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Loyalty points reminder!
RuneHQ News

Loyalty points reminder!

Hey there!

This is just a small reminder for all those who players who inscribed themselves in the Members' Loyalty Programme the day it came out (or the 28th of last month) that today you are all getting a new batch of Loyalty points!

But don't stop there and get into the community!

Are you going to save your points for the Jack of Trades, or waiting for the update of new Loyalty rewards? Or can't wait and you already have in mind what are you going to get? Come to our forums and discuss! Simply click the link below to reach the topic:

- Loyalty programme: August -


Vane sings Barbie Girl!
RuneHQ News

Vane sings Barbie Girl!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen! Our amazing Content Editor is going to blow your minds with her latest song - Barbie Girl! Click the link below to check out her YouTube video:

Vane sings Barbie Girl!

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did! If you'd like to be a singing sensation like ultra-hot Vane, join us on Ventrilo for a Karaoke session!


RS Teasers for week of Aug 29 - Sep 04
RuneHQ News

RS Teasers for Aug 29 - Sep 04

Below are images that were sent today to all the Gold and Platinum fan sites.

What do you guys think this update might be? Please let us know in our forum thread! (link added below images)

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Want larger images? Check out the RS Teaser thread on our forums and please let us know what you think about the upcoming update! Below is the link to the thread:

RS Teasers for Week of Aug 29 - Sep 04

What are these RS Teasers?

The RS Teasers are images supplied directly by Jagex and sent to us here at RuneHQ. We strive to release them to the public ASAP when we receive them. These images are for the next planned, in-game update. The "week of" is the planned release week, but please keep in mind that sometimes problems occur and an update may be pushed back a week or an update may have to happen out of order due to technical issues. Also keep in mind that RuneHQ is not a part of Jagex!

-RuneHQ Staff

August Event - God Wars (Bandos)
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ Event - God Wars (Bandos)

God Wars (Bandos)

For the last event in August, we're ending the month with a bang - in the God Wars dungeon! This week we're killing Bandos's chief minion, General Graardor, and his three sergeants. The time is inconvenient for some people, though, so we're having a second event at a different time so that people won't have to get up early or stay up late to come to an event.

To get into the the Bandos area of the dungeon, you'll need level 70 Strength, and to get into the boss room, you'll have to have killed 40 of the Bandos monsters. Please have your killcount before the events start, as we'll be going into the boss room as soon as it starts, and not waiting for people. We will be using coinshare, so that everyone will get a share of any good loot. Bring good armour and a weapon, but nothing you aren't prepared to lose. If you do die, your grave will be blessed, so you will be able to come back to it.

  • Date: Saturday, 27th of August (Sunday the 28th for Australia)

  • Time: 2pm CDT / 7pm GMT / 8pm UK / 5am Australia

  • World: 56 (P2P)

  • Friend Chat: Crablogger

  • Meeting Point: Outside the Bandos boss room

  • Date: Sunday, 28th of August

  • Time: 4am CDT / 9am GMT / 10am UK / 7pm Australia

  • World: 56 (P2P)

  • Friend Chat: Crablogger

  • Meeting Point: Outside the Bandos boss room

For more information on the God Wars dungeon, please visit our guide.

Please visit the Bandos God Wars Event topic on the forums for discussion.

We hope to see you all the event!

-RuneHQ Events Team-

New Rewards for Minigames!
RuneHQ News

New Rewards for Minigames!

This week's in-game update allows players to purchase high-level rewards from minigames! Check out the link below for additional information:

23-Aug-2011 -
New Rewards for Minigames

Some of these rewards include armor sets that boost Thieving and Runecrafting XP gain. You may find these rewards quite useful, if you're planning on training these skills in the near future.

To discuss this update on our forums, please visit the link below:

RuneHQ Forums - New Rewards for Minigames!

We'd love to hear your feedback and opinions about this exciting update!

-RuneHQ Staff

Jagex Clan Cup 2011 Update
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ Sponsored Clans Update

This year in the clan cup, we were given the opportunity to sponsor three clans. The clans we sponsored are:

These clans each competed extremely well, and we thought we'd share some of the results with you.

