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RuneHQ April Event #1
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ April Event #1

For April, we're bringing you all back to a familiar noise from your F2P days. It's the sound of an axe. But what kind of axe am I talking about?

Is it the sound of the woodcutting axe that all of the bots used to steal your trees?... Nope.
What about the sound of the pick axe that you used to bore yourself to death?... Not quite.
Is it the battle axe that the barbarians used to attack you when you accidentally mis-clicked while running by?... That's it!

Needless to say, we'll be paying the barbarians a visit this month. However, after raiding their two dungeons around Barbarian Village on several occasions lately, they've decided to not allow us to come back for a while. So, we decided to stop by another of their settlements, this time deep in the heart of the members' territory; A land of beauty, isolation, and at times a place that can be just downright strange. If you still haven't figured out where we're going, we'll forgive you (for this time only). The land we'll be visiting is none other than the Barbarian Outpost.

Now we know what you're thinking, why would anybody want to play Barbarian Assault? We know you all have your penance torso and your weight reducing gloves, but now Barbarian Assault has something more to offer. For those of you who fail to read the updates (or are just too lazy to), Barbarian Assault now has an item that gives a double experience multiplier when mining, firemaking, or training agility.

But wait... there's more! On the following day we will return to the Barbarian Outpost, but this time we will not be playing the mini-game (unless you want to). Instead, we'll be exploring all that the area has to offer, including the following.

Fishing spots: Not only are there spots for beginners, but some of the fastest fishing exp in the game is available to those who have done Barbarian Training.

Trees: While there's not a wide selection, the area is home to one of the best spots to chop willows. There's also one yew tree nearby.

Agility courses: Not only does the area boast two courses, but also the toughest in all of Runescape.

Monsters galore: While you won't find any monsters on the surface, three dungeons are nearby. Head south and jump into the whirlpool to fight Mithril Dragons or complete your slayer task in Kuradel's Dungeon. Or you can take a raft down the rapids and visit the Fire Giants. And if neither of those options sound appealing, you can head north across the rocks and fight the dagganoths in the lighthouse dungeon. (Remember all of these areas require quests/mini-quests).

  • Event: The Barbarian Bash

  • World: 60

  • Date: Saturday, April 10th (Barbarian Assault) and Sunday, April 11th (Activities Day)

  • Time: 2pm CDT, 7pm GMT/ 8pm UK. For more timezones, please use the Time Zone Converter.

  • Place: Barbarian Outpost

  • Clan Chat: To be announced

  • Items required: None

  • Items recommended:Depends on what you want to participate in.

View the Barbarian Outpost area guide, Barbarian Training mini-quest guide, and Barbarian Assault mini-game guide for more information.

Hope to see you all there.

-RuneHQ Events Team-

RuneHQ News

Familiarisation guide


Familiarisation is one of the new Distractions and Diversions. It deals with you being put into an unconcious state, and arrive into a spirit plane as a Familiar. Your job is to collect Spirit Shards, while dodging other certain Familiars. Check out our new Familiarsation guide to find out what this game gives as a reward. You might find it triple worth it. Thanks to Jasper and everyone else that helped out!


Shattered Heart
RuneHQ News

Shattered Heart Guide

Shattered Heart

Shattered Heart is another new Distractions and Diversions by Jagex. Do you think you are patient enough to get all of the rocks and wait weeks for the real reward? Check out our new Shattered Heart guide to find out what this game is about. You might even find yourself building something new in your house! Credits go to McSwindler and Jakesterwars and everyone else who contributed to the guide!

~ Egekalaycan ~

The Blood Pact
RuneHQ News

The Blood Pact Guide

Xenia in The Blood Pact

The veteran adventurer Xenia has come in search of talented heroes to accompany her into the depths of Lumbridge Catacombs! She needs you, so check out The Blood Pact guide! Thanks to Evilution, Heavens Vibe, Motion Man, and everyone else that helped out!

Knight and the Content Staff

RuneHQ March Event #2
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ March Event #2

Hi folks, now that you've been on RS all weekend getting free XP for your character, I have to say, I hope you did some magic training while you were there. Nothing like a good teleport from one side of RS to the other.

In the second of our events for March, we are bringing back our highly sought after and fun Hide and Seek event. During the event, members of the Events Team will hide in various locations around RuneScape and give little clues as to their whereabouts. The first person to find them will get either an item or a cash prize. The event will take place by the fountain in Varrock Square, so make sure you get there on time. Please note that ET members will not hide in quest only areas to make it fair to all.

Now for the obligatory rules:

  1. You cannot leave ahead of the ET member to try and anticipate their movements as this will disqualify you from getting a prize.

