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New Guides, Magic Carpet Ride, and Behind the Scenes
RuneHQ News

The High Wilderness Mine Map , Hobgoblin Mine Map,
Hemenster City Guide, South-East Varrock Mine Map, Al Kharid Mining Map
Have been updated by hampster_hat!

The Guide to the Abyss Special Report has been finally uploaded. Thanks to Shadow503, Rohan Har, Spaz and some others.


The Transportation Guide has been uploaded! Everyone thank Slow Cheetah and everyone who helped out with writing this great guide!

The Tree Gnome Village City Guide has also been uploaded. Thank rohan_har and all those who helped with that too!

And finally, the Goblin Village City Guide by hampster_hat has been uploaded!


The following is a direct quotationfrom

5th July 2005 - Magic Carpet Ride

Great news for the desert economy as stocks in kebabs, camels and sand soared due to today's announcement by Ali Morrisane of a new runestone-free rapid transport system for the Kharidian desert. This lays to rest the speculation that had been mounting recently about magic carpets, something not seen in these parts since the great carpet crash of '76*, making their way back into mainstream desert life.

A spokesgnome from Gnome-Air, previously RuneScape's only airline, was sceptical of Mr Morrisane's latest venture. "It will never take off." was the response by the airline's P.R. executive when questioned about the enterprise.

Mr Morrisane announced that, once the carpets are fully operational, 7 routes will be available to customers, with Pollnivneach and the Shantay Pass acting as travel hubs.

Entrepreneurs throughout the region are rubbing their hands in the expectation of a bumper week of trade, as experts have predicted a large stream of adventurers and tourists visiting the area in order to investigate these magic carpets.

In Other News

The inventory images of trimmed body armour have been tweaked slightly so as to match the worn models.

We've improved the part of the Tree Gnome Village quest where you use the ballista to breach the Khazard stronghold, so if you're guiding a friend through the quest, please be aware that this section has changed.

It will no longer be possible to take Rogue armour to places where armour is restricted, such as Entrana.

Players may now hand the ogre composite bow to Rantz for him to check the number of chompy birds you've killed. Previously he would only do this if you handed him the standard ogre bow used in the Big Chompybird Hunting quest.

* The Great carpet crash of '76:
The grand Sultan of Al Kharid tragically died after he mistook a doormat for his racing rug and plummeted to his death when he jumped off an upper tower of the palace. This led to concerned citizens demanding a halt to all carpet travel, something that occurred but was never written down as law.

5th July 2005 - Behind The Scenes - July

This month will bring a variety of exciting updates, including: efficient desert travel, the next part to the popular Ardougne Plague series (Biohazard, Regicide etc), the release of the farming skill, farming shops, new beverages, new food, new training areas, statue-stealing, the Queen of Varrock and the Gnomic "surface to sheep paintball launcher".

Furious debates have been heard in Gnome trees thanks to the emergence of Alis magic carpets, the popular new transport option for the desert. King Narnode himself is said to be furious following a very unproductive meeting with Ali Morrisane from which the king managed to leave with no concessions or clear air boundaries, but he did buy a nice new set of toothpicks and a bucket and spade. And some sand. Gnome politicians are said to be calling for the early resignation of the king and demanding he does not stand for another term in next year's Gnome Elections*.

In other more distant lands, the mystery surrounding the Ardougne plague is beginning to unravel. Residents of the Isafdar woods have discovered gas masks and freshly picked dwellberries on the western side of the Underground Pass. Did the sickness originate from the elves of Tirannwn? Why do grizzly bears always wink when you walk past them? Did Iban's madness affect Koftik more than previously thought? Is Councillor Halgrive really the son of King Vargas of Miscellania? Will Dr Orbon's elaborate plague suit scheme finally be exposed? Is the writer of this Behind the Scenes article just generating red herrings? Wait just a few weeks and find out!

And then there is farming too. The addition of farming to the game will be the biggest update so far this year, with hundreds of new items, new crafting options, over 20 additions to the cooking skill, new weapon poisons, scarecrows and just to top it all off we have reworked a vast amount of the gameworld to include our new farming patches, all of which will be marked on the map. We have even given purpose to the giant farm building just north of Port Sarim. And to encourage you all to farm just a little bit more, we are also releasing a quest at the end of the month with a heavy gardening theme to it. Would you help a stressed-out member of the RuneScape royalty relax in a purpose-built garden or would you just point and laugh? The choice is yours.

Enjoy, and dont get your fingers caught in the compost bin.

RuneScape Content Team

*Yes, Gnome Kings are elected just like modern-day politicians. No, it's not a mistake.

