. It's true he and I don't see eye to eye and I really don't care what he says, he can threaten all he wants. He was an admin on RSC, nothing more, he had no ownership in the site. Besides 95% of the content of this site was provided by our users, and the other 5% of old RSC content has been updated so much and/or replaced. It is also old Runescape classic stuff and not worth worring about.

Also Sandscape is stating by going there you will get banned from RuneHQ, this is not true! We have nothing against them as a site and you are perfectly fine here if you use that site. The only thing I will say in this regard is that if you go there and badmouth and talk bad about RuneHQ, then yes we may take action against you. We will not tolerate people trash talking our site. Do it and yes there is a good chance you will get banned from here, but since you don't like us anyway it shouldn't really matter should it?

We have grown leaps and bounds bigger than RSC ever was, we don't mind a little competition. There is plenty of people to go around. We are all here to help people with Runescape, and if they come up with things they do better than us then so be it. They have a long way to go and a lot of hard work ahead of them and I wish them good luck.

We wish RSC well and I hope they will just drop the accusations and trash talking of RuneHQ and try to get along. If they would have asked nicely I may have even helped them, but all they have asked for was a copy of the RSC's databases and I don't have them anymore. They also didn't bother to tell me the truth about why they wanted them.

New Special Report - Person DB is now available
RuneHQ News

The Gnome Public Transportation System guide has been added under Special Reports. Click here to view it.

Thanks Irish_Buddha for making this guide.


The new Person Database has been added to the site. This needs updated by YOU to make it useful. Please submit your information about the various people you encounter in the great game of RuneScape.

This will hopefully help make quests, Treasure Trails and other RuneScape tasks easier since you won't have to search for hours for a certain person to talk too.

Thanks to Monkeychris and MrStormy.

~Monkeychris & MrStormy

Oh say can you see.... The July Edition Newspaper!
RuneHQ News



And most of all, Freedom.

These are just a few words to describe our great country of America.

God Bless the good ol' U-S-of-A.

Speaking of America, the RuneHQ Newspaper has taken the opportunity to make its July edition’s theme a Freedom theme. We have done this to support patriotism and to remember all our great American Heroes who have given their lives to make our lives full of freedom.

It was on this day, July 4th, in the year 1776, that the American Colonies had officially declared their Independence from England and became one country.

This newspaper before you has articles, stories, poems, interactive activities, and humor that support this freedom and celebrate the importance of July 4th.

So without further ado, let me officially introduce to you the special July edition of the RuneHQ Newspaper:

Remembering Our Heroes

So sit back, grab a cold one, and watch as the fireworks ignite in this must-see, one of a kind newspaper!

[ Click Here To Read A More Complete Introduction ]

[ Click Here To Go Right to The Cover ]

Thank you and Enjoy!

Monkeychris ~ Brian & Ariendiablo ~ Kimberly

RuneHQ Administrators

& Editors in Chief of the RuneHQ Newspaper

Clan Guide, Clanifis Map, And Cannon Guide Added
RuneHQ News

For all of those out there looking to run their own clan, we have just uploaded the guide for you: A Guide To Starting and Running A Clan

Thanks blizzard for a great guide!

Also, a new Cannon Guide is now up for those of you to shoot something today :). A special thanks goes out to Sporhund for submitting it to us.

You can view the new guide by clicking Here

Also the Canifis (Werewolf Village) Map has been added under the More Maps section.

Check it out here.

~ Irish_Buddha ~ , -=DRAVAN=- , -=Stormer=-

New Official Runescape News
RuneHQ News

A new guide that gives information on all the ring's enchantable is now up. Special thanks to Georgn for this guide.

To view the guide click here.


The new awaited Priest in Peril quest has been added under Quest Help. Click here to view it.

Thanks Monkeymatt9 for making us this great guide!


The following is a direct quote from

Priest In Peril Quest

King Roald of Varrock has recently found communications with the Temple guarding the Eastern border of Misthalin have been abruptly cut off.

Anxious that something may have happened to his close friend Drezel, he is seeking volunteers to go forth and discover what the problem may be.

Those in search of adventure should make their way to see King Roald in Varrock palace immediately, to set forth on the Priest In Peril quest!


We've added a couple of new options to make it easier to keep the contents of your bank arranged. (if you want to.)
1) At the bottom of the bank screen you will see 2 new buttons marked 'insert' and 'swap'.

'Swap' mode is the mode you are used to, whereby when an item is dragged to a new slot it swaps places with the item already there. This works exactly the same way as before.

'Insert' mode is a new option. In this mode dragging an item to a new position causes it to be inserted at that point, and everything else is moved up one space to make room. This is useful for instance if you get a new rune, and you want to place it next to your existing runes without having to manually move everything else.

2) It is now easier to move items a long way across your bank. Now if you drag an item to the top or bottom of the bank window, the window will automatically scroll up or down for you. This makes it much easier to move items several rows at a time. (note: this particular feature has actually been online for about a week now, but wasn't mentioned before so is here for completeness.)

Stormer, •Pirate Bob49• , and -xxtigurxx-

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