  2. The ET member will give small clues as to their whereabouts to allow you to find them.

  3. The first person to find the ET member will be rewarded with whatever prize they are carrying at that time to give out.

  4. Prizes can be items or gold pieces.

  5. Anyone trying to follow an ET member to their hiding place will be disqualified.

Here are the event details:

  • Event: Hide and Seek

  • World: P2P - World 60 / F2P - World 55

  • Date: P2P - Saturday, 20th March / F2P - Sunday, 21st March

  • Time: 7 PM UK, Noon PST, 2 PM CDT, 3 PM EST. For more timezones, please use the Time Zone Converter.

  • Clan Chat: King of Alba

  • Items required: None

  • Items recommended: Anything that you can use to teleport and maybe some energy pots. Maybe also a weapon and some armor and food in case you get attacked while looking around.

So, to quote a famous dwarf, "What are we waitin' for?"

-RuneHQ Events Team-

RuneHQ Database Status
RuneHQ News

Today, Runescape has made massive changes to the Hitpoints skill, the most important of these being that all ‘Hitpoints’ are now multiplied by 10 and renamed ‘Lifepoints’. The name of the skill itself has been changed to Constitution. The amounts that you will encounter within the game will be much greater, but these will not actually effect the playing of the game.

RuneHQ is always on top of your Runescape updates, and is in the process of overhauling our databases to show these changes. RuneHQ will update all of our databases to make sure that your game experience is the best it can be. In the meantime all players must keep in mind of the new system of Lifepoints when reviewing our information until we have this change in place.

Again, RuneHQ appreciates our community, and will have this newest addition to game available as soon as possible.

Thank you!


Winter Olympics Event
RuneHQ News

Winter Olympics Event

- RuneHQ Events Team -

Castle Wars
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ Castle Wars Event

Catapults, barricades, bandages, flags, ancient castles and the Zamorakians versus Saradominists. Yes, the first event of February will take us to the most popular Mini-Game in RuneScape, Castle Wars!

Our mission is to infiltrate the enemy's castle, grab the flag and bring it to our base, but it is not going to be easy! There are going to be glorious fights and the enemy is already knocking at the gates of the castle. Are you ready for one of the biggest battles in the world of RuneScape?

Grab your best armor and weapon(s), and be ready to join the fight!

  • Event: RuneHQ Castle Wars

  • World: 60 (P2P)

  • Date: Saturday, February 6th

  • Time: 1pm CST / 7pm GMT

  • Meeting Place: Castle Wars - west of Yanille

  • Requirements: Grab your best combat equipment. This is a safe mini-game, so you won't lose anything.

  • Clan Chat: To be announced

- RuneHQ Events Team -

Rune Mechanics Quest Guide
RuneHQ News

Rune Mechanics Quest Guide

Rune Mechanics

Our community has unraveled the secrets behind the mechanics of runes. We are therefore proud to present you our Rune Mechanics quest guide. Thanks goes out to Lanka, Alfawarlord, and everyone else who helped in writing it.

~ Alfawarlord ~

Nomad's Requiem
RuneHQ News

Nomad's Requiem guide


Zimberfizz is wary of Nomads doing and wants you to go and figure out what he is doing. Are you ready for this difficult challege from this new Grandmaster quest? If so, then go and check out our new Nomad's Requiem guide! Thanks to lanka, Rowan, Heavens Vibe and everyone else that helped out!


The Phoenix Lair Guide
RuneHQ News

The Phoenix Lair Guide

Phoenix Dies

Have you ever wondered of the secrets of the Phoenix? Have you always wanted to visit the mighty creature but always decided not to? Fear not. Special thanks go to Teh_Admiral and everyone else who contributed to the guide. Go and check out our new The Phoenix Lair Guide!

~ Egekalaycan ~

RuneHQ God Wars Event
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ God Wars Event

God War Event

We've been at our drawing board again, going over and over ideas. And we eventually decided on something we've never done before, we decided on the idea that is the second most sure-fire way to get you all killed. We're going to go and take down the generals of the Runescape Gods.

Sure, this has been done thousands of times before, and thousands have died at the hands of these Generals. Hopefully there'll be so many of us that none of us will be killed and we'll destroy the generals so many times that we'll get at least 61 hilts and all be filthy rich. Lets hope so!

Now, this is a VERY dangerous minigame, and we'll need every single person at this event to listen to every single thing that the events team says, aswell as those people who are experienced at this. Being organized is key!