Site News Update
RuneHQ News

Hi Folks,

Well, this is all taking shape, even faster than we've expected. In the last two weeks, we've grown by roughly 50%, peaking out even the Ethical bandwidth.

Registrations are up (mods, be SURE to validate people, and be sure to follow ALL COPPA laws for those under 13), traffic is insane, and the reach of users is in the top echelon of all gaming sites, including many major corporate players.

Weezy and I are off to Chicago this weekend again to mess around... er, I mean meet with the Ethical staff, and flesh out some of the initial ideas that we have come up with and that our wonderful user community has suggested to us.

There will be some changes, including some advertising to offset the massive increase in cost now occurring as RuneHQ starts to autoscale, even before we've made many alterations.

This is, realistically, because you're doing what we need, spreading the word, giving off hope, making people excited, and we're amazed.

Please continue to tell your friends, and have them register here on the forums.

Also, Scott asked me to please post this thread here in the news for a better response. Actually, there are three. Two polls and one thread.

The links are:

href="" >

Please, take a moment and not only take the polls, but comment on them, as well as share your ideas as to what you'd like from RuneHQ.

Some will be possible, probably most, but we can't make any promises. We will do our best to make things better for your enjoyment. We would like to thank you for all your comments and suggestions, they really do help us understand your needs and desires.

Other than that, we'll do our utmost best to support the greatest online gaming community created for RuneScape.



New City Guides and New Map in a City Guide
RuneHQ News

Hampster_Hat has been a busy little helper and has again graced us with several City Guides. He also redid the map for the East Ardougne City Guide. Thanks Hampster_Hat.

You can view the new city guides here or by clicking on the city guide link on the nav bar on the left.

Mountain Camp Guide

West Ardougne City Guide

Elf Camp

Recruitment Drive
RuneHQ News

The Recruitment Drive Quest Guide has been uploaded! Thanks to everyone who helped out with it!


The following is a direct quotation from

27th June 2005 - Recruitment Drive

Sir Amik Varze, leader of the White Knights of Falador, has issued a summons to those brave adventurers who have been of assistance to him in stopping the dastardly plans that were afoot in the Black Knights Fortress.

Rumours abound however, that he is merely a middleman acting on behalf of a mysterious secret society who have some power over the White Knights.

Adventurers of a logical and puzzle solving disposition should head immediately to meet with Sir Amik Varze, who will give you further details about the Temple Knights' Recruitment Drive, and their short yet mentally challenging quest.

Other Changes

  • We have put the 'stripe' on trimmed armoured skirts back.

  • The contortion bars within the Rogues' Den no longer drain your agility if another player was using them while you attempted to go through them.

  • Players who have had a binding spell cast upon them in Castle Wars can now no longer use the stepping stones to escape.

New City Guides, Special Report and New Map
RuneHQ News

Hampster_Hat has been a busy little helper and provided us with some new city guides and a new map for your enjoyment. Slow Cheetah has also supplied us with a Port Phasmatys City Guide for your perusing enjoyment. actualism supplied us with a Rogue's Den Maze Guide which can be found in the special reports. Thank you Hampster_Hat, Slow Cheetah and actualism!

We now have the following available for you:

Tyras Camp Guide

Sophanem City Guide

Al Kharid Desert Cacti Map

Port Phasmatys City Guide

Rogue's Den Maze Guide


News Update! The Rogues Den Map, courtesy of Xtotre and bubble edie, has been posted!

~RuneHQ Staff~

Rogues Den + Tweaks
RuneHQ News

The following is a direct quotation from

22nd June 2005 - Rogues Den + Tweaks

This week's update will pose a real challenge for all fans of Thieving and Agility!

Dare you enter an epic maze of deadly traps, fiendish obstacles and devious puzzles? Will you make it to the centre and claim the rewards that have been locked away from all but the sneakiest players?

Find out when you visit the Burthope Inn, and discover the Rogues Den!

You will need to keep your wits about you, but theres some very cool looking new armour just for those skilled, cunning and lucky enough to open the safes at the very centre.

But that's not all!

Everyone who attempts the Den will get Agility and Thieving experience dependent upon how successfully they navigate through, so it's worth giving it a shot!

This new area occupies a fiendish space more than five times the size of Lumbridge and has more than 440 devilish traps to tax even the nimblest of our agility "high scorers".

Other Changes

This week also sees the rework of the female body changes.
We have listened to your comments and tried to reach a compromise we think all parties will be happy with. We hope you approve.

We have also redesigned the duelling options screen.

This should help make very clear what you will or won't allow in your duels.

More detailed information can be found within the combat section of the manual.

Cannonballs have also been given a "make-x" option, and the XP rates per cannonball have been changed as they are now much more convenient to make.

Tiara moulds have been redesigned with a more lightweight material, with the result that they now weigh 1kg instead of the previous 20kg.