Divine Forces advanced from the first round into the second and third rounds of the combat cup. In the second round, they beat Poison by an astonishing 47 ops! The third round was against Mono Brazilians and was another clean victory with 51 ops to spare. DF then proceeded into the quarter finals against one of the strongest clans, RuneScape Dinasty. It was a hard fought battle, but unfortunately DF was defeated. You can view the video of the war here.

The Gladiatorz were another promising clan who were entered into the combat cup. They faced The Titans in the first round. It was a well fought fight, but The Gladiatorz were eliminated.

Divination is entered into the skilling cup. The contest works in a way where results are compiled over the duration of the Jagex Cup. We don't know who is in the lead, or how Divination is doing, but once the results are posted, we will give you an update.

For more information regarding results and current standings visit the RuneScape Forums: Jagex Clan Cup 2011

-RuneHQ Staff

RS Teasers for week of Aug 22 - 28
RuneHQ News

RS Teasers for Aug 22 - 28

Jagex sent us the following images today to all the Gold and Platinum fan sites.

What do you guys think? Please let us know in our forum thread! (link added below images)

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Want larger images? Check out the RS Teaser thread on our forums and please let us know what you think about the upcoming update! Below is the link to the thread:

RS Teasers for Week of Aug 22 - Aug 28

What are these RS Teasers?

The RS Teasers are images supplied directly by Jagex and sent to us here at RuneHQ. We strive to release them to the public ASAP when we receive them. These images are for the next planned, in-game update. The "week of" is the planned release week, but please keep in mind that sometimes problems occur and an update may be pushed back a week or an update may have to happen out of order due to technical issues. Also keep in mind that RuneHQ is not a part of Jagex!

-RuneHQ Staff

RuneHQ Event - Fist of Guthix!
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ Event - Fist of Guthix!

For the second event in August, we're popping over to Fist of Guthix, a minigame located in the Gamers' Grotto. It's available to freeplayers too, so come along! There are no requirements or restrictions - anything goes! We'll also be doing a second event the next day on a member world, if you want to bring out all your member-only gear.

  • Date: Saturday, 13th of August

  • Time: 2pm CDT / 7pm GMT / 8pm UK

  • World: 61 (F2P)

  • Clan Chat: RuneHQ

  • Friend Chat: Crablogger

  • Meet: Fist of Guthix lobby

  • Date: Sunday, 14th of August

  • Time: 2pm CDT / 7pm GMT / 8pm UK

  • World: 60 (P2P)

  • Clan Chat: RuneHQ

  • Friend Chat: Crablogger

  • Meet: Fist of Guthix lobby

For more information on Fist of Guthix, follow this link. If you'd like to discuss this event on our forums, click here!

We hope to see you all there!

-RuneHQ Events Team-

RS Teaser -- Aug 15 - 21
RuneHQ News

RS Teasers for Aug 15 - 21

New teaser images!!! They appear to be in the Mort Myre area with their dark graphics, but what could it be?

Please let us know what you think of these pictures in our forum thread! (link added below images)

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Want larger images? Check out the RS Teaser thread on our forums and please let us know what you think about the upcoming update! Below is the link to the thread:

RS Teaser -- Aug 15 - Aug 21

What are these RS Teasers?

The RS Teasers are images supplied directly by Jagex and sent to us here at RuneHQ. We strive to release them to the public ASAP when we receive them. These images are for the next planned, in-game update. The "week of" is the planned release week, but please keep in mind that sometimes problems occur and an update may be pushed back a week or an update may have to happen out of order due to technical issues. Also keep in mind that RuneHQ is not a part of Jagex!

-RuneHQ Staff

Jagex Clan Cup 2011!
RuneHQ News

Jagex Clan Cup 2011!

As the title implies, this competition determines which RuneScape clan is the best one to ever exist! Participating clans focus on combat, skilling, or a combination of the two. More information can be found here: Jagex Clan Cup 2011

Jagex have allowed fan sites to sponsor participating clans in this competition. We are currently sponsoring the following clans:

Divine Forces passes Round 1 of the 2011 Jagex Cup F2P Full Out category by defeating the oldest clan alive, THE Clan. Here is a picture of the action that took place:

Divine Forces

Divine Forces are one of the expected clans to win the Jagex F2P Full Out Category. Coming 3rd spot in the first cup, and eliminated in the Quarter-Finals in last year's Jagex Cup, they are expected to excel in this year's cup. You can visit Divine Forces at

We hope Divination and Gladiatorz emerge victorious in their battles as well, and wish all three clans the best of luck in this competition!