  • Event #1: Armadyl God Wars

  • World: 64 (P2P)

  • Date: January 9th

  • Time: 1pm CST / 7pm GMT

  • Meeting Place: Trollheim

  • Clan Chat: RHQMrsStormy

  • Overflow Chat: Lilroo503

  • Overflow World: 76

  • Event #2: Saradomin God Wars

  • World: 64 (P2P)

  • Date: January 10th

  • Time: 1pm CST / 7pm GMT

  • Meeting Place: Trollheim

  • Clan Chat: RHQMrsStormy

  • Overflow Chat: Lilroo503

  • Overflow World: 76

  • Event #3: Bandos God Wars

  • World: 64 (P2P)

  • Date: January 16th

  • Time: 1pm CST / 7pm GMT

  • Meeting Place: Trollheim

  • Clan Chat: RHQMrsStormy

  • Overflow Chat1: Lilroo503

  • Overflow World1: 46

  • Overflow Chat2: Moo Moo739

  • Overflow World2: 39

  • Event #4: Zamorak God Wars

  • World: 64 (P2P)

  • Date: January 17th

  • Time: 1pm CST / 7pm GMT

  • Meeting Place: Trollheim

  • Clan Chat: RHQMrsStormy

  • Overflow Chat: Lilroo503

  • Overflow World: 76

  • Overflow Chat2: Moo Moo739

  • Overflow World2: 44

- RuneHQ Events Team -

RuneHQ Christmas Parade
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ Christmas Parade

Christmas Parade

It's CHRISTMAS!!! The time of joy is finally here. No matter whether you celebrate Christmas or not the snowy weather is sure to make you feel happy and festive and make you want to play RuneScape all day. So, that is just what we have planned to do! It's also another holiday period!

The Events Team will lead a Parade around RuneScape in our lovely Santa outfits, showing what RuneHQ is made of before settling down in Al Kharid for an extremely contradictory desert snowball fight (so make sure you bring your snow globes). You can also relish in some love train action led by The King Of The Love Train - Mechachomp.

RuneHQ staff should be online throughout the day skilling and chilling in the Clan Chat so come along for a fun-filled but relaxing day on RuneScape and above all else, have fun.

This event will be run on both a P2P and a F2P world and for P2P the day will conclude with a house party to celebrate!

There is something for everyone at Christmas time and we hope you can come along and enjoy the day with us!

  • Event: Christmas in RuneScape

  • Event type Christmas Parade

  • Date: Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

  • World: 55 (F2P) 60 (P2P)

  • Times:

    Australian parades: 2am CST / 8am GMT / 4pm AWST (F2P and P2P)

    Rest of the World: 12pm CST / 6pm GMT (F2P) | | 1pm CST / 7pm GMT (P2P)

  • Meeting place: Rimmington

  • Clan Chat:

    Australian parades: The X Favour (F2P) and Kirsd101 (P2P)

    Rest of the world: Mechachomp (F2P) King Of Alba (P2P)

  • Items recommended: Santa Suit (Reward from the 2008 Christmas Event) and Snow Globe (Reward from the 2007 Christmas Event)

- RuneHQ Events Team -

Blood Runs Deep
RuneHQ News

Blood Runs Deep guide

Dagannoth Mother

Looks like Lunar Isle holds more mysteries! A mysterious man washed up on shore, and Baba Yaga is interested in who he is. If you are also interested, and want this mystery solved, then go and check out our new Blood Runs Deep guide! Thanks to Heavens Vibe and everyone else that helped out!


RuneHQ December Event #1
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ December Event #1

Elemental Rune
With the school year now a few of months in, many members of our community are once again feeling the pressure of the classroom. After a long summer of freedom, the demands of teachers, coaches and parents have returned. But fear not, as always, the Events Team is on a mission to help our followers find a bit of relaxation and maybe blow off a bit of steam in the process. After a lot of thought, we figured you'd all enjoy a chance to have your own say in things for once. Instead of having to worry about focusing on doing what your told to do, we'll be giving you the ability to do your own thing.

With that, we introduce to you all, this month's first event... Stealing Creation!! For those of you that haven't visited this mini-game in the shallow depths of the Wilderness, you're in for a real treat. Unlike other mini-games with their countless restrictions, almost anything goes here. And the best part is, almost anybody can enjoy themselves. Players ranging from newcomers, to elite level 3 skillers and to those obsessed with combat.

So, if you'd like to make a bunch of arrows which you don't intend on using... be our guest!!

Or, if you wish to steal what others work so hard to make... Go right on ahead!

But, if you try attacking a member of the Events Team... You better bring back-up!

Hope to see you all there!

  • Event: Stealing Creations

  • Date: Sunday, December 13th, 2009

  • World: 60

  • Time: 11 AM PST, 1 PM CST, 2 PM EST, 7 PM GMT

  • Meeting place: Mystic Encampment (Game Lobby)

  • Stealing Creations Guide: Click here

  • Items required: All items must be banked in order to enter the game.

- RuneHQ Events Team -

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