Finally, the rune rewards at the end of the barrows have been returned to normal after a miscalculation in the rewards last week.

Exciting News for RuneHQ!
RuneHQ News

Weezy and I just returned from a important and exciting business meeting with our corporate sponsor, Ethical Tools.

We have lots of great things planned for the site and we will be releasing more details as we narrow them down. Suffice it to say we are very excited about some of the ideas we have so far.

This is a direct quote from our good friend Scott, who is also the CEO of Ethical :

Thank you folks for everything, and in the next few weeks, well, we're gonna rock this world in a way that ain't ever been seen. :)

Start spreadin' the word.... some truly revolutionary things are just over the horizon.

End Quote.

We are going to do our best to make things happen as soon as possible. It may take longer than we would like to pull things together, but rest assured, it will be exciting and awesome to be here in the near future. The future looks very bright for RuneHQ, Runescape and all of the wonderful people that have made this site one of the best Runescape resources on the planet. When we are done, I can safely say you will be glad you were here to see it all unfold. Spread the word, RuneHQ is the place to be!

If you would like to discuss this announcement, you can read and reply to this thread!

RuneHQ Exciting News Updates

For an updated reply, click here


Site Updates for Person, Monster and Item Databases
RuneHQ News

We have added pagination to the Person, Monster and Item Databases to reduce the loading times.

We also added a Printable Version Link on each person, item and monster. This should make it easier for you to print these out if needed. We are also going to be adding a printable version for all guides in the very near future.


RuneHQ News

If you visit the forum, I wish for you all to read this announcement, please. View it Here

RuneHQ Owner
Lisa Rowe

Runecraft Update and Rune Shop Changes
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ's Runecrafting Skill Guide has been updated to include the new Tiaras, Combination runes, Rune essence pouches, and the Zamorak Mage mini-quest mentioned below. As new info is submitted in the forums, we will continue to augment the Skill Guide until it completely addresses today's update.

The following is a direct quotation from

13th June 2005 - RuneCraft Update + Tweaks

Todays updates introduce a number of tweaks to the RuneCrafting skill.

Firstly we have introduced a new craftable tiara, which can be combined with any Rune Talisman of your choice to create an enchanted Tiara that can be worn in your helmet slot, and which will allow you to enter the appropriate temple simply by left clicking on it, rather than the normal method of using a talisman on the temple.

Tiaras to get to the temples currently accessible by free players are all available to make on free worlds. Tiaras can be made using silver bars with a furnace and a Tiara mould (which are available from crafting stores) and are made using the crafting skill.

Secondly, we have introduced a number of new "combination runes" for members, that can only be obtained by RuneCrafting existing runes together at Rune altars. More details on how to do this are available on our manual page for RuneCrafting.

As this is a process that can involve failure in producing runes, we have also added a new type of necklace (the necklace of binding) which can be made by enchanting an emerald necklace and will allow a perfect binding rate for a limited number of uses.

Finally, we have added a Zamorakian mage to the members worlds who will assist RuneCrafters who have done the Rune Mysteries Quest with a potentially dangerous, yet also potentially faster method of RuneCrafting, but you might first have to do a little favour for him...

This Zamorak Mage can be found by the mouth of the river just North of Edgeville, and also functions as an 'emergency' rune shop for those uninterested in RuneCrafting.

Other Game Tweaks

Castle wars has been altered so that players cannot take ANYTHING into the game that is not:

# a) Wearable.

# b) A potion.

# c) A rune.

Players are reminded that stocks of bandages etc are stored in the castles spawn room.

It is now also impossible to cast the alchemy spells in the castlewars area.

We have also changed the behaviour of Paladins so that they should now be more aware of players thieving from various stalls nearby.

13th June 2005 - Rune Shop Changes

We noticed that rune shops were restocking very slowly, so it was difficult to buy runes from them except immediately after the worlds had been rebooted.

We have therefore increased the respawn rate of the shops so that people have a better chance to buy runes from them at any time. This means we have been able to decrease the number of runes in a shop straight after reboot, yet overall have significantly more runes entering the game via shops.

Now runes will be much more fairly distributed amongst people who like to play at different times of day. Since this means that there will now be considerably more runes entering the game through the shops, we have increased the shop prices of the runes to be closer to the prices players generally charge for them.