-RuneHQ Staff

RuneHQ's Monthly TribRune August edition
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ's Monthly TribRune is Here!

The latest RuneHQ newspaper is out and can be found here:

RuneHQ's Monthly TribRune - August Edition

We'd love to hear your feedback! We're still new at this and we have some ideas on things we want to improve, but we'd also like to hear what you think. After all, this is written for you guys! If you have any feedback, please drop by our forums (no registration required!) below:

Feedback for the Newspaper

If you have questions, please contact Ubernisation by clicking below:

Contact Ubernisation via PM

- The RuneHQ Monthly TribRune Staff

RS Teasers for week of Aug 08 - 14
RuneHQ News

RS Teasers for Aug 08 - 14

Jagex sent us the following images today to all the Gold and Platinum fan sites.

What do you guys think? Please let us know in our forum thread! (link added below images)

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Want larger images? Check out the RS Teaser thread on our forums and please let us know what you think about the upcoming update! Below is the link to the thread:

RS Teasers for Week of Aug 08 - Aug 14

What are these RS Teasers?

The RS Teasers are images supplied directly by Jagex and sent to us here at RuneHQ. We strive to release them to the public ASAP when we receive them. These images are for the next planned, in-game update. The "week of" is the planned release week, but please keep in mind that sometimes problems occur and an update may be pushed back a week or an update may have to happen out of order due to technical issues. Also keep in mind that RuneHQ is not a part of Jagex!

-RuneHQ Staff

Stealing Creation
RuneHQ News

August Event - Stealing Creation!

Clay collecting, pvp, running for your life! This can only mean stealing creations, the great game of two teams fighting over the clay of the land to see who comes out victorious. Come and join us for lots of fun and craziness all just for the fun of it. Hope to see you all there!

To discuss this event on the forums, click here.

  • Date: Saturday, 6th August

  • Time: 2pm CDT / 7pm GMT / 9pm UK

  • Meet: Stealing Creation Lobby

  • World: 60 (P2P)

  • Friend Chat: Crablogger

For additional information on this mini-game, please visit our Stealing Creation guide.

-RuneHQ Events Team-

RuneHQ Clan
RuneHQ News

Massive Kicking in the RuneHQ Clan?

Dear RuneHQ Members,

Twice in this week, everyone who was in the clan got kicked for no reason. The first time this happened, we believed it was a bug. But earlier today, it happened again. However this time, the betrayer (an admin) admitted that it wasn't a bug at all, but rather he himself that did all of the kicking. Apparently admins could kick from the clan even if their ability to kick from the chat was removed. To ensure this problem does not happen again, we have removed everyone who is not a member of the RuneHQ Staff from the admin rank. This is just a safety precaution.

It's sad that this happened to our beloved clan and it does give RuneHQ a bad name. If you were kicked, simply join as a guest and ask for another invite in the clan chat. As a guest you can talk in the clan chat by typing /// in front of your message. You can also pm Alfawarlord, Im4eversmart, KittH4wk, Elpasi2, or Lilroo503 to be reinstated in the clan.

We apologize for what happened and hope you will return to the official RuneHQ clan and your true home.

The RuneHQ Clan Staff

RuneHQ Clan

RuneHQ Castle Wars!
RuneHQ News

RuneHQ Castle Wars!

RuneHQ Castle Wars

It's time, once again, to play one of the most popular minigames in Runescape: Castle Wars!

The object of this exciting team-based activity is to capture the other team's flag, located at the very top of their castle, and bring it to the same place in your own castle. Whichever team scores the most times in the 20-minute time period wins! There's more to it than that, though: you can defend your flag with freezing or binding spells and barricades, or just run around killing as many people as possible!

We hope to see you there!

  • Date: Saturday, 30th July

  • Time: 2pm CTD / 8pm GMT / 9pm UK

  • World: 60 (P2P)

  • Friend Chat: Crablogger

  • Meeting Place: Castle Wars lobby

  • Requirements: None

  • Recommended Items: Good combat gear

If you wish to know more about Castle Wars, then please check out our Castle Wars activity guide.

-RuneHQ Events Team-

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