New Special Report
RuneHQ News

Thanks to Kang227 for this great guide on Hunting the plain dragons. Click Here to View the Guide


Keldagrim City Guide
RuneHQ News

The "Keldagrim City Guide" is now here. A big thanks to Chopsteeq, for all the hard work that has gone into this. Have fun and enjoy the new guide. - View it here


Runescape Updates
RuneHQ News

The following is a direct quotation from

Seeds, Bankspace And Advisors

Start Collecting Seeds In Preperation For July's Farming Update

A new farmers market has appeared in Draynor Village next to Diango the toy seller. Members can buy the seeds needed for the upcoming farming skill, which will be released in July. Players with sufficient thieving levels can also pickpocket the master farmers and steal from the stalls themselves. Other characters in the game may also drop various farming tools.

Players chopping down trees will also notice the odd nest tumbling down from the branches. These nests appear randomly for woodcutters (in a similar way to gems appearing when you are mining) and may contain useful items, including farming seeds.


We have seperated Farming from Player-Owned Houses in order to bring it to you sooner. Player Owned Houses are still being worked on along with the Carpentry skill for release towards the end of this year - Honestly! :-)

Helpful new NPC's

A new guide character has also arrived in Lumbridge. Appropriately named the Lumbridge Guide, he is there to help less experienced players who would like some additional information about the game. He can give tips and reminders on where to go to make money, fight monsters or simply find the bank. He'll also gives some handy hints on things such as avoiding scams and keeping your password safe.

He stands just outside the Lumbridge castle, holding a large staff with a question mark on the end and carrying a rucksack full of scrolls.

If you go to Lumbridge and look for a question mark icon on your minimap you should find him. There are also two other new characters wandring around Lumbridge called Donnie and Gee who can give some advice to new players on which quests to try. In other news, a Wise Old Man has moved into a disused house in Draynor Village. He's been exploring the world and studying its history for many years, and is happy to share his knowledge with any passing adventurer. He'll even help you identify a few useless items from old quests that you might still have in your bank. Members may offer to do a few simple tasks for him, for a suitable reward of course!

Increased Bank Space

In anticipation of the upcoming Farming skill and the release of these new seeds, we have provided an extra two lines of bank space for our members to make use of.

Various Tweaks

The Pollnivneach general store now functions as a normal general store.

The Make-over Mage, Falador Hairdresser and Thessalia's clothes shop in Varrock are all still free for makeovers, but this is for a limited time only.

There have also been some slight changes to the Khazzard battlefield. We highly recommend you take a look.

Behind The Scenes - June

The theme this month is "Random updates" since there is no real connecting theme between all the cool stuff released this month - aside from the theme of "Crikey, this is great!" of course.
First off you can now start collecting seeds in preperation for next months farming skill. We thought it would be a good idea to release a few of the raw materials this month so you can prepare your green fingers for a spot of planting and weeding for the full release of Farming in July.


We have seperated Farming from Player-Owned Houses in order to bring it to you sooner. Player Owned Houses are still being worked on along with the Carpentry skill for release towards the end of this year - Honestly! :-)

Seeds can be found through use of the woodcutting and thieving skills, as well as stalls to shop from and NPC's who drop tools. Don't worry, the bank of Varrock and all its branches will have extra space for members to store their new finds. Players will be able to find these seeds through a variety of new methods, starting in Draynor Village market.

Also, this month will bring a large update to the Runecrafting skill. We don't want to give too much away just yet, but it will provide new ways to create and carry your runes and will offer an entirely new route to get to the appropriate temples. Although the bulk of the update will be for our members, our free players will also notice a few new items to assist with rune creation.

New accounts will also reap the benefits of some helpful guides in the game. Lumbridge will see the addition of the Lumbridge guide who will offer useful advice to new players, and will welcome two new helpful chaps who will help new players find quests and things to do.

New challenges await our more sneaky and skulking players in the form of the "Rogues Den". Can you pit your wits against the challenges that await?

Also, a new quest coming this month will introduce the Temple Knights, founded by Saradomin centuries ago. Puzzle fans and those who enjoy pushing their logical thought to the max will be particularly interested in this short but taxing update.

We will also be introducing more NPC vs NPC combat this month. Although this will be a small addition to the game at the moment, we are planning to introduce more warring monsters in the future.

Website Maintenance

We are currently doing some essential maintenance. This will mean that users will not be able to submit queries to us nor access their message centre for the duration of this maintenance.
Please note that any queries that you have already sent in have been received, and there is no need to resubmit them.

We are aiming to complete this maintenance within a few hours. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Ape Atoll , and Lost tribe map
RuneHQ News

The Ape Atoll City Guide is now here for everyone to explore. Please give a big thank you to amiele for this great guide. - View it here

Lumbridge - Lost Tribe (Dorgeshuun) Map is also here for everyone. A big thanks to Slow Cheetah for providing this information for all of us. - View it here


Essence guide
RuneHQ News

The "Essence Running Guide" is now here. A big thanks to Lordofchao50, for all the hard work that has gone into this. - View it